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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • I have a raised bed filled with bought ericaceous compost and growing four blueberry bushes. But it�s never been successful. The plants grow ok but birds steal the few blueberries produced. I think it�s too well drained as well.
    I�m going to lift the blueberry bushes and maybe try planting them in large pots in the excavated ericaceous compost. I want to refill the bed with old cow manure and home made compost and Leafmould and grow something else next year. Hoping the manure and leafmould will retain moisture. It�s a big job and might kill the blueberry bushes but if I even grew potatoes next year it would be better than nothing. Possibly asparagus which I believe is ok with dry conditions.
    I�m being very very nice to the Young Muck Lovers hoping for some assistance with the digging. So far they haven�t suspected my ulterior motive.
    Last edited by muck lover; 31-10-2019, 08:28 PM.


    • Originally posted by muck lover View Post
      I have a raised bed filled with bought ericaceous compost and growing four blueberry bushes. But it’s never been successful. The plants grow ok but birds steal the few blueberries produced. I think it’s too well drained as well.
      Everything I've read about growing blueberries says that you need to net the bushes to protect the flowers and fruit from birds and other critters.

      I have my blueberry bushes in pots. They're in a mix of azalea mix and sphagnum moss (I could have used pine bark instead but the sphagnum moss helps hold moisture while still creating good drainage) and mulched with sphagnum moss.


      • I was going to mow the grass today but we're on day 3 of a hazardous air quality warning so I don't think I'll be doing anything outside.

        The bushfires are a good 4 hours north of us but you can taste the smoke in the air today.

        I need to go to the garden centre again on the weekend to get more potting mix, a pomegranate bush, another blueberry, and a few other bits and pieces.

        Actually did finish getting the back mowed and might even get the edging done if it cools off enough before sundown.
        Last edited by lolie; 01-11-2019, 04:58 AM.


        • Friday jobs
          Garden photos (weather permitting)
          Plan weekend gardening
          Harvest carrots, possibly calabrese
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Friday jobs
            Garden photos - done
            Plan weekend gardening - done
            Harvest carrots, possibly calabrese - done

            Weekend jobs
            (This may turn out to be wildly ambitious)

            At my friend's
            Feed slugs to chickens
            Remove finished tomatoes from greenhouse
            Harvest potatoes

            At allotment
            Take photos
            Collect leaves
            Tidy shed, put away poles, string etc from tomato supports
            Check plants in growhouse and water if necessary
            Harvest carrots, salad leaves, possibly spinach

            At home
            Tidy up tomato supports etc
            Check stored tomatoes and remove any showing signs of blight
            Harvest lettuce, tomatoes, peppers
            Last edited by Penellype; 02-11-2019, 07:25 AM.
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • We're due to get heavy rain from about lunch time tomorrow so I'm hoping to get the front tidied up a bit by doing the edges before it arrives. There's no hope of me mowing it until there's a rain-free break in this heat, but I'd still like to get things looking tidier.


              • Weekend jobs

                At my friend's
                Feed slugs to chickens - done
                Remove finished tomatoes from greenhouse - done some
                Weeding - done some
                Harvest potatoes - no

                At allotment
                Take photos - done
                Collect leaves - done some
                Weeding - no
                Tidy shed, put away poles, string etc from tomato supports - no
                Check plants in growhouse and water if necessary - done
                Harvest carrots, salad leaves, possibly spinach - done carrots

                Also trimmed some of the dead leaves off the strawberries.

                At home
                Tidy up tomato supports etc - no
                Deadheading - no
                Weeding - no
                Check stored tomatoes and remove any showing signs of blight - done
                Harvest lettuce, tomatoes, peppers - no

                Monday jobs
                Collect leaves
                Tidy shed at allotment
                Tidy up tomato supports at home
                Harvest lettuce, tomatoes, carrots
                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                • Today's maximum is meant to be a mild 20C, so I need to take advantage of that to get the edging done in my front yard.

                  I also need to tidy up my gardening supplies. They're strewn everywhere at the moment.

                  Tidied up a bit and then hit a wall, so the edging won't get done today. I'm busy the next couple of days so the earliest it will get done is Friday.
                  Last edited by lolie; 05-11-2019, 03:01 AM.


                  • Monday jobs
                    Collect leaves - done some
                    Tidy shed at allotment - done
                    Tidy up tomato supports at home - done some (the rest require walking on the lawn, which is too wet)
                    Deadheading - done some
                    Weeding - done a bit
                    Harvest lettuce, tomatoes, carrots - done except carrots

                    Also cut down the last 2 outdoor tomato plants (Balconi red) as the slugs were eating the fruit.

                    Tuesday jobs
                    Collect more leaves
                    Keep eye on forecast and protect begonias from frost if necessary
                    Check stored potatoes and use any that are sprouting
                    Harvest carrots, check calabrese, strawberries (one in the growhouse is nearly ripe)
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • Tuesday jobs
                      Collect more leaves - done some
                      Weeding - done some
                      Keep eye on forecast and protect begonias from frost if necessary - done
                      Check stored potatoes and use any that are sprouting - no
                      Harvest carrots, check calabrese, strawberries (one in the growhouse is nearly ripe) - done
                      Also cut down the last cucumber plant.

                      Wednesday jobs
                      Collect more leaves
                      Check stored potatoes
                      Harvest romanesco, carrots
                      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                      • Wednesday jobs
                        Collect more leaves - done some
                        Weeding - done some
                        Check stored potatoes - done
                        Harvest romanesco, carrots - done romanesco, also one large strawberry from the growhouse.

                        No gardening time today.
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • Friday jobs
                          Make tomato soup
                          Dig bottom out of hotbin
                          Collect leaves
                          Bring hanging basket into garage (frost forecast)
                          Plan weekend gardening
                          Harvest romanesco, carrots
                          Last edited by Penellype; 08-11-2019, 08:30 AM.
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • Friday jobs
                            Make tomato soup - done
                            Dig bottom out of hotbin - done
                            Collect leaves - done a few
                            Bring hanging basket into garage (frost forecast) - done
                            Plan weekend gardening - done
                            Harvest romanesco, carrots - done

                            Also emptied water out of self watering trays so they wouldn't crack if they froze (forecast suddenly went from 0-1 to around -3 for last night)

                            Weekend jobs

                            At my friend's
                            Continue removing finished tomatoes from greenhouse
                            Weeding if not flooded/frozen

                            At allotment
                            Collect leaves
                            Weeding if possible
                            Cut back nettles and brambles in hedge
                            Harvest lettuce, baby fennel, carrots

                            At home
                            Clean moss off capillary matting from self watering trays and hang to dry
                            Dry and put away self watering trays
                            Tidy up leaves and finished bedding plants
                            Decide what to do with all the pots of begonias from the front fence (currently on garage floor)
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Weekend jobs

                              At my friend's
                              Continue removing finished tomatoes from greenhouse - done
                              Weeding if not flooded/frozen - no

                              At allotment
                              Collect leaves - no
                              Weeding if possible - no
                              Cut back nettles and brambles in hedge - no
                              Harvest lettuce, baby fennel, carrots - done carrots, also spinach

                              At home
                              Clean moss off capillary matting from self watering trays and hang to dry - done some
                              Dry and put away self watering trays - done some
                              Tidy up leaves and finished bedding plants - done some
                              Decide what to do with all the pots of begonias from the front fence (currently on garage floor) - done

                              Also strung up the remaining 20 or so surviving onions.

                              Monday jobs
                              Collect leaves
                              Cut back nettles and brambles in hedge
                              Harvest lettuce, baby fennel, peppers
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Monday jobs
                                Collect leaves - done some
                                Cut back nettles and brambles in hedge - done
                                Weeding - done
                                Harvest lettuce, baby fennel, peppers - done

                                Rather busy for the next few days so unlikely to do much gardening.
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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