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Aubergine flower problems


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  • Aubergine flower problems

    Hi all.
    Does anyone know why the flowers on my aubergine plant form but then they die off before flowering properly. I have it in a plastic greenhouse which only gets about 4 hours of sun per day (that is if sun is out!!)
    cheers pammiep.

  • #2
    Hello Pammiep, I had the same problem when the aubergines started to flower - the flowers jusr fell off and there was no fruit. Afer a few weeks they started making much bigger stronger flowers which set aubergines. I was so pleased as this is the first success I have had with them. So maybe your plant is immature yet and will improve with time. The only other suggestion I can make is, they like a bit of humidity and spraying them daily with water might help the flowers to set. Or are your flowers scorching in direct sunlight - that could be the problem. I hope they will come good for you.

    From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


    • #3
      thanks Alice. I did wonder whether it was something to do with flowers not setting. I will start spraying them and see if that works.


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