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Sooooooo far behind this year


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  • Sooooooo far behind this year

    Hi all,

    For one reason or other I've not been on the forum for months and our little home veg patch has been neglected since autumn

    So, what do I have right now, wellllll, a brassica cage that hasn't been inspected since early December, lord knows what's going on in there!

    A salad bed with spring onions and beetroot from last year plus about 6 big containers of main crop spuds that have been left all winter.......

    Oh and did I mention parsnips and carrots

    Tomorrow is going to be interesting! The beds have to be got ready and I only ordered seed potatoes yesterday. I think that this year is going to be a bit of an experiment, we shall see what happens!

    Ah well, what will be will be and I'm sure that at some point we will be eating some home grown produce

  • #2
    Sara you're not far behind I sown my first seeds only 8 days ago. you'll seeds will soon catch up.
    Location....East Midlands.


    • #3
      Thanks Bren, I have high hopes of catching up although potatoes will be interesting, will they survive blight, will they mature in time? Who knows!!


      • #4
        Same here, just sown roots last week andcurremtly sorting out my propagators

        New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

        �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
        ― Thomas A. Edison

        �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
        ― Thomas A. Edison

        - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


        • #5
          Just waiting for the rain to stop, still..


          • #6
            You're not that far behind me. In fact, you could even be ahead of me! Hope you have lots of fun.


            • #7
              I feel your pain SaraJH. I took on a new allotment at the end of October, and have only dug one quarter of it if that! Planted some garlic & shallots mid December, and have been tidying and digging ever since.

              Bought 10 Autumn fruiting raspberry canes a week ago and the bed still isn't completely dug, let alone manured. Receiving a full load of well rotted manure at 11 so best get going soon....

              I feel like I'm constantly behind and playing catch-up, it's becoming a chore and no longer enjoyable

              Chitted some potatoes 2 weeks ago, but bed not prepared for them (will be manured later), but almost everyone else has put theirs in this week!

              Haven't planted any seeds yet. Will put broad beans in root trainers later if I have time.

              Good luck!


              • #8
                Take your time and do it properly--do not rush.
                I am still trying to sort my garden out, and I haven't caught up in 40 years.
                Feed the soil, not the plants.
                (helps if you have cluckies)

                Man v Squirrels, pigeons & Ants


                • #9
                  Thanks all,

                  Super Sprout, I feel for you, when it becomes a chore it's not good is it. I really need to get my mojo back somehow.


                  • #10
                    Spring is mojo season! Nothing like starting off a few seeds and seeing the promise in them as they emerge, a bright new green.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BUFFS View Post
                      Just waiting for the rain to stop, still..
                      rain stopped, it snowed instead..


                      • #12
                        Don't worry Sara you're way ahead of me!

                        This time last year I had most things sown by now and was regretting it big time because there were plants everywhere - they'll all (more or less) work out the same!


                        • #13
                          My total seed sowing to date is 10 broad beans.....................try not to worry too much as it is only March and your mojo might get back fully refreshed and raring to sow.
                          I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. Thomas A. Edison

                          Outreach co-ordinator for the Gnome, Pixie and Fairy groups within the Nutters Club.


                          • #14
                            A month ago I emptied 3 potato bags I'd neglected and found I had a bounty of potatoes that hadn't rotted and actually some had just started to sprout. They were fantastic.

                            Likewise I still have several beetroot from last year and am eating them as and when. They are still fantastic.

                            Then we move onto carrots, I'm still pulling up ones sown in July.

                            All the garden books say none of this is possible, obviously on the South coast it is!
                            Last edited by Jonnyt; 22-03-2017, 07:48 AM.


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