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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Chillies are going to have another day trip to the tunnel.
    Sow some seeds
    More house work


    • Thursday jobs
      Sow 1 cucumber seed for the greenhouse in case the weather decides to warm up - no
      Pot up more tomato sideshoots - no
      Weed tunnel at allotment - done about half
      Harvest salads - done

      The idea was to go to the allotment in the morning while the weather was nice, and do things indoors at home later when it was forecast to rain. The first half of this plan worked well, but work completely took over in the afternoon and I got nothing done at home.

      Friday jobs (weather permitting)
      Sow cucumber seed
      Pot up tomato sideshoots
      Weed remainder of tunnel
      Go to Wickes (15% off this w/e) and get more dustbins to store water from the deluge that's about to happen (water butts are full)
      Harvest salads, carrots
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Friday jobs
        Sow cucumber seed - done
        Pot up tomato sideshoots - done
        Weed remainder of tunnel - no, far too wet
        Go to Wickes (15% off this w/e) and get more dustbins to store water from the deluge that's about to happen (water butts are full) - done
        Harvest salads, carrots - done, plus rhubarb

        Instead of digging and weeding I tidied the shed at the allotment and chopped up some of the leylandii prunings. Also planted the last bucket of Desiree potatoes which is currently staying in the garage until I can sort out a cover for the raised bed.

        Weekend jobs
        I have a feeling this weekend is going to be a write-off with rain forecast to last all day tomorrow and family stuff on Sunday.

        At my friend's
        Water plants in greenhouse if required

        At home
        Pot up chitting peas as they start to grow
        Wash and sort plant labels
        Move broccoli to veg garden and move potatoes to raised bed
        Remove cloche from winter spinach and use cover for raised bed
        Harvest spinach, parsnip

        At allotment
        Chop more leylandii
        Keep checking potatoes
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Got a packed todo list for tomorrow.

          Main priorities:

          Border maintenance, remove weeds and I�ve got more unwanted bluebells to pull out in both the borders and the lawn. Lots of new growth on the geums so it�s time to remove the old dying foliage.

          Plant a few more broad bean seeds direct in the raised beds to replace the ones I lost over winter. The ones I showed indoors in pots went too leggy.

          Mow the lawn - looking doubtful it will have dried enough but it really needs doing. If i can�t do it tomorrow it won�t get done for another week as we have nothing but rain planned this week.

          Front garden maintenance (gravel garden) - remove weeds, some light pruning, feed and mulch the Cotinus and Sambucus.

          General tidy up, clear up piles of leaves I�ve been putting off.

          Get the first crop of potatoes in sacks. A question - this year I�ve tried chitting my seed potatoes but I forgot about one bag and they were left in the box. As a result they�ve sprouted roots - should I remove these and put them out chit or just put them in as they are?

          Weed raspberry beds, feed and mulch. New growth just starting to come through now.

          Pot on tomato and chilli seedlings.

          Plenty more to be getting on later in the week. I�ve ordered my mini greenhouse, new potting table and outdoor shelving and cupboards for my new potting station, just in time to start sowing some more seeds. I�ve got carrots and parsnips to go in the raised beds, leeks to go in a planter I�m using as seed bed which I will transplant later and I want to start my bunching onions and maybe some salad crops in modules indoors before moving to the greenhouse when it warms up a bit.
          Last edited by TheCyclingProgrammer; 31-03-2018, 06:49 PM.


          • Originally posted by TheCyclingProgrammer View Post
            Got a packed todo list for tomorrow.

            Get the first crop of potatoes in sacks. A question - this year I’ve tried chitting my seed potatoes but I forgot about one bag and they were left in the box. As a result they’ve sprouted roots - should I remove these and put them out chit or just put them in as they are?
            Plant them as they are - no point in weakening them by making the plant start growing roots again.


            • I'm getting excited about tomorrow. Its the 1st of the month and I have an envelope of alphabetical seeds to sow each day in April - one bed a day.
              Tomorrow is Bed 1/A.

              Don't worry if you haven't a clue what I'm doing - as long as I do.


              • BBC weather are telling me "light rain and breezy" - so unless it is absolutely hurling it down I'm going to the plot for some hours. I will don waterproofs if need-be.
                I have spuds to plant!!!

                I've also got an Aldi potting tray thing with 36! empty pots sitting on a kitchen table top. No comment from Mrs Balders so far - but it will happen soon!!! - so I need to move (hide) it first thing tomorrow - and hopefully do something useful with it.
                1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                • Weekend jobs
                  I was quite right - not a lot got done this weekend.

                  At my friend's
                  Water plants in greenhouse if required - done

                  Also fed slugs to chickens

                  At home
                  Pot up chitting peas as they start to grow - done, 95% germination so far
                  Wash and sort plant labels - done
                  Move broccoli to veg garden and move potatoes to raised bed - no
                  Remove cloche from winter spinach and use cover for raised bed - no
                  Harvest spinach, parsnip - no

                  Also took garden photos as it is 1st April.

                  At allotment
                  Chop more leylandii - no
                  Keep checking potatoes - done

                  Monday jobs (weather most unlikely to be helpful)
                  Collect water into water butts at allotment
                  Pot up remaining 5 peas if they show signs of growth
                  Check various sowings for germination
                  Move PSB and potatoes and fit cover for raised bed
                  Harvest salads, parsnip, kale or mizuna
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                    I'm getting excited about tomorrow. Its the 1st of the month and I have an envelope of alphabetical seeds to sow each day in April - one bed a day.
                    Tomorrow is Bed 1/A. DONE - Sown Asparagus peas, Aster, Alyssum, Agastache and Atriplex/Purple Orache.
                    Tomorrow is sowing Bed 2/B - which means Borage, Beetroot, Buckler leaf Sorrel and Brachyscombe/Swan River Daisy.

                    Tomorrow is also the start of Fruits week when I'll be starting more peas, broad beans, cucumbers, and some squashes/courgettes.

                    Hope its not as wet as the forecast predicts!


                    • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                      I'm getting excited about tomorrow. Its the 1st of the month and I have an envelope of alphabetical seeds to sow each day in April - one bed a day.
                      Tomorrow is Bed 1/A.

                      Don't worry if you haven't a clue what I'm doing - as long as I do.
                      I'm not worried I haven't got a clue VC - I am slightly concerned that you haven't either, but as long as you're happy, then all is good.


                      • Garden under water so cannot do much, started some chilli seeds in the house. The hens and myself are fed up.


                        • Originally posted by penny View Post
                          Garden under water so cannot do much, started some chilli seeds in the house. The hens and myself are fed up.
                          Same here - no chance of doing anything constructive out there today.
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • Monday jobs
                            Collect water into water butts at allotment - no
                            Pot up remaining 5 peas if they show signs of growth - no
                            Check various sowings for germination - no
                            Move PSB and potatoes and fit cover for raised bed - no
                            Harvest salads, parsnip, kale or mizuna - no

                            It rained solidly all day, apart from about 1/2 an hour when I went out to remove 6 bucketfuls of water from the path outside the garage as it was threatening to get inside. While I was out there I grabbed the top shoots of the 2 PSB plants as they were easier to get at than the mizuna and kale.

                            Tuesday jobs
                            Collect water into water butts at allotment
                            Pot up remaining 5 peas if they show signs of growth
                            Check various sowings for germination
                            Move PSB and potatoes and fit cover for raised bed
                            Go to tip (if road is not flooded)
                            Harvest salads, parsnip, kale or mizuna
                            Last edited by Penellype; 03-04-2018, 11:06 AM.
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Tuesday jobs
                              Collect water into water butts at allotment - done another 90 litre dustbin filled.
                              Pot up remaining 5 peas if they show signs of growth - no, I think these are not going to play.
                              Check various sowings for germination - done, nothing happening
                              Move PSB and potatoes and fit cover for raised bed - done
                              Go to tip (if road is not flooded) - done, road half submerged but passable
                              Harvest salads, parsnip, kale or mizuna - done salads and mizuna, plus some peas from the pea shoot plants upstairs.

                              A much more productive day today. Also planted out some spinach seedlings, sowed some yellow beetroot in modules and got some mesh for growing peas up from the garden centre.

                              Wednesday jobs (weather permitting)
                              Plant 4 buckets of Sarpo Axona potatoes at allotment.
                              Weed potato buckets at allotment
                              Feed indoor tomatoes and peppers
                              Sow carrots
                              Harvest salads, parsnip
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Wednesday

                                We're expecting rain over the course of the day and I expect the plot is already plenty soggy. I'm going to plant some flower and veggie seeds.


                                I've had a brainstorm about a simple way to make some small metal hoops (bits of row covers that I inherited) more functional using some bits of dismantled shed. Hopefully. If the weather is good enough, I'll drag the drill and bits of wood over tomorrow.

                                I'll also take some more mystery plant ID photos. I'm getting close to decision time on keeping/digging/black-plastic-mulching plants in as-yet undug beds.


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