I have a raised bed filled with bought ericaceous compost and growing four blueberry bushes. But it�s never been successful. The plants grow ok but birds steal the few blueberries produced. I think it�s too well drained as well.
I�m going to lift the blueberry bushes and maybe try planting them in large pots in the excavated ericaceous compost. I want to refill the bed with old cow manure and home made compost and Leafmould and grow something else next year. Hoping the manure and leafmould will retain moisture. It�s a big job and might kill the blueberry bushes but if I even grew potatoes next year it would be better than nothing. Possibly asparagus which I believe is ok with dry conditions.
I�m being very very nice to the Young Muck Lovers hoping for some assistance with the digging. So far they haven�t suspected my ulterior motive.
I�m going to lift the blueberry bushes and maybe try planting them in large pots in the excavated ericaceous compost. I want to refill the bed with old cow manure and home made compost and Leafmould and grow something else next year. Hoping the manure and leafmould will retain moisture. It�s a big job and might kill the blueberry bushes but if I even grew potatoes next year it would be better than nothing. Possibly asparagus which I believe is ok with dry conditions.
I�m being very very nice to the Young Muck Lovers hoping for some assistance with the digging. So far they haven�t suspected my ulterior motive.