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Squash Advice


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  • Squash Advice

    Being an absolute novice with regard to squash (three years growing them, but this is the first year I've got to getting flowers!) can I please ask some pretty basic questions

    These are my squash at the moment - Carnival (from Pigletwillie) and Hooligan.

    The hooligans are growing tremendously tall, do I nip out the top growing bud at some point to make sure growth is concentrated on a few harvestable squash? If so how many would you let grow?

    Do the fruit need fertilising, or is this the fertilised fruit growing already ?

    Do they need masses of water at this stage ?

    What should I be feeding them with and how often ?

    Sorry for so many questions, but I'm sooooo excited to get them this far. The TLC in the greenhouse, before they got to the tunnel was bordering on intensive care! I also want to show off to my friends who haven't managed to grow any yet And of course I really like squash soup.

    Thanks in advance
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    Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
    ~ Mary Kay Ash

  • #2
    Can I please ask some pretty basic questions

    Do I nip out the top growing bud at some point to make sure growth is concentrated on a few harvestable squash?
    You can, it is up to you, I normally do not bother, some folk do. It does increase the size of the remaining fruits.

    If so how many would you let grow?
    Not done it, so not sure, if it was a giant pumpkin I'd say one, oh lets say four per plant.

    Do the fruit need fertilising, or is this the fertilised fruit growing already ?
    If the base of the flower is bulging beyond large marble size then they have set. If the petal bit falls off and leaves the ball then deffo set.

    Do they need masses of water at this stage ?
    Given our recent weather don't worry about it at the mo'. However if the weather hots up ensure that they do not lack for water. The upside down, bottom cat off and cap disposed of 2L lemonade bottle trick near the roots is good.

    What should I be feeding them with and how often ?
    Tomato liqued feed in the water if you want to feed.
    I rely on lots of shite rotovated in during the spring before planting.

    Remember first frost the plants virtually evaporate.
    If storing the fruits cut the stem cleanly and put in a frostfree sunny place to let the skins cure and for the fruit to continue ripening. We are still eating last years Crown prince and Butternut from the garage, do loose some in store though and boy does your nose let you know!

    Ask away any time.
    Always thank people who have helped you immediately, as they may not be around to thank later.
    Visit my blog at - Updated 18th October 2009
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    • #3
      They are about the same stage as mine Jennie - mine are outdoors. They had lots of set fruits in the monsoon season (!) but they rotted off and I now have small set fruits like yours. Normally I let a max of 4 grow per plant. They give me reasonable sized fruits - I'm not after prizewinners, just a few dinners. As Peter said, I use tom food in the water. Best of luck - you might get some to eat and store this year if we get a decent spell now.
      Whoever plants a garden believes in the future. Updated March 9th - Spring


      • #4
        Thanks for asking all these questions Jennie, I needed to know too!
        You are a child of the universe,
        no less than the trees and the stars;
        you have a right to be here.

        Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

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        • #5
          Hi Jennie,

          I think peter has give you all you have asked. I would like to add for the fertilizing part. Last year I grew red kuri with minimal preparations on the growing site ( it was a trial) and i fertilized them once in a while with tomatoes feed,it gives some 2 medium size squashes and 1 small one per vine. This year I prepare the growing site with some cow manure, some small amount of lime and let it break down for 3 weeks or so and I side dress them with general fertilizer ( 12-10-15 ) mix with chicken pellet manure, and it seems to give so much better yield than last year, I have some 4 big sguashes per vine ( at the moment I notice some 8 biggies from 2 vines ) and they are starting to turn orange to their maturity colour. I do remove some of the shoots, but due to space issue. And it seems to help by mulching the soil when it is baking hot.
          Hope it help.

          I grow, I pick, I eat ...


          • #6
            Thank you all so much, that really does set me going now! Peter thanks for the detailed answer.

            Still like to ask about watering though as they are in the polytunnel, (and of course Shetland had its driest June (and we think July) since records began!). I'll put a bottle in beside them as suggested, but how much would you consider giving them on a regular basis?
            Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
            ~ Mary Kay Ash


            • #7
              I also wanted to know this - so thanks for asking - just one more thing... is the growing tip is the one that is busily making it's way across the entire vegetable plot?? If yes, how close to the fruit can I cut it without damaging the plant.
              How can a woman be expected to be happy with a man who insists on treating her as if she were a perfectly normal human being.�


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