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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • I’m thinking about sowing my main sweet peppers,tomatoes & a couple of bags of early potatoes,but I need to pot on some peppers & balconi reds first,I potted one on into its final pot yesterday & it’s on the windowsill now. I haven’t looked at my seeds yet,Ive been buying the odd packet here & there so I need to go through every seed packet & put what I’m sowing first to one side. I usually do a list of what I’m sowing each month but I haven’t this year,I might do that today
    Location : Essex


    • Friday jobs
      Reorganize buckets under tunnel near hotbin and plant Lady C potatoes - done (planted 2 buckets of Lady C)
      Set up shelf at allotment and take down germinating peas (will be in a tray with a plastic cover) - done
      Sow summer leeks - done
      Harvest salads, carrots, brokali - done plus a small tomato from the sitting room windowsill

      Also made a frame for a net cover over one of the raised beds using some blue plastic hoops, shredded some more weeds and staked out the positions for the raspberries and their supports.

      Weekend jobs (weather permitting)

      At my friend's
      Check plants in greenhouse and water if needed
      Plant Maris Bard potatoes in greenhouse
      Take muck to allotment plus some of last year's tomato compost (if not flooded)
      Find Gripple wire and connectors for raspberries at allotment and check there is enough wire.

      At home
      plant out Meteor peas that have been in growhouse
      Sow carrot Nantes Frubund, namenia, pak choi, lettuce
      Tidy up overwintered spinach - remove yellow and damaged leaves
      Harvest salads, parsnip, mini red pepper from landing windowsill

      At allotment
      Spread tomato compost on raised bed (for cauliflowers)
      Attempt to construct hotbed with buckets buried in it for potatoes
      Plant Nicola potatoes
      Put up tunnel cover over potatoes
      Attempt to level one of the water bins which is leaning a bit
      Chop more weeds
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Took delivery today of a ton bag of 10mm shingle - which the driver kindly placed on top of some geums I’d recently planted in our small gravel garden next to our front driveway! Annoying.

        So tomorrow I can start on creating my potting space down the side of the garden.

        Also planning to start sowing some seeds tomorrow. Chillies and tomatoes going into the new Super 7 propagator.


        • Priority for tomorrow is potting up Chillies and Onions.

          Follwed by a trip to the skips and a Garage tidy up.
          Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

          Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


          • Weekend jobs

            At my friend's
            Check plants in greenhouse and water if needed - done
            Plant Maris Bard potatoes in greenhouse - done
            Take muck to allotment plus some of last year's tomato compost - done, although the tomato compost I wanted to use was under an inch of water, so I had to revise the plan!
            Find Gripple wire and connectors for raspberries at allotment and check there is enough wire - done

            At home
            plant out Meteor peas that have been in growhouse - no, giving the soil an extra day to dry out
            Sow carrot Nantes Frubund, namenia, pak choi, lettuce - done except carrot
            Tidy up overwintered spinach - remove yellow and damaged leaves - done
            Harvest salads, parsnip, mini red pepper from landing windowsill - done plus a kohlrabi

            At allotment
            Spread tomato compost on raised bed (for cauliflowers) - left in a pile at the moment
            Attempt to construct hotbed with buckets buried in it for potatoes - done
            Plant Nicola potatoes - done
            Put up tunnel cover over potatoes - done
            Attempt to level one of the water bins which is leaning a bit - done
            Chop more weeds - no, far too wet

            Monday jobs (work permitting)
            Plant out Meteor peas
            Sow carrots, more peas
            Plant more buckets of potatoes (under cover)
            Harvest salads
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Monday jobs
              Plant out Meteor peas - no, they can't swim
              Sow carrots, more peas - no
              Plant more buckets of potatoes (under cover) - no
              Harvest salads - done (indoors)

              Rained hard all day. Garden flooded. Didn't even try to get to the allotment.

              Tuesday jobs (work permitting)
              Attempt to scoop up some of the water in the garden and pour it down the drain
              Plant peas in buckets instead of soil - I would actually like them to survive
              Sow peas and carrots
              Assess situation at allotment
              Harvest kale
              Last edited by Penellype; 12-03-2018, 08:34 PM.
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • Tomorrow I'll be sowing seeds. Many many seeds.


                • Originally posted by Penellype View Post
                  Monday jobs
                  Plant out Meteor peas - no, they can't swim
                  Sow carrots, more peas - no
                  Plant more buckets of potatoes (under cover) - no
                  Harvest salads - done (indoors)

                  Rained hard all day. Garden flooded. Didn't even try to get to the allotment.

                  Tuesday jobs (work permitting)
                  Attempt to scoop up some of the water in the garden and pour it down the drain
                  Plant peas in buckets instead of soil - I would actually like them to survive
                  Sow peas and carrots
                  Assess situation at allotment
                  Harvest kale
                  So much to do and so Frustrating....think of things to do Indoors whilst its so wet....
                  The Allotment will still be there when the sun shines ...!!
                  Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

                  Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


                  • Time for me to get back in action again - I can't use snow, going away or selling a house as excuses any longer - though I'm sure I can think of something.

                    Tomorrow is Tuesday (Chooksday), its Fruits week and the 13th (M).
                    Need to clean out the chooks and tidy bed 13.
                    Also catch up on today's job which was to sow some "Fruit seeds" - tomatoes, peas and beans.
                    Weather permitting I want to plant 2 pear trees and 3 rhubarb crowns (Poulton's Pride) which is supposed to be pickable for 10 months of the year. That'll be next year of course!
                    Also declutter an M (?magazines) and sow an M (marigolds).


                    • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                      Tomorrow is Tuesday (Chooksday), its Fruits week and the 13th (M).
                      Need to clean out the chooks and tidy bed 13. DONE and DONE
                      Also catch up on today's job which was to sow some "Fruit seeds" - tomatoes, peas and beans. NOT DONE
                      Weather permitting I want to plant 2 pear trees PART DONE. Holes dug and trees in a bucket of water to plant tomorrow
                      and 3 rhubarb crowns (Poulton's Pride) which is supposed to be pickable for 10 months of the year. That'll be next year of course! DONE
                      Also declutter an M (?magazines) DONE
                      and sow an M (marigolds) NOT DONE.
                      Today is Weednesday when I weed somewhere off the beaten track
                      On the 14th I tidy bed 14
                      Declutter an N
                      Sow an N

                      Also need to plant the pear trees. They're going either side of a path and I aim to join them together to make an arch. It'll be a few more years before their branches are long enough to weave together but its good to have a plan.


                      • Tuesday jobs
                        Attempt to scoop up some of the water in the garden and pour it down the drain - done
                        Plant peas in buckets instead of soil - I would actually like them to survive - no
                        Sow peas and carrots - done also sowed a couple more snackbite pepper seeds as there has been zero germination from seeds sown over a month ago.
                        Assess situation at allotment - done, very wet but all ok
                        Harvest kale - no

                        Most of the day was spent at home waiting for replies from work (which didn't materialize). Apart from a quick visit to the plot at lunchtime where I collected water and harvested some rhubarb, it was a case of nipping into the garden for a few minutes at a time. I planted the peas in the soil, which had drained better than expected, as when I looked at the buckets available for peas I could see I was going to leave myself short for potatoes later. This is partly because things I expected to be eating now such as over wintered spinach and beetroot are simply not growing at all. I also sorted out some of the compost and pots in the garage so that a couple more pots are ready for carrots and are now under cloches outside. I planted 2 buckets of Charlotte potatoes and put them on the 2nd raised bed that I made into a hotbed. There are now a couple of small areas of garage floor that are actually visible!

                        Wednesday jobs (work permitting)
                        Continue rearranging garage
                        Check and weed drive
                        Possibly plant the 3 Desiree potatoes with the biggest chits in bucket at allotment
                        Harvest salads, kale
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • Wednesday jobs
                          Continue rearranging garage - done a bit
                          Check and weed drive - done
                          Possibly plant the 3 Desiree potatoes with the biggest chits in bucket at allotment - done, put under tunnel and bubble wrap.
                          Harvest salads, kale - done

                          Also managed to sieve some compost for carrots and chop some more of the pile of weeds at the allotment.

                          No gardening today (rain and meetings)
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • Ok, so today I am writing down what I intend to do, as a motivation to do it.

                            Move salvaged strawberries to gh2 on allotment. Done
                            Pot on tomatoes. Done
                            Sow cabbage seeds. Done, 2 varieties
                            Sow cherry tomatoes. Done, 2 varieties
                            Sow beetroot seed in modules. Done
                            Sow lettuce. Done
                            Clear Old and torn weed suppressant fabric from allotment. Started

                            In addition to the above, I also sowed Kale, sweet Pepper and Globe Artichoke. Moved a young fruit tree which SHMBO dug up after it fell over when she lent on it.
                            Last edited by Dead Dogs; 16-03-2018, 07:27 PM.
                            Sometimes you just have to scratch that itch and get dirt under your finger nails.


                            • Friday jobs
                              Pot up raspberry plants that arrived yesterday temporarily in bucket in garage (space at allotment is far too wet, its going to freeze and the supports are not in place yet).
                              Turn garage heater on
                              Move apricot tree back into garage this evening

                              If time
                              Go to allotment and put rain water into dustbins (nearly full anyway)
                              Protect the 2 new water bins with bubble wrap if I can find any big enough
                              Get compost, consider getting another bin to store yet more snow
                              Pot up cauliflowers if arrive (posted yesterday)
                              Harvest salads
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • So having completed all but one intended task today, what do I intend to do tomorrow?

                                For once that�s an easy answer. Watch the rugby.
                                Sometimes you just have to scratch that itch and get dirt under your finger nails.


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