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Show us your Bean and Pea frames 2017-2019


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  • #76
    Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
    Told you it might take a while!!


    Let's see the weight of the plants or the wind fold this bu@@er .
    Still have to cover it in net.
    Nice one. That looks somewhat sturdier than my effort:

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	2378258
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • #77
      blimey Cadalot! is that this year? gosh!
      (Mine is up, the peas'n'beans are growing, but haven't yet reached it. Going to feed them this week)

      and I've got a photo, but it doesn't like uploading when on data, so I'll try to do it from wifi this evening.
      Last edited by bikermike; 14-05-2018, 10:46 AM. Reason: forgot the bit about photos


      • #78
        Sorry for the daft question but have never grown peas before. My husband built little teepee frames from bamboo canes. Do I need to put net or string around them? Haven�t done either of those things at the moment.


        • #79
          Peas climb up netting or twigs, beans twine around canes.


          • #80
            Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
            Peas climb up netting or twigs, beans twine around canes.
            Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

            English is a tricky language. :-)


            • #81
              This is taken Aug'17 with remains of bean crop left for drying for seed.
              The containers are aapprox' 60 ltrs each,(mixture of 50% home made compost and FYM ,50% B&Q Verve).
              Variety, Lady Di and Firestorm ,8 plants per container , 32 in total, heaviest crop of runners Ive ever grown.
              The top RH of photo shows the unstripped area.
              This year, I have substituted the 2 end plastic pts for bags,same as as the middle 2 and will be using last years Potato compost with FYM plus 25% new MPC .
              The strings are 'Stimmer cord'.
              Attached Files
              Last edited by geepee; 14-05-2018, 11:00 PM. Reason: wrong phot date
              Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

              Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


              • #82
                Originally posted by annie8 View Post
                Sorry for the daft question but have never grown peas before. My husband built little teepee frames from bamboo canes. Do I need to put net or string around them? Haven�t done either of those things at the moment.
                I put some netting round a small pea teepee once but then imprisoned the whole lot,harvesting was a laugh,I prefer using string tied on & wound around
                Location : Essex


                • #83
                  I made this little bamboo stick & string support for my tall broad bean plants yesterday,the varieties on the outside are shorter but the taller ones were blowing about a bit in the wind. The strings just wrapped around the outside of the sticks,they all grow upright in the middle.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	A67E1E0E-27E2-434C-B00E-73E623417846.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	209.7 KB
ID:	2378271
                  Location : Essex


                  • #84
                    Click image for larger version

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Size:	281.5 KB
ID:	2378583

                    Here's my frame, currently my broadbeans are around the bottom but my French climbing beans are planted at the bottom of the stakes, hopefully they'll start climbing up in the next few days.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by Jimny14 View Post

                      Here's my frame, currently my broadbeans are around the bottom but my French climbing beans are planted at the bottom of the stakes, hopefully they'll start climbing up in the next few days.
                      Very nice - much more organised than my jungle - that one stick in the right corner looks a lot thicker than the others though :-)


                      • #86
                        That stick on the right has got rasps around it, squeezing stuff in wherever I can get it.


                        • #87
                          I'm giving this a bump!

                          I have my bean bed ready but no frame. I usually take a chair up to tie my bean poles together. But a neighbour has popped around with a little step up with a handrail. Woohoo!

                          What frames have you lot put up this year....wondering how many I can cram in.
                          My veg plot has shrunk this year.

                          I'm looking for some inspiration
                          Last edited by Scarlet; 31-05-2019, 02:23 PM.


                          • #88
                            Mines the same as last year. It never comes down ( until we have to move ).
                            Not best photo. I was actually photographing the bed next to it. But I'm not going out to take photos in the rain

                            Wigwams are for the peas and they are covered in commercial fishing net. That I just happened to find. Very strong, reusable.

                            Click image for larger version

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Size:	245.6 KB
ID:	2383821


                            • #89
                              ^Impressive. That frame's not going anywhere in a hurry.

                              I'm about to put mine up. Thinking of two pairs of long lengths of rebar in upside down Vs, one pair at the end, with a very bit of bamboo running between them. Have got some ancient but very strong twine. Was going to tie long lengths of that around the apex pole at suitable spacing before putting it in place. Then, once in place, the twine will hang down and I can peg it somehow to the ground. I've not had much luck getting climbing beans to climb poles (too slippery in the wind) and was hoping twine might do. Only trouble is, the plants might blow around a bit.


                              • #90
                                This years runner bean frame experiment will mostly be....

                                Its a U shaped block of Sown Direct runners (rb.enorma) bordered by x9 Sown Indoors runners.

                                It then fans out to an open V all pointing at the sun at 13:00 BST.

                                The idea being LHS of V catches morning sun and RHS is shaded.

                                Then in afternoon to evening the RHS is in sun and the LHS is shaded.


                                Click image for larger version

Name:	runner_frame_2019c.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	133.2 KB
ID:	2383881


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