Hi, I'm a first year allotmenteer and with the help of all this rain, we've had a very repectable harvest so far (despite not getting hold of our allotment til May! and breaking my leg in July! 
However, in my excitement I planted the Broad Beans a bit close together and they seem to be suffering from 'rust' (powdery deposit on the leaves) - could also be 'chocolate spot' I suppose. The Beans themselves are fine, it is just the leaves that are affected.
Can anyone tell me if the plants will be okay to compost, or will I be infecting my heap and therefore spreading the problem?
Am I safer burning/ binning the infected plants.
Look forward to your thoughts.

However, in my excitement I planted the Broad Beans a bit close together and they seem to be suffering from 'rust' (powdery deposit on the leaves) - could also be 'chocolate spot' I suppose. The Beans themselves are fine, it is just the leaves that are affected.
Can anyone tell me if the plants will be okay to compost, or will I be infecting my heap and therefore spreading the problem?

Look forward to your thoughts.
