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Is it safe to follow kohl rabi and turnips with more brassicas?


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  • #16
    Snadger, your doubts were my doubts. But I've been thinking about this since reading everyone's replies. Sprout plants, for example, are probably in the ground for longer or about the same time as successionally planted kohl rabi and kale combined would be. So in terms of nutrients and pests, I don't see that there would be much difference.

    Burnie, you've done what I propose in following one brassica with another. In the previous year, I will have had squash, courgettes and melons in these three beds. The idea being that the beds will have been very well-mucked for the cucurbits, as I understand brassica beds shouldn't be recently mucked (I'll be lightly spreading muck on the surface - it's a good three years old at least, so that should be OK). So, in the brassica year for these beds, I'm proposing to grow kohl rabi and turnips, which will only be in the ground for two to three months, if that. Then, I'll lightly work in the muck mulch and then I'll put in some kale. That's the plan anyway.

    That said, I'm terrible at growing brassicas and we eat loads, so I'm looking to improve them this year. If anyone has any views on my plan or any other recommendations, I'd be glad to hear them.


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