On my last plot i rebelled against plot rotation and 'Pocket Planted' all manner of mixed veg and flowers in small pockets of up to 600mm in diameter (using metric as younger grapes get confused with imperial measurements.)
I had 1000mm wide beds set up with the original idea of using these numerous beds for a crop rotation program. I soon found that I had all mannner of nasties in the plot like clubroot, white rot, carrot fly,cabbage root fly and any other dodgy fly or fungi you could possibly imagine.
Because i didn't know what lurked in each bed I filled each bed with multiple variations of flowers,brassicas,alliums,roots and even ornamental potatoes (Can recommend Red Duke of York for foliage display.)
Eventually through what i thought was good husbandry and a holistic approach I got rid of all these nasties and plot became very productive with no digging required.
I then changed plots!
I have five large beds of a similar size and have fallen into the plot rotation trap because of it.
I dunno whether to follow the holistic approach whereby I created a hotchpotch of colourful flowers and veg (Inspired by Geoff Hamiltons Ornamental kitchen garden) or take the opportunity to seperate brassica,alliums,roots,potatoes and other produce including flowers into their own beds?
Decisions, decisions!

I had 1000mm wide beds set up with the original idea of using these numerous beds for a crop rotation program. I soon found that I had all mannner of nasties in the plot like clubroot, white rot, carrot fly,cabbage root fly and any other dodgy fly or fungi you could possibly imagine.

Because i didn't know what lurked in each bed I filled each bed with multiple variations of flowers,brassicas,alliums,roots and even ornamental potatoes (Can recommend Red Duke of York for foliage display.)
Eventually through what i thought was good husbandry and a holistic approach I got rid of all these nasties and plot became very productive with no digging required.
I then changed plots!

I have five large beds of a similar size and have fallen into the plot rotation trap because of it.
I dunno whether to follow the holistic approach whereby I created a hotchpotch of colourful flowers and veg (Inspired by Geoff Hamiltons Ornamental kitchen garden) or take the opportunity to seperate brassica,alliums,roots,potatoes and other produce including flowers into their own beds?
Decisions, decisions!
