I've found the fruit can be growing and healthy even if the plant looks like you know what - I definitely wouldn't cull them, what do you have to lose?
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Giant pumpkin
Originally posted by bario1 View PostI've found the fruit can be growing and healthy even if the plant looks like you know what - I definitely wouldn't cull them, what do you have to lose?
Exactly, i will continue to feed and water etc and see what happens, who knows it might even be happening for a reason, the plant might be suffering and think hey i need to reproduce so bad and fire all its last remaining energy into a monster marrow stuffed with seeds.. will just have to hope for the best
Alas, my Seed from "Matt's Monster" seems not to want to bear fruit. It was the "runt" of the litter anyway and is much smaller than the others from the same packet.
I'm getting lot's of flowers, lots of interest from the bee population but no fruit... I've even tried playing cupid myself but still no fruit...
I think it's less of Matt's Monster and more of Matt's Miniature..."Bulb: potential flower buried in Autumn, never to be seen again."
- Henry Beard
What's your verdict people?
Humphrey isn't doing so well
Humphreys baby ( growth has slowed considerably), he's between football and beach ball size.
The new growth looks healthy ( I've already removed lots of very unhealthy stuff)
Then there is this!!!. I've tried the milk several times, but it's still spreading.
I wish I could tell you how my squash are doing, but the big ones have escaped the garden and are growing through a patch of nettles into the field next door and can't be inspected without waders and gauntlets.
The second lot are not doing much at all - too late in for this cold summer - they might have done ok last year which was much warmer.Another happy Nutter...
Well I finally braved the nettles in the field next door. I have about 9 or 10 queensland blue all a decent size and a few really quite big (4 a bit bigger than football size and one verging on beach ball size). Have cut back nettles and excess squash leaves to get some sun on them, & repositioned a couple that were about to roll down the slope!
Have one uchiki kiri to try, & looks like I might get a couple of spaghetti squash after all.
Considering the slug invasion earlier in the year I'm quite pleased
How are Humphry, Pamela, and the rest doing?Another happy Nutter...
Humphreys seem to have stopped growing. But he's still attached to the plant at the moment. The bit of the plant that haven't been cut off seem alright. Like everyone else he is not a monster, not sure you could even class him as big!
He will be joining the VVS soon. I've just have to sort out the photo of his best pose
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