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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Tuesday jobs
    Apply slug nematodes if possible - done
    Harvest salads, beans, french beans, courgettes, tomatoes - done
    Check calabrese, strawberries - done, ate the calabrese
    Check pots and water if required (preferably along with the nematodes) - done

    Less work to do than anticipated so also managed to mow the front lawn (parts of the rear lawn have been seeded so I can't mow that at the moment) and started to check and tidy up the onions ready for stringing.

    Wednesday jobs
    The job that really needs doing is taking some compost out of the bottom of the hotbin so that I will have room for all the debris from autumn. What's stopping me is a nasturtium plant in front of the hotbin, which will get squashed in the process. I need to be ruthless, as the hotbin is full and I need the space.
    Weeding and deadheading
    Harvest salads, tomatoes, beans, carrots, strawberries
    Check blueberries and harvest any remaining ripe ones
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
      Tomorrow is Wednesday, 27th in Fruits week.
      On Weednesday, I weed and I'll tidy bed 27 (mostly chard and asparagus kale) NOT DONE
      As I've finished the alphabet until 1st October, I shall do something completely random (nothing new there) Sorted some old flower seeds to scatter in the garden - Decluttering
      I need to do some tomato leaf pruning but keep putting it off as there are so many whitefly lying in wait for me. Maybe I'll brave them tomorrow. NOT DONE
      Today was a washout so I achieved nothing today
      Rolling them over to tomorrow.
      Tomorrow is Thursday, 28th in Fruits week.
      On Thursday, I thin out and transplant - not much to do there!
      The beds ran out of numbers at 27 so there isn't a bed 28 - its a wildcard bed - but I need to do Bed 27 that I missed today.
      The end of the month is catch-up time - it all starts again on Sunday, 1st October.


      • Wednesday jobs
        The job that really needs doing is taking some compost out of the bottom of the hotbin so that I will have room for all the debris from autumn. What's stopping me is a nasturtium plant in front of the hotbin, which will get squashed in the process. I need to be ruthless, as the hotbin is full and I need the space - done with only minor squashing of the nasturtium
        Weeding and deadheading - done some
        Harvest salads, tomatoes, beans, carrots, strawberries - done tomatoes and strawberries
        Check blueberries and harvest any remaining ripe ones - done

        I decided to take down the net on the fruit cage because it was dry and the forecast is for rain most days and then very strong winds around Monday. Picked all the remaining blueberries and covered the carrots under the shelf with a smaller net.

        Harvested the florence fennel as it was bolting, which rather changed my dinner plans so I didn't harvest beans or carrots.

        Busy tomorrow so unlikely to get anything done in the garden.
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
          Today was a washout so I achieved nothing today
          Rolling them over to tomorrow.
          Tomorrow is Thursday, 28th in Fruits week.
          On Thursday, I thin out and transplant - not much to do there! DONE - 'cos there was nuffing
          The beds ran out of numbers at 27 so there isn't a bed 28 - its a wildcard bed - but I need to do Bed 27 that I missed today. DONE

          The end of the month is catch-up time - Wednesday's Job Defoliated the other tomato GH to get rid of whitefly. Horrid things DONE

          it all starts again on Sunday, 1st October.
          Tomorrow is Friday 29th in Fruits week.
          Friday is Flowers and Feed the toms day - except there's nothing left to feed - just a few toms dangling from their stems, hoping to ripen. I'm going to stop feeding them now.
          I have a lot of mixed up old flower seeds to scatter.
          Also deadheading and taking cuttings.
          The raspberries need picking and pruning and I need to weed their tunnel.
          That'll do for tomorrow.


          • True to form for a Thursday I got no time for gardening yesterday, and it was a gorgeous sunny day. It is now raining

            Friday jobs
            Weeding and deadheading if possible
            Tidy garage and find somewhere to store the trug of hobin compost I dumped in there on Wednesday
            Plan weekend jobs
            Harvest salads, tomatoes
            Last edited by Penellype; 29-09-2017, 08:24 AM.
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Plant my back up Brussell sprouts


              • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                Tomorrow is Friday 29th in Fruits week.
                Friday is Flowers and Feed the toms day - except there's nothing left to feed - just a few toms dangling from their stems, hoping to ripen. I'm going to stop feeding them now.
                I have a lot of mixed up old flower seeds to scatter. DONE
                Also deadheading and taking cuttings. DONE - cuttings of yellow osteospermum. The white ones I took last week are already rooting
                The raspberries need picking and pruning and I need to weed their tunnel. DONE
                That'll do for tomorrow.
                Tomorrow is Saturday, 30th in Fruits week.
                Saturday is Catch-up day and the end of the month is also catch-up time.
                I'm going to prune some of the soft fruit bushes and dig up some stray raspberries.


                • Friday jobs
                  Weeding and deadheading if possible - too wet
                  Tidy garage and find somewhere to store the trug of hobin compost I dumped in there on Wednesday - done some and found a home for the compost.
                  Plan weekend jobs - done
                  Harvest salads, tomatoes - done

                  Also strung some of the drier onions to get them out of the way and cut down one of the balconi tomatoes that was clearly dying.

                  Weekend jobs
                  After some very heavy rain yesterday on already wet ground I'm going to be rather limited as to what I can do.
                  At my friend's:
                  Check tomatoes in greenhouse and remove anything mouldy.
                  Cut at least the 2 largest melons and bring indoors to see if they will ripen
                  Possibly harvest the 2nd bucket of Sarpo Mira potatoes
                  Weeding where possible
                  Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, beans, courgettes

                  At home:
                  Weeding and deadheading
                  Trim dead leaves off strawberries
                  Monthly garden photos (Sunday)
                  Clear up blueberry leaves
                  Continue tidying garage
                  Harvest (choose from) salads, tomatoes, beans (french and runner), courgettes, carrots, beetroot, pak choi, kohlrabi, bolted leek
                  Check calabrese, strawberries
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Today's jobs is Sorting Seeds for Sowing tomorrow - and I still have time to do that

                    Tomorrow is Monday, 2nd October and its Leaves Week
                    On Mondays I sow seeds - this week its Leaves - lettuce, salad leaves, rocket and kale.

                    I was going to start Pottyculture spuds tomorrow but have decided to leave it until next week - Roots week - as that will prompt me to plant spuds every 4th week.

                    On the 2nd Day of the month I tidy Bed 2 and do things beginning with B, including Decluttering some B things
                    I'm adding 2 more daily tasks - Weeds beginning with B (Buttercups) and Cleaning summat beginning with B (Bathroom)
                    Hope you're all concentrating as I know my plans can be a little confusing,


                    • ^^^ nutter

                      or possibly better than me..
                      1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


                      • Weekend jobs
                        At my friend's:
                        Check tomatoes in greenhouse and remove anything mouldy - done
                        Cut at least the 2 largest melons and bring indoors to see if they will ripen - done, cut all of them as the plants were completely dead. 9 melons tennis ball sized or bigger from 2 plants, but so far none of them ripe.
                        Possibly harvest the 2nd bucket of Sarpo Mira potatoes - too wet
                        Weeding where possible - too wet
                        Harvest tomatoes, cucumber, beans, courgettes - done

                        At home:
                        Weeding and deadheading - done some
                        Trim dead leaves off strawberries - done some
                        Monthly garden photos (Sunday) - done
                        Clear up blueberry leaves - done, but more have fallen
                        Continue tidying garage - no
                        Harvest (choose from) salads, tomatoes, beans (french and runner), courgettes, carrots, beetroot, pak choi, kohlrabi, bolted leek - done some
                        Check calabrese, strawberries - done, nearly ready again

                        The tomatoes are really suffering from the continued damp. I had to cut down both of the Garden Pearl in the greenhouse because they were rapidly turning into mounds of mould, but I did manage to salvage some tomatoes. The Megabyte in the growhouse was also cut down completely as it was going mouldy. The balconi plants in the garden are also suffering from mould and I spent quite a long time pulling off dead leaves, picking any fruit that was showing signs of ripening and cutting back mouldy branches. I don't think they have long to live.

                        Monday jobs
                        This week is looking decidedly difficult for gardening with Tuesday and Thursday ruled out due to appointments and meetings, and a howling gale blowing today. Hopefully the forecast wind and lack of rain will dry out the back garden lawn enough for me to mow it on Wednesday!
                        Weeding and deadheading if possible
                        Rearrange front fence if possible
                        Harvest salads, beans, beetroot, carrots, calabrese, strawberries
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • Glare at the weather forecast.


                          • When I do get some plot time again, I intend to start general tidying up, cover beds wherever I can, harvest anything else that needs to come in etc.


                            • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                              Tomorrow is Monday, 2nd October and its Leaves Week
                              On Mondays I sow seeds - this week its Leaves - lettuce, salad leaves, rocket and kale. DONE

                              On the 2nd Day of the month I tidy Bed 2 NOT DONE - too windy under the trees
                              and do things beginning with B, including Decluttering some B things DONE - some Books
                              I'm adding 2 more daily tasks - Weeds beginning with B (Buttercups) DONE - just a few
                              and Cleaning summat beginning with B (Bathroom) DONE
                              Tomorrow is Tuesday the 3rd in Leaves Week
                              Tuesday is Chooksday - cleaning them out, feed topping up etc.
                              On the 3rd I tidy bed 3 (and 2 to catch up)
                              Do things with a C which may be:-
                              Weeding some Couch grass
                              Cleaning a Cupboard
                              Decluttering a Cupboard - that sounds logical!!


                              • Unfortunately tomorrow will be nothing gardening related.


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