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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Monday jobs
    Weeding, especially in tunnel - done some
    Dig horsetail - done some
    Cut back brambles sprouting from hedge - done
    Harvest tomatoes, potatoes, leek, carrot, blueberries - done
    Check pots and water if required - done

    Also sieved a bucket of compost ready for carrots next year (there are 10 of these to get through)

    Tuesday jobs
    Weeding and deadheading
    Sieve another bucket of compost for carrots
    Harvest tomatoes, peppers, courgette, cucumber, salads. Check apples.
    Watering if required
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Tuesday jobs
      Weeding and deadheading - done some
      Sieve another bucket of compost for carrots - done
      Harvest tomatoes, peppers, courgette, cucumber, salads. Check apples. - done some
      Watering if required - done

      Also trimmed some branches off the hedge at the allotment and dug some horsetail. Sowed some spinach in loo roll innards (may be a bit late).

      Wednesday jobs
      Pull/dig horsetail
      Tidy up long grass under hedges
      Collect water at allotment after overnight rain
      Harvest potatoes, tomatoes, beans, salads
      Watering if required
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Wednesday jobs
        Pull/dig horsetail - done some
        Weeding - done some
        Tidy up long grass under hedges - done some
        Collect water at allotment after overnight rain - done
        Harvest potatoes, tomatoes, beans, salads - done
        Watering if required - done

        No gardening tomorrow.
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • I was at the local market in the high street yesterday. I managed to pick up two six pack modules with Spring Cabbage plants for �1.00 a punnet. Intend planting the twelve spring cabbage plants out at the allotment later today, along with some overwintering onion sets if I can find where I've put them.

          This is all dependent on weather conditions of course which is at the moment looking decidedly ropey!
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • Friday jobs
            Apply slug nematodes at allotment
            Plan weekend gardening
            Freeze tomatoes
            Harvest tomatoes, salads, carrots
            Watering if required
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Friday jobs
              Apply slug nematodes at allotment - done
              Plan weekend gardening - done
              Freeze tomatoes - done
              Harvest tomatoes, salads, carrots - done
              Watering if required - done

              Also took horsetail and broken old lawn mower to the tip, making some space in the garage.

              Weekend jobs

              At my friend's
              Harvest tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, beans
              Check melons, sweet potatoes
              Watering and fill self watering trays

              At home
              Apply slug and vine weevil nematodes if weather suitable
              Weeding and deadheading
              Sieve compost for carrots
              Pot up strawberry runners
              Tidy garage
              Harvest tomatoes, peppers, calabrese, carrots
              Check apples

              At allotment
              Pull/dig horsetail
              Trim long bits of grass
              Cut back more elderberry
              Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, beetroot
              Watering if required
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • Weekend jobs

                When I wrote this list I had completely forgotten that I had about half the usual amount of time this weekend!

                At my friend's
                Weeding - done some
                Harvest tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, beans - done
                Check melons, sweet potatoes - done, not ready yet
                Watering and fill self watering trays - done

                At home
                Apply slug and vine weevil nematodes if weather suitable - no
                Weeding and deadheading - done some
                Sieve compost for carrots - done some
                Pot up strawberry runners - no
                Tidy garage - done a bit
                Harvest tomatoes, peppers, calabrese, carrots - done
                Check apples - done
                Watering - done

                Also took the net off the fruit cage as there are several lots of gales forecast this week and the blueberries have just about finished. The frame is already a bit broken in places and I don't want to make it worse if I can help it.

                At allotment
                Pull/dig horsetail - done some
                Trim long bits of grass - done some
                Weeding - done some
                Cut back more elderberry - no
                Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, beetroot - done
                Watering if required - no

                Monday jobs
                Take spinach and fennel seedlings to allotment
                Pull/dig horsetail
                Weeding and deadheading
                Continue tidying garage
                Pot up strawberry runners
                Harvest yet more tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, salad leaves
                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                • I never thought I would come across a human as persistent as horsetail. But I think you might be that person! You are going to win.


                  • Monday jobs
                    Take spinach and fennel seedlings to allotment - done
                    Pull/dig horsetail - done quite a bit
                    Weeding and deadheading - done some
                    Continue tidying garage - done some
                    Pot up strawberry runners - no, planted spring cabbage instead
                    Harvest yet more tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, salad leaves - done
                    Watering - done

                    Also mowed the lawns and sieved some more compost for carrots (as part of tidying the garage). I'm attempting to see if I can create space for a small chest freezer as I am seriously running out of freezer space!

                    Tuesday jobs (weather permitting)
                    Pull/dig horsetail
                    Weed drive
                    Continue tidying garage
                    Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, calabrese, beans
                    Check apples
                    Last edited by Penellype; 18-09-2018, 08:33 AM.
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • bit more weeding and clearing. Trying to work out if I can make time to strim (the problem with that is that I'd need to go home after the plot (when you only get about half an hour of plot time, losing ten minutes to walk home and back out is a pest)


                      • Tuesday jobs
                        Pull/dig horsetail - done some
                        Deadheading - no
                        Weed drive - no
                        Continue tidying garage - done some
                        Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, calabrese, beans - done
                        Check apples - done
                        Watering - done

                        Wednesday jobs (gales permitting)
                        Walk round and check everything is secure both morning and evening (gales mid day)
                        Pull/dig horsetail
                        Weed drive
                        Continue sorting garage
                        Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, beans, carrot
                        Watering if required (care needed - deluge forecast tomorrow!)

                        I was going to do the nematodes today but I think they may get washed away by tomorrow's rain.
                        Last edited by Penellype; 19-09-2018, 07:50 AM.
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • Wednesday jobs
                          Walk round and check everything is secure both morning and evening (gales mid day) - done
                          Pull/dig horsetail - done
                          Deadheading - done a bit
                          Weed drive - done
                          Continue sorting garage - done some
                          Harvest tomatoes, lettuce, beans, carrot - done
                          Watering if required - done some pots

                          Also washed a load of plant pots and labels so they will be clean to put away and harvested a huge marrow for my brother, whose family might possibly eat it (I definitely won't).

                          No gardening tomorrow.
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • Friday jobs (weather permitting)
                            33mm (over 1 inch) rain yesterday and over night here, so everywhere is very wet.
                            Check everything for wind damage
                            Collect water at allotment
                            Clear up fallen leaves
                            Weeding if possible
                            Harvest tomatoes, apples, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, calabrese
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Friday jobs
                              Check everything for wind damage - done
                              Collect water at allotment - done
                              Clear up fallen leaves - done some
                              Weeding if possible - done some
                              Harvest tomatoes, apples, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, calabrese - done some, also a courgette and some peppers

                              Also sieved a bucket of compost for carrots and sowed cauliflower and winter lettuce.

                              Weekend jobs
                              Large uncertainty about rain on Sunday, which may or may not get this far north

                              At my friend's
                              Feed slugs to chickens
                              Attempt to rescue leaning runner beans
                              Harvest melons and remove dying plants
                              Harvest beans, tomatoes
                              Water greenhouse

                              At home
                              Apply nematodes (vine weevil and slug) if weather suitable
                              Remove finished bush tomatoes and runner beans
                              Tidy garage
                              Harvest tomatoes, beans, calabrese, carrots, check apples

                              At allotment
                              Collect slugs and snails
                              Pull/dig horsetail
                              Weeding and clear up leaves
                              Tidy up stakes etc from finished tomatoes
                              Do something with parsnip net (plants too big)
                              Harvest lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, beans
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Weekend jobs
                                Harvest whatever is remaining - got my first calabrese this morning (yay!) and some beetroot look ready too.
                                Decide whether or not to bring in remaining beans indoor for drying - yes brought in CToT and borlotti
                                Dig bed, plant out four more PSB plants - done
                                Salvage dahlias (poor things got knocked over by the storm and are looking worn - not yet as it is chucking it down
                                Pot up brocolli raab - decided to wait until it has more leaves first (lazy)
                                Last edited by kitty12345; 23-09-2018, 10:01 AM.


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