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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Today
    Finish weeding bed 4
    Mow and strim front garden, car parking area, veggie garden.
    Tidy two of my sheds.
    More weeding if time.


    • Yesterday's jobs:
      Tidy rear lawn edges - done
      Peg down more strawberry runners - done
      Check tomatoes, remove sideshoots and tie in as required - done
      Check and tie in cucumber if necessary - done, added more mesh to fence for it to climb along
      Check brassica seedlings and pot up if necessary - not ready yet
      Pea and bean seedlings to go outside - pot up beans - done
      Balconi tomato plant to go out and pot up into balconniere - done
      Deadheading and weeding as required - done some
      Harvest salads, tomatoes, orange pepper, turnips, calabrese, strawberries, black and possibly white currants - done except for white currants, not ready yet
      Feed flowers on fences - done
      Watering - done

      Also trimmed some of the dead bits off the clematis.

      Struggling to tell when the blackcurrants are ripe. A few are pleasantly sweet (ish), but some are horribly sour, even though they are black. Any tips appreciated as its the first time I've grown these.

      Today's job:
      Collect rain water for blueberries.
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Today's job:
        Continue collecting rain water for blueberries.

        Yesterday and today I did manage to harvest a few strawberries and remove a few slugs and snails, otherwise its just been far too wet to do anything.
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Originally posted by Penellype View Post
          Struggling to tell when the blackcurrants are ripe. A few are pleasantly sweet (ish), but some are horribly sour, even though they are black. Any tips appreciated as its the first time I've grown these.
          This mentions currants at the top of the bunch of fruit ripening first in older varieties? I don't know if that helps,hopefully someone will know? This is from the rhs;
          Harvest the fruit on modern varieties such as the �Ben Sarek�, �Ben Hope�, �Ben Lomond� and �Ben Connan� by cutting the strigs (bunches of fruit) as they turn black. Older types of blackcurrant varieties ripen at different times, with the currants at the top of the strig ripening first. The fruit should therefore be picked individually.

          Location : Essex


          • If it rains tomorrow like it has rained today I intend to .......................look out the window and sigh...
            Potty by name Potty by nature.

            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

            Aesop 620BC-560BC



            • Originally posted by Jungle Jane View Post
              This mentions currants at the top of the bunch of fruit ripening first in older varieties? I don't know if that helps,hopefully someone will know? This is from the rhs;
              Harvest the fruit on modern varieties such as the ‘Ben Sarek’, ‘Ben Hope’, ‘Ben Lomond’ and ‘Ben Connan’ by cutting the strigs (bunches of fruit) as they turn black. Older types of blackcurrant varieties ripen at different times, with the currants at the top of the strig ripening first. The fruit should therefore be picked individually.
              Thanks - mine is Ben Sarek, but I'm finding it difficult to tell the correct shade of black. Maybe I'm just a bit impatient!
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • Thursdays are usually busy and today is no exception.

                Have collected enough water to almost fill my bin.

                Today's jobs
                Empty drip trays so seedlings don't drown
                Feed hotbin
                Harvest strawberries, peas, tomatoes
                Slug and snail hunt
                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                • Yesterday's jobs (and today)
                  Empty drip trays so seedlings don't drown - done some
                  Feed hotbin - done
                  Harvest strawberries, peas, tomatoes - done plus a red snackbite pepper
                  Slug and snail hunt - done a bit

                  Also managed to pot up some lettuce seedlings and do some deadheading today in between various appointments.

                  Weekend jobs (soggy gardens permitting)
                  At my friend's
                  Sort out another of the paths
                  Plant out french beans
                  Tie in tomatoes and remove sideshoots
                  Feed slugs and snails to chickens
                  Harvest cucumber and possibly peas and cabbage

                  At home
                  Pot up brokali seedlings
                  Rearrange carrot cage to accommodate brokali
                  Rescue carrots from flooded drip trays
                  Rearrange pots to make room for displaced turnips and parsnips
                  Possibly harvest a bucket of Charlotte potatoes
                  Pot up late peas and the rest of the lettuces
                  Tie in tomatoes and remove sideshoots
                  Train runner beans along canes
                  Deadheading and weeding
                  Harvest tomatoes, peas, lettuce, turnips, cabbage, currants and strawberries
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Today I will be thinning carrots and watching the ........... ....... ......... Rain!
                    ( feel free to fill in the missing words )


                    • Plant out another load of tomato plants. They were given to me by a close local friend and I feel obliged to put them in.

                      Could also do with earthing up the Charlotte potatoes, as they're busting through the soil at the top. The trouble is, I've managed to create a brilliant channel for watering them and any earthing up I do will ruin that. Back to the drawing board for next year...

                      Have already watered everything that needed it, tied in the pepper and aubergine plants and trimmed the existing tomato plants.


                      • Think I'll empty a bag of spuds to see how they've done. Also sting up the last of the garlic and Oerprei.
                        Plan on sowing buckwheat into the empty overwintering allium beds.
                        Might even put the ends onto the new long bed but I'll see about that.

                        New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

                        �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
                        ― Thomas A. Edison

                        �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                        ― Thomas A. Edison

                        - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


                        • Watching the Tour de France, because I can't watch it during the week.
                          Education is important, but motorbikes is importanter.


                          • Weekend jobs (soggy gardens permitting)
                            At my friend's
                            Weeding - done some
                            Sort out another of the paths - done
                            Plant out french beans - done
                            Tie in tomatoes and remove sideshoots - done for now
                            Feed slugs and snails to chickens - done
                            Harvest cucumber and possibly peas and cabbage - done + a small beetroot

                            At home
                            Pot up brokali seedlings - done
                            Rearrange carrot cage to accommodate brokali - done
                            Rescue carrots from flooded drip trays - done
                            Rearrange pots to make room for displaced turnips and parsnips - done
                            Possibly harvest a bucket of Charlotte potatoes - done 1.05kg potatoes from this one.
                            Pot up late peas and the rest of the lettuces - done peas
                            Tie in tomatoes and remove sideshoots - done some
                            Train runner beans along canes - done
                            Deadheading and weeding - done some
                            Harvest tomatoes, peas, lettuce, turnips, cabbage, currants and strawberries - done + a couple of carrots.

                            Also sowed more florence fennel as only 2 seeds have germinated.

                            Monday's jobs:
                            Mow front lawn
                            Feed fence pots
                            More deadheading
                            Tidy up strawberry plants that have finished fruiting and swop with wild strawberries to give those more sun
                            War on blackfly (my friend suggests vinegar and fairy liquid - nothing to lose as the nasturtiums are dying).
                            Harvest lettuce and salad leaves, peppers, peas, strawberries, tomatoes, currants and carrots.
                            Last edited by Penellype; 02-07-2017, 09:26 PM.
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Me and little breeze are going to take some fruit, salad bags & lettuce to the honesty shop.
                              Tie up chillies and tomatoes.
                              Taking photos and asking questions about Humphrey ( the pumpkin). You have been warned


                              • I will be keeping an eye on the peaches in the greenhouse as I found one dropped off the tree this morning
                                and the others look to be only days off being ready and I am drooling now thinking about sinking my teeth into them, AND... the sun has come out....again, I hope at long last it is developing a habit as we are fed up with 12 to 13deg in the middle of summer, so this brightness is most welcome..


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