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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Friday jobs
    Attempt to trim rear lawn edges if lawn is dry enough - done
    Continue tidying up - put away canes and sorted some of the stuff in the garage
    Harvest salads, carrots, kohlrabi - no, decided to use some tomatoes that would not keep rather than eating fresh veg that will.

    Also sieved more compost for carrots next year (part of tidying up the garage) and put some mung beans to soak for beansprouts.

    This weekend
    At my friend's
    Pick any remaining tomatoes in greenhouse and remove dying plants
    Check outdoor plants and remove any dead tomatoes, courgettes and beans
    Weeding (wet ground permitting)
    Bring home more horse muck

    At home
    Weeding and deadheading where possible
    Move geraniums, begonias and strawberries back into cold frame (couple of cold nights coming, especially tomorrow night)
    Continue tidying up - put away various bits of string, clips, pegs and nets
    Pot up lettuce seedlings
    Harvest salads, carrots, kohlrabi
    Check strawberries, calabrese
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      Today is Friday for Flowers - I have some rooted cuttings to plant out and some deadheading to do. DONE - Poked some osteospermum and something daisy-like cuttings in the ground (Bed 11/K)
      8 winter planted hanging baskets arrived so most of the afternoon was spent unpacking the boxes and flattening the cardboard for the chicken coop floor - bonus

      Its the 3rd so its Bed 3 DONE-ish Being reshaped and enlarged
      and things with a C for cleaning and decluttering DONE - Cupboard on landing with unread Cookery books
      Today is Saturday - Catch-up day - its not going to happen
      Day 4 is Tidy Bed 4 and do things with a D.
      Last edited by veggiechicken; 04-11-2017, 09:32 AM.


      • Tomorrow I intend to deadhead my carnations and do a caterpillar hunt on my herbs.

        When I was mowing yesterday, I noticed that there are a lot of leaves in the gutter next door from the paperbark tree on the nature strip. If it's not pouring, I will rake them up and store them somewhere before the street sweeper comes.


        • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
          Today is Saturday - Catch-up day - its not going to happen
          Day 4 is Tidy Bed 4 DONE and did Bed 3 as well
          and do things with a D. Does eating a DOUGHNUT count?
          Tomorrow is Sunday - seed sorting day for sowing next week
          Its the 5th so must Tidy Bed 5 (the tomatillo forest ) and E things - Eggs? Electric gadgets?


          • This weekend
            At my friend's
            Pick any remaining tomatoes in greenhouse and remove dying plants - done
            Check outdoor plants and remove any dead tomatoes, courgettes and beans - done some
            Weeding - done some
            Bring home more horse muck - done, bin now nearly full

            Also collected a few windfall cooking apples to bring home.

            At home
            Weeding and deadheading - done a bit
            Move geraniums, begonias and strawberries back into cold frame - done
            Continue tidying up - put away various bits of string, clips, pegs and nets - done some
            Pot up lettuce seedlings - done
            Harvest salads, carrots, kohlrabi - done
            Check strawberries, calabrese - not ready

            Monday jobs
            Put plants back on fence when warm enough (might decide to wait until after Tuesday night)
            General tidy up
            Continue putting stuff away in garage
            Harvest salads
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Not a great deal left to do in our new garden now.

              Yesterday I planted broad beans in two squares on my SFG raised beds and today my girls helped me plant three different varieties of onion sets, two white, one red.

              With the strawberry bare roots and garlic already in and the new tayberry and blackberry plants in the ground all that�s left is to replant my dormant raspberry canes which I dug up before we had the garden re-landscaped.

              Not much left to do elsewhere. Our lawn was laid in late September and has had three mows after rooting. It could possibly do with another trim but as it�s damp and cold now I think it might be best left until Spring. All our new borders were planted up and mulched with Strulch so not much to do there either.

              In the last week I�ve given our long row of conifers lining the driveway (about 15 leylandii 3m tall) am overdue trim, pruned and thinned out our fig tree (I�ve still got to remove all the unripe figs) and given everywhere a good tidy.

              Really I�m looking forward to Spring and seeing our new borders come alive with growth and seeing the bulbs appear.
              Last edited by TheCyclingProgrammer; 05-11-2017, 08:02 PM.


              • Originally posted by TheCyclingProgrammer View Post
                All our new borders were planted up and mulched with Strulch
                I'm curious - what's that ?
                .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                My Youtube Channel -



                  I've used this since cocoa shell mulch became unavailable (presumably because chocolate is poisonous to dogs). Its not as good as cocoa shell, but it does the job reasonably well (not 100% at keeping down annual weeds) and it does seem to have some slug deterrent properties although nowhere near total protection. It isn't cheap, but I find it very much better than bark or woodchip.
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Today I need to tidy my work area, which is the western end of my verandah. (done - now I just need to put the pots which are lying around everywhere back where they belong)

                    I'm also thinking about relocating two of my raised beds. It will probably be too wet to do that today, though.
                    Last edited by lolie; 05-11-2017, 10:48 PM.


                    • Originally posted by KevinM67 View Post
                      I'm curious - what's that ?
                      It’s a proprietary straw mulch. Our garden designer recommended it to me as a means of keeping weeds down. It seems pretty effective so far - only the odd weed seedling popping up around plants - and it’s also supposed to be a slug deterrent. We had three and a half bags left over so I thought I’d try it out on the vegetable beds.


                      • Today I need to prick out some tomato seedlings and pot on a couple of other things. done

                        If the weather stays sunny, I'll do some edging as I didn't get around to it last week due to rain.

                        My potato planters were just delivered, 3 weeks earlier than the estimated delivery date so I now have somewhere to put the stuff from my windowsill as it needs potting on.
                        Last edited by lolie; 06-11-2017, 11:11 PM.


                        • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                          Tomorrow is Sunday - seed sorting day for sowing next week DONE-ish - its Roots week.
                          Its the 5th so must Tidy Bed 5 (the tomatillo forest ) NOT DONE
                          and E things - Eggs? Electric gadgets? NOT DONE but I did sort out some unwanted "Eggsessories"-
                          handbag & shoes for the charity shop
                          Today is Monday 6th when I should have been sowing Roots, tidying Bed 6 and getting rid of F things.
                          NOT DONE - although I did go to the charity shop with 5 bags of clutter and some picture Frames. Maybe that's my F for the day.

                          Tomorrow is Chooksday - for cleaning their house etc
                          I need to sow a bucket of carrots and some radish that I should have done today.
                          Also Tidy Bed 7 and declutter some G stuff - could be GH No 4 which is a tip at the moment.


                          • Oh dear. I didn't get around to picking up the leaves from the neighbour's gutter and the street sweeper just came.

                            At least there'll be a nice pile of them again in a week or two.


                            • This week I'm planning to replace the floor of my allotment shed: it is actually the box part of a 1970's Mr Kipling's cakes van. It still works well as a shed, but the floor is rotten and allow rats (eugh!) into it. If all goes to plan I'll have an exceedingly good shed by the weekend...


                              • Monday jobs
                                Put plants back on fence when warm enough - done
                                General tidy up - no
                                Continue putting stuff away in garage - no
                                Harvest salads - done

                                Yesterday was one of those days when you have something that looks simple to do and it ends up taking the whole day. Apart from putting things back on the fence and picking a few bits of salad for lunch, I hardly stepped outside all day

                                Tuesday jobs (rain likely)
                                Put strawberries and flowers back in cold frame in anticipation of frost tonight.
                                Empty water out of drip trays so they don't crack if it freezes (I really need to remove the rest of these)
                                Continue tidying up if possible.
                                Harvest salads, carrots
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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