I have 3 small beds to grow crops, last year's still in use for the purple broccoli, a new bed ready with compost and the curved brick one already has peas and salad (lamb's Leaf/spinnach/rocket) separated by old roof slates.
Now I understand that certain crops should not be grown together, or in the same place twice but again I don't really have that luxury of rotating. The bed with the broccoli gets the least sunlight with the brick one getting the most.
I want to grow peas, onion (spring and maincrop), beetroot,salad,perennial tree and nero Kale, cucumber,courgette (although these squashes have not germinated since 17th April and all different seed packets),leeks and chard.
I know the list seems large for the space but only doing small numbers. I tried square footing in the larger raised bed (added another level of wood this season to go deeper) but it was for me grossly overrated. Terrible results.
Here are some pics to give an idea of what I am working with. ANy suggestions from folk with more knowledge than myself will be appreciated. It would be nice to get the brassicas back in the same bed if possible.
The pests I have had so far are......
Onion Fly
Carrot fly (given up trying to grow them now)
Beet leaf minor
Cabbage root fly (used cardboard collars but slugs ate them so they attacked roots again)
Slugs are not so bad as we have plenty of frogs ,hedgehog and blackbirds.
For the life of me I cannot understand who all these pests have got in my garden with it being completely walled. I thought the onion and carrot fly can only fly so high.
Now I understand that certain crops should not be grown together, or in the same place twice but again I don't really have that luxury of rotating. The bed with the broccoli gets the least sunlight with the brick one getting the most.
I want to grow peas, onion (spring and maincrop), beetroot,salad,perennial tree and nero Kale, cucumber,courgette (although these squashes have not germinated since 17th April and all different seed packets),leeks and chard.
I know the list seems large for the space but only doing small numbers. I tried square footing in the larger raised bed (added another level of wood this season to go deeper) but it was for me grossly overrated. Terrible results.
Here are some pics to give an idea of what I am working with. ANy suggestions from folk with more knowledge than myself will be appreciated. It would be nice to get the brassicas back in the same bed if possible.
The pests I have had so far are......
Onion Fly
Carrot fly (given up trying to grow them now)
Beet leaf minor
Cabbage root fly (used cardboard collars but slugs ate them so they attacked roots again)
Slugs are not so bad as we have plenty of frogs ,hedgehog and blackbirds.
For the life of me I cannot understand who all these pests have got in my garden with it being completely walled. I thought the onion and carrot fly can only fly so high.