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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Originally posted by geepee View Post
    Sounds like a BIG ASK ......Maybe time to think HELP from FRIENDS..?
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Weekend jobs

      At my friend's
      Take courgette, peppers and tomato plants to greenhouse - done
      Weeding - done
      Get compost and plant peppers in chiligrow planter and tomatoes (3) in Hozelock planter - no
      Remove bolted broccoli, swede, kale and kohlrabi and slug eaten cabbages and feed to chickens - no
      Put shading up in greenhouse - done
      Watering - done

      Also took the inside cover off the potatoes in the greenhouse as they were getting too hot.

      At home
      Pot up lettuces, calabrese and chitted beans - done
      Trim lawn edges front and back - done
      Remove bolted brassicas (kale, mizuna, mooli) - done mooli ans some bolted spinach.
      Take plastic covers off potatoes and put up restraining mesh fence - done
      Decide which and how many bedding and basket plants to buy for flower beds and fence - in progress
      Harvest spinach, carrots - done
      Watering - done

      Also converted the potato covers into a blowaway growhouse for hardening off the tomatoes.

      At allotment
      Continue digging horsetail - done some
      Plant kohlrabi, beetroot - done kohlrabi
      Weed strawberries - done
      Tidy shed - done
      Harvest spinach, lettuce - done
      Watering - done

      Also raked along the bottom of the leylandii hedge and mowed the grass there.

      Quite pleased with that lot!

      Monday jobs (work permitting)
      Continue digging/pulling horsetail
      Go to garden centre and get compost and some plants for the fence
      Remove more bolted brassicas etc
      Last edited by Penellype; 20-05-2018, 08:48 PM.
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Friday

        Continue planting out anything that doesn't need to stay in the greenhouse. - Finally planted out more seedlings/plants: courgette, butternut squash, PSB, marigolds, beans.
        Bring home some larger pots from the mound at the allotment. - No
        Set up another capillary matting area. - No. I'm almost down to my greenhouse resident plants now, so should be doable soon.
        Start hacking down everything on the periphery. The loosestrife looks nice but is spreading everywhere. - Ugh, no.

        Busy weekend with DIY, so not much got done. I'll leave the leftovers on the list for the rest of the week.


        • Monday jobs
          Continue digging/pulling horsetail - done some - pulled out a load from under the roadside hedge
          Go to garden centre and get compost and some plants for the fence - done
          Remove more bolted brassicas etc - done some
          watering - done

          Also harvested lettuce and spinach from the allotment.

          Tuesday jobs
          Deadhead plants on fence and remove pots of bulbs that have finished
          Remove horsetail from raised beds (again)
          Start digging over road half of tunnel again including under water bin (which is now nearly empty)
          Harvest lettuce, spinach, broccoli/calabrese/brokali, carrots
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Amazing......!!!!!!!
            Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

            Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


            • Tuesday jobs
              Deadhead plants on fence and remove pots of bulbs that have finished - done
              Remove horsetail from raised beds (again) - no
              Start digging over road half of tunnel again including under water bin (which is now nearly empty) - done some
              Harvest lettuce, spinach, broccoli/calabrese/brokali, carrots - done
              Watering - done

              Also potted up some Marguerites to replace the pots of bulbs under the fence. Potted up calabrese and romanesco seedlings. Went to Wyevale to get sweet potato plants and tomato Megabyte, both of which they had last year. Didn't have either . Cut down the 3 brokali plants that have now finished.

              Wednesday jobs
              Pull horsetail from raised beds
              Dig more horsetail in tunnel
              Pot up pink blueberry
              Rearrange plants on fence and remove dead violas.
              Harvest lettuce, spinach
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • -Move out half of my jungle of veg from the windowsill to outside to harden off, except for chillies, tomatoes (sowed late, a bit behind) cucumbers, and maybe the sweetcorn too
                -Put up bean supports and netting
                -plant up climbing beans
                -water plum and fig trees in large pots
                -sow spinach, kale,chard,beets, greens etc into modules


                • today - nip over to plot after work to water and check over (and doubtless pull up some marestail).
                  no chance to get down there this coming weekend. Weekend after is operation plant - going to get everything out of my greenhouse and into the ground so I can finally set up my cukes and toms.


                  • Wednesday jobs
                    Pull horsetail from raised beds - done some
                    Dig more horsetail in tunnel - done some
                    Pot up pink blueberry - no, need more compost
                    Rearrange plants on fence and remove dead violas - done some
                    Harvest lettuce, spinach - done, plus PSB and carrot
                    Watering - done

                    Thursday jobs
                    Pull horsetail out of cauliflower bed and hotbed
                    Dig horsetail in tunnel
                    Get more ericaceous compost and pot up blueberry
                    Pot up 2 balconi red tomatoes
                    Plant beetroot
                    Put out trays to catch rain water
                    Harvest lettuce, spinach
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • I did some major weeding (more like strimming by hand).

                      We leave for two weeks on Saturday. Our plot neighbors were jokingly horrified, but kindly offered to water anything that looked truly dire in our absence.

                      Before we go

                      Plant out everything that isn't a greenhouse resident or intended for a hanging basket.
                      Pot on tomatoes.
                      Refill slug traps.


                      • Tomorrow will be road trip to fort William mostly for chicken food & compost
                        Will probably have a go at filling our own cupboards while we're there as well .


                        • Thursday jobs
                          Pull horsetail out of cauliflower bed and hotbed - done a bit
                          Dig horsetail in tunnel - done some
                          Get more ericaceous compost and pot up blueberry - done
                          Pot up 2 balconi red tomatoes - done
                          Plant beetroot - done
                          Put out trays to catch rain water - done
                          Harvest lettuce, spinach - done spinach

                          Also mowed the lawns and planted up the pot in the middle of the front lawn.

                          No gardening tomorrow - family stuff, and forecast to rain all day anyway.
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • Today's must do job is to get the garden shed painted with stain/preservative. My shed at the plot is also in need of a freshen up but that will have to wait.


                            • Rain is forecast later today so just a few jobs to work on today.

                              Plant out beetroot seedlings into raised beds.
                              Clear a bed for sugar snap peas (yeah, I know....shoulda had it sorted WEEKS ago!!!)
                              If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                              • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                                Tomorrow will be road trip to fort William mostly for chicken food & compost
                                Will probably have a go at filling our own cupboards while we're there as well .
                                9 bags of chicken feed - got
                                9 bags of compost - got ( jacks magic 3 for �10 )
                                Cupboards & freezer full
                                Last edited by Small pumpkin; 25-05-2018, 07:35 PM.


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