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What tomato varieties are you growing in 2017


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  • Just potted on some Ailsa Craig into large yoghurt pots, still an old favourite of mine.


    • Finally got around to wrting up and counting them

      So this year I have so far (although have no plans to sow any more at this point)

      100s & 1000s
      Berkeley Tie Dye
      Black Cherry
      Black Russian
      Black Sea Man
      Brown Sugar
      Chiapas Wild
      Chocolate Cherry
      Cream Sausage
      Dark Galaxy
      Gardener's Delight
      German Lunchbox
      Golden Queen
      Golden Sunrise
      Mrs Rucks
      Paul Robeson
      Principe Borghese
      Purple Ukraine
      Rambling Red Stripe
      Raspberry Oxheart
      Red Fox Cherry
      Red Zebra
      Speckled Roman
      Striped Roman
      Summer Cider
      Sungold Cherry
      Sweet Millions
      Tres cantos
      Unknown Black
      Vesen Mieur
      White Cherry
      Yellow Perfection

      In total, I have 89 plants growing away happily, with many in the greenhouse for the last two weeks or so...I will give some away so will reduce the number I have to deal with
      I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

      ...utterly nutterly


      • Are your tomatoes in an unheated greenhouse Trip.?

        And when your back stops aching,
        And your hands begin to harden.
        You will find yourself a partner,
        In the glory of the garden.

        Rudyard Kipling.sigpic


        • Originally posted by bramble View Post
          Are your tomatoes in an unheated greenhouse Trip.?
          Yes Bramble, they are..

          Decided to chance them outside a good bit earlier this year and no ill effects so far..although we haven't had any really cold nights in a while and I still keep an eye on the forecast...
          I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

          ...utterly nutterly


          • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
            Is that also known as Blonde Boar? I think I have some...
            Quote Originally Posted by Scarlet View Post
            Is that also known as Blonde Boar? I think I have some...
            Being a zebra I assumed it was another Tom Wagner variety but can't find any history on it. I got the seeds a couple of years ago from plant world seeds and there was a big variation on the plants grown from the seeds. Blond Boar was apparently bred by Brad Gates of Wild Boar farms. Both toms come up very a like though, so would be interesting to see what they were like side by side. Have you grown the blond boar at any point? what did you think of them if you did?

            I think it's a case of a company renaming, I think theg are "both" Brad page 3 on this link. I'm not sure, I just stick with the name that I was given on the pack.
            white zebra - Page 3 - Tomatoville� Gardening Forums

            I'll look tomorrow for them.
            I'm worried to comment (just incase Nellie reads this ) White & yellow toms taste pants compared to red and black ones - very mild I like something a little more acidic. From my book....medium size crop, pretty tasteless, don't grow again
            Tom has awesome knowledge and is my go to for inspiration, but in this case I'm not so sure that they are a simple renaming of an exact variety. Perhaps White zebra from Brad might have been an early selection before he selected the clone he named Blonde Boar?

            I've grown them both together (White Zebra from Baker Creek and Blonde Boar from Wild Boar Farms) and from what I could tell, although similar they were different and in my opinion Blonde Boar is the better tasting of the two. I'm not much of a yellow or white tomato fan (generally I find them too mild without the zing I love from some of the other colours), but BB I found very good, lovely flavour and well worth growing. Personally I think seeds saved from either of these two should retain their original packet name and not use the others
            Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


            • Originally posted by poly View Post
              Personally I think seeds saved from either of these two should retain their original packet name and not use the others
              Totally agree with that! It really gets my goat Such a pet hate of mine.

              ...I may dig out those blonde boar and give them another try...may be good for the tomato circle.
              You are more than welcome to join in this year? I'm sure there are several grapes here that would love to try a couple of your varieties ( that includes me of course)
              Last edited by Scarlet; 16-04-2017, 01:24 PM.


              • Yes do grow Blonde Boar they are high up on my list of WBF varieties to grow, I'd love to know what you think of them.

                Thanks, but I've had a rocky couple of years and still feeling a bit fragile, so I won't join this year as I don't know if I'll be able to complete. But if the season goes well I'm hoping to save seeds and update stock, perhaps I can add some in as a bonus for the group and or offer some in the swap thread later on.
                Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


                • Got some Artisan Bumble Bee Mixed seeds at a local swap, so can add them to the list.
                  Falling short of my original target of around 30, but I've got plenty of plants now, and I've already started giving spares away.
                  Still waiting for the Black Truffle, but they are old seeds from the VSP that are showing no signs of germination.

                  Artisan Bumble Bee Mixed
                  Black Prince
                  Black Russian
                  German Orange Strawberry
                  Gold Nugget
                  Green Zebra
                  Ludmilla's Yellow Giant
                  Mini Orange
                  Mini San Marzano F2
                  NJD Cherry
                  Orange Banana
                  Pantano Romanesco
                  Purple Ukraine
                  Red Cherry
                  Rio Grande
                  Roughwood Golden Plum
                  Spanish Big Globe
                  Summer Cider
                  Sun Baby
                  Survivor (unknown volunteer)
                  Tropical Ruby F1


                  • Superb x2
                    sakura x 2
                    Sungold x4
                    Apero x4
                    Rosada x2
                    Black cherry x2

                    Crimson crush x12
                    Black russian x 4

                    Mountain magic x 8
                    Hundreds and thousands x 4
                    Last edited by maverick451; 02-05-2017, 06:57 PM.


                    • Wow you are all way more adventurous than me! I've got tiny tim, subarctic plenty, roma, marmande and the little cherry ones from Lidl in the foil tray thing. They've taken like anything!


                      • Originally posted by Chris11 View Post
                        Got some Artisan Bumble Bee Mixed seeds at a local swap, so can add them to the list.
                        Falling short of my original target of around 30, but I've got plenty of plants now, and I've already started giving spares away.
                        Still waiting for the Black Truffle, but they are old seeds from the VSP that are showing no signs of germination.

                        Artisan Bumble Bee Mixed
                        Black Prince
                        Black Russian
                        German Orange Strawberry
                        Gold Nugget
                        Green Zebra
                        Ludmilla's Yellow Giant
                        Mini Orange
                        Mini San Marzano F2
                        NJD Cherry
                        Orange Banana
                        Pantano Romanesco
                        Purple Ukraine
                        Red Cherry
                        Rio Grande
                        Roughwood Golden Plum
                        Spanish Big Globe
                        Summer Cider
                        Sun Baby
                        Survivor (unknown volunteer)
                        Tropical Ruby F1
                        I used older seed for Japanese Black Trifele too, but was lucky enough to get pretty good germination and ended up with more seedlings than I needed. They are not very big and in need of some tender loving care and a good feed (don't you just love B&Q compost!!!!) I can pop one or up to I think 4 in the post if you have the space? Seed was from Baker Creek.

                        I've some other plug plants going spare if you'd like some more different varieties to take you over the 30 mark? Go on save them!
                        Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


                        • Originally posted by poly View Post
                          I used older seed for Japanese Black Trifele too, but was lucky enough to get pretty good germination and ended up with more seedlings than I needed. They are not very big and in need of some tender loving care and a good feed (don't you just love B&Q compost!!!!) I can pop one or up to I think 4 in the post if you have the space? Seed was from Baker Creek.

                          I've some other plug plants going spare if you'd like some more different varieties to take you over the 30 mark? Go on save them!
                          Thanks Poly, that's very kind, I'll send you a pm

                          My Black Truffle/Japanese Black Trifele were labelled from 2011, and I assume self saved. I've never ordered from Baker Creek, but I often refer to their website for information and reviews.


                          • I've pretty much always had good seed from them, one order disappeared once never to arrive, but I guess things do go missing occasionally. It's a nice site, I love browsing there
                            Mostly Tomato Mania Blog


                            • I'll have to amend my list, not a single Crimson Crush germinated, all others along side them did, maybe dodgy packet of seeds from Suttons.


                              • Sowed the last of mine today, a little late but being North not that worried to be honest, unlike last year where I sowed early n had to try hold em back for weeks for the weather to warm, so hoping by doing this they will get a steady flow from sowing to final position, we'll see!

                                Right, Growing this year:

                                Schwarze Weinreich or "Unknown Black"
                                Vesennij Mieurinskm
                                Speckled Roman
                                Cream Sausage
                                Buffalo Horn
                                Chiapis Wild
                                Black Sea Man
                                Rio Grande
                                Red Zebra
                                Green Zebra
                                Berkley Tie-Dye
                                Black Icicle
                                Gold Rush
                                100 n 1000's
                                Tumbling tom red
                                Black Krim
                                Yellow Perfection
                                Red Pear
                                n last but not least Super Sweet 100

                                Now just need to get on top of the poly n greenhouse!
                                "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


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