Leaves, leaves and more leaves this weekend.
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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!
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.......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)
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According to the weather forecast it was supposed to be dry and sunny tomorrow morning, now its light rain. I managed to Book my daughter to keep an eye on the wife so I can escape for a few hours and now the forecast is rain..... Give me strength !!!
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostTomorrow is Saturday 11th in Leaves week
Saturday is Catch up day and there's lots to do!! NOT DONE
On the 11th I tidy Bed 11 which has an apple tree and flowers. Can't remember what else.NOT DONE!
Decluttering K - ?keys, kale, kangaroos and koalas? DONE- some Kitchen Junk
I need to tidy Bed 12 and declutter some Ls - ?Letters, litter, lumps.................
Weekend jobs
At my friend's:
Check greenhouse plants (cucumber, sweet potatoes, peppers and lettuces), water if needed - done
Remove dead/dying outdoor plants (tomatoes, courgettes, runner beans) - done courgettes and tomatoes
Weeding - done some
In order to have enough compost bin space to put all the dead stuff I had to empty out the bottom of the compost bin onto the space where the courgettes had been, so that took up quite a bit of time.
At home:
Continue weeding, deadheading and tidying up - done some
Remove dead bedding plants and french beans - done the beans
Put strawberries and other vulnerable plants in cold frame or garage (cold Saturday night, very cold Sunday night) - done
Empty some water trays and put in garage to dry (has to be done in stages due to lack of floor space) - done some
Harvest salads, peppers, carrots, leeks, eat bean sprouts - not really - got overwhelmed with tomatoes and windfall cooking apples that needed using.
Monday jobs (not hopeful of any gardening time)
Put plants back on the fences when it warms up
Continue tidying up if time
Harvest salads, eat bean sproutsA life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy
After the heavy work of the weekend, my foot is hurting today so I'm just going to do light stuff. If the wind stays away, I'll spray more weedkiller this morning.
I've moved a couple of pots of seedlings from the propagator to the blow away. I seem to have a heap of pots lying around yet again, so it's time to tidy up the business end of the verandah (again).
I'm expecting some sage seeds to arrive in the mail, so I'll sow those if they come today.Last edited by lolie; 14-11-2017, 09:37 AM.
Monday jobs
Put plants back on the fences when it warms up - done
Continue tidying up if time - done a bit, removed the dying nasturtium that had got frosted
Harvest salads, eat bean sprouts - done some, also finished off one pot of Nandor carrots
Tuesday jobs
Plant out mizuna into the pot that contained carrots yesterday and put in growhouse (mild weather window)
Continue tidying up if time
Put away stuff in garage (again)
Clear leaves out of pond
Check strawberries - one may nearly be ready
Eat remaining beansprouts (I haven't got the hang of how many to sprout yet and did far too many!)A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostToday is Sunday - a day for finding seeds to sow on Monday, the start of Shoots weekDONE - Bunching onions
I need to tidy Bed 12 DONEish
and declutter some Ls - ?Letters, litter, lumps................ DONE - Letters from bank
Tidy Bed 13 - DONE a bit
Declutter M DONE - Magazines into recyling
Today, Tuesday is Chooks day
Tidying Bed 14
Decluttering N - Nutty things??
Tuesday jobs
Plant out mizuna into the pot that contained carrots yesterday and put in growhouse - done
Continue tidying up if time - done a bit
Put away stuff in garage (again) - no
Clear leaves out of pond - done
Check strawberries - one may nearly be ready - not quite
Eat remaining beansprouts (I haven't got the hang of how many to sprout yet and did far too many!) - ate half of them (again). They grow too fast!
A decent day's gardening today. Managed to get to the garden centre and buy some tulip bulbs, some of which I've planted in pots for the fence path. The rest will go in the big pot in the front garden when the osteospermums die of cold. Also bought some heucherella plants, which I expect to get massacred by vine weevil (to which they are very prone) but should look nice for the winter. Removed the dying geraniums and replaced them with the heucherella and cut down the white daisies which had finished flowering. I now feel in need of a nice hot bath to ease my aching back.
Also harvested some small cabbage leaves that had sprouted from cut stems that I left in their trough and some mizuna to go into the stir fry with the bean sprouts.
Wednesday jobs (work permitting)
Continue autumn tidy up
Put away stuff in garage
Harvest salads, peppers and try to eat the remaining bean sprouts.A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy
Originally posted by veggiechicken View PostOn Monday I sow seeds - DONE - self saved Bunching onions scattered in buckets in GH
Tidy Bed 13 - DONE a bit
Declutter M DONE - Magazines into recyling
Today, Tuesday is Chooks day NOT DONE Too wet
Tidying Bed 14 NOT DONE Too Wet
Decluttering N - Nutty things?? DONE - NPower bills and other old statements. Shredded all the paper and filled a big bin which will go in the chooks' run tomorrow
If the rain continues like today, there'll be no Outdoor activity!Last edited by veggiechicken; 14-11-2017, 10:21 PM.
Wednesday jobs
Continue autumn tidy up - done some
Put away stuff in garage - managed to get all nets put away
Harvest salads, peppers and try to eat the remaining bean sprouts - done
Also sieved some more compost for carrots.
Yesterday was a write-off as usual on a Thursday - all I did was put the strawberries in the cold frame for the night.
Friday jobs (busy at work)
Put strawberries back on fence for the day and back in the cold frame tonight
Harvest salads, carrots, 1 possibly ripe strawberryA life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy
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