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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Tuesday jobs
    Pull/dig horsetail - done some
    Remove annual weeds from tunnel - no
    Cut grass at allotment if dry - done
    Harvest beans, peas, tomatoes, turnip, raspberries, blueberries, potatoes - done
    Watering - done

    Also cut the lawns at home, as they were dry.

    Wednesday jobs
    Pull/dig horsetail
    Remove annual weeds from tunnel
    Harvest beans, tomatoes, courgettes, peppers, calabrese, blueberries, raspberries. Check apples for ripeness.
    Last edited by Penellype; 22-08-2018, 09:01 AM.
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Today I attack the dandelions on new plot, plant out leeks, weed the currants and pot up strawberry runners
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • Wednesday jobs
        Pull/dig horsetail - done some
        Remove annual weeds from tunnel - done some
        Deadheading - no
        Harvest beans, tomatoes, courgettes, peppers, calabrese, blueberries, raspberries - done
        Check apples for ripeness - not ready
        Watering - done

        No gardening today.
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Friday jobs (dodging showers)
          Pull/dig horsetail
          Trim long bits of grass at allotment
          Make courgette and tomato soup
          Harvest courgettes, beetroot, tomatoes, cucumber, peas, beans, raspberries, blueberries
          Watering if required
          Last edited by Penellype; 24-08-2018, 10:45 AM.
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Friday jobs
            Pull/dig horsetail - done some
            Weeding - done some
            Deadheading - done some
            Trim long bits of grass at allotment - done
            Make courgette and tomato soup - done
            Harvest courgettes, beetroot, tomatoes, cucumber, peas, beans, raspberries, blueberries - done
            Watering if required - done

            Also sowed some winter lettuce

            Weekend jobs

            At my friend's
            Tie in tomatoes and remove sideshoots
            Check melons and support fruit with nets
            Remove last lot of peas if finished
            Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, check onions
            Watering and fill self watering trays

            At home
            Tidy up perennials
            Remove finished peas
            Sow peas for pea shoots
            Harvest tomatoes, beans, blueberries

            At allotment
            Pull/dig horsetail
            General weeding
            Prune and tie in raspberries
            Pot up strawberry runners
            Harvest peas, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, turnips, beans, raspberries, check calabrese
            Watering if required
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Well I’m back from holidays and today I’m going to take the dog for a walk and pick blackberries. I’m going to ignore the multiple multiple other garden household and work related chores stacked up and enjoy some autumn sunshine.


              • Pop into work for couple of hours so I can enjoy rest of weekend with clear conscience. Done.

                Then weeding, Done 2 beds
                harvesting, done for now, more Monday
                making a bumper batch of courgette soup for freezer, done
                planting out some (very) late beetroot,Done half
                and a few oriental veg, deferred til next weekend....
                and painting some timber which will eventually become supports for raspberries. Done first coat

                Sunday is forecast heavy rain, so Meeting up with my sister -indoors
                Last edited by Chestnut; 28-08-2018, 08:37 PM.


                • To do for the long weekend

                  Digging new parts of the plot so I can put in my cabbages. I have only used half the plot so far as the pther half is infested with bindweed and couch grass
                  Go to Wilko and buy too many flower bulbs - DONE
                  Sow seeds (overwintering onions, spinach)
                  Cut off spare strawberry runners
                  Harvest tomatoes, courgettes, peppers, chard
                  Clean and tidy the house!

                  As you can see I have done the most important tasks first.


                  • My next door neighbour is letting me use their greenhouse that hasn't been used for years. It was full of spiders and webs and I tried to clean it, sort of, between shrieking because the spiders were chasing me. Also i fed my tomatoes, peppers and chills, tidied up my spinach, sowed some little gem seeds, cut back my bay tree and pulled up a few of my rudolph potatoes for dinner.


                    • Weekend jobs

                      At my friend's
                      Tie in tomatoes and remove sideshoots - done
                      Check melons and support fruit with nets - done
                      Remove last lot of peas if finished - done
                      Weeding - done some
                      Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, check onions - done
                      Watering and fill self watering trays - done

                      At home
                      Deadheading - done some
                      Tidy up perennials - done some
                      Remove finished peas - done
                      Weeding - done a bit
                      Sow peas for pea shoots - done (put to chit)
                      Harvest tomatoes, beans, blueberries - done
                      Watering - done

                      At allotment
                      Pull/dig horsetail - done some
                      General weeding - done some
                      Prune and tie in raspberries - done
                      Pot up strawberry runners - done
                      Harvest peas, tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, turnips, beans, raspberries, check calabrese - done
                      Watering if required - done

                      Monday jobs (depending on how wet everything is)
                      Pull/dig horsetail
                      Deadheading and trim perennials
                      Plant kale, kohlrabi
                      Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, beetroot, calabrese, raspberries, blueberries
                      Watering if required
                      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                      • Sow:
                        Pak choi
                        Mustard green in the snow
                        Spring cabbage Hispi

                        Harvest ripe tomatoes from lottie that I didn’t manage to do on Friday, screaming toddler wanted to go home - hope they haven’t been been ruined by the rain :/


                        • Monday jobs
                          Pull/dig horsetail - done some
                          Deadheading and trim perennials - no
                          Plant kale, kohlrabi - done also leeks
                          Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, beetroot, calabrese, raspberries, blueberries - done plus beans
                          Watering if required - no, only greenhouse and new plantings.

                          Also spent some time cleaning up the onions which are nearly ready to string and pegged down some more strawberry runners at home.

                          Tuesday jobs
                          Pull/dig horsetail
                          Deadheading and trim perennials
                          Mow lawns if dry enough
                          Do something with large amounts of ripe tomatoes
                          Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, salads, peppers, courgette, raspberreis, blueberries
                          Watering if required
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • Tuesday jobs
                            Pull/dig horsetail- no
                            Deadheading and trim perennials - done some
                            Mow lawns if dry enough - done
                            Weeding - done some
                            Do something with large amounts of ripe tomatoes - done
                            Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, salads, peppers, courgette, raspberreis, blueberries - done plus a bucket of Arran Pilot potatoes
                            Watering if required - done

                            Wednesday jobs
                            Pull/dig horsetail
                            Trim lawn edges
                            Check grass at allotment and cut if dry enough
                            Pot up chitted peas
                            Harvest tomatoes, salads, beetroot, calabrese, beans, raspberries, blueberries, check peas, apples
                            Last edited by Penellype; 29-08-2018, 08:11 AM.
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Wednesday jobs
                              Pull/dig horsetail - done some
                              Trim lawn edges - no
                              Check grass at allotment and cut if dry enough - no, too wet
                              Pot up chitted peas - done plus spring cabbage
                              Harvest tomatoes, salads, beetroot, calabrese, beans, raspberries, blueberries, check peas, apples - done some
                              Watering - done

                              Also sowed some florence fennel and removed the finished peas at the allotment.

                              No gardening tomorrow.
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Friday jobs
                                Pull/dig horsetail
                                Cut grass at allotment
                                Trim lawn edges
                                Plan weekend gardening
                                Harvest tomatoes, beans, calabrese, blueberries
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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