I'm getting serious artichoke envy. Mine are from last year, looking good, healthy and sprightly and strong - but then I noticed a fruiting one on another allotment, went on a little tour of other plots and loads of them are fruiting.. but mine are not! Are yours? I gave mine some seaweed to drink, hopefully that will get them going.. recommendations gratefully received!
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How do your artichokes grow?
Tra la laaaa first tiny artichoke beginning to emerge happy days am graciously accepting applause thank you, thank you. BUT. In investigating the growth I found ants everywhere on the inside of the inner leaves. Is this ok or not ok? There are a lot of ants on my plot anyway, they don't bother me I just try to avoid them (if anyone thinks they are Very Bad I'm open to knowledge please do pipe up!) - but if they're doing evil things to my precious artichokes... Well. I'll have to start negotiations for their eviction. I've heard they farm aphids, could that be what they're up to? Also if they are damaging it, any ideas on how to stop them? Don't want to go down my neighbour's chemical warfare route (glyphosate/slug pellets/ant powder/goodness knows what else) - we're polar opposites!
If you see a lot of ants around any plant, it's normally because it is infected with aphids. The ants eat the honeydew produced by the aphids - they have a mutually beneficial relationship. Ants get food / aphids get protection.
Ants themselves are not a big issue but the aphids in large numbers could be devastating. You can just spray them all off with water or use a soft dry brush which is what I do with my roses to sweep them off.LOVE growing food to eat in my little town back garden. Winter update: currently growing overwintering onions, carrots, lettuce, chard, salad leaves, kale, cabbage, radish, beetroot, garlic, broccoli raab, some herbs.
That's really helpful to know, thanks! I might try rinsing them off with prolonged hosing.. They're right down in the new young leaves which are still furled so a brush might damage them. It's been so dry they'd probably appreciate a lovely long soak anyway
Now that my artichokes are appearing it seems that there are two different types! They're all from a packet of Green Globe seed, but only one plant is producing buds with the smooth round green form - the others have spinier, more elongated purplish heads. I've read that seed often doesn't 'come true', but are they all equally good to eat? Does anyone differentiate their cooking of the different types? Recipes most welcome!
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