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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Today I need to move the remaining soil and compost from yesterday.

    I also want to move some of my seedlings to bigger pots.

    Today's forecast is 30C (and 35 tomorrow), so I may get less done than I hope.


    • Yesterday was frustrating in that I couldn't get at a lot of what I wanted to do because it was too wet underfoot to walk on the lawn. I emptied the strawberries and framberries out of the cold frame so that I have space to protect the more vulnerable plants on Sunday night when it might be frosty.
      Also planted some peas for pea shoots and harvested carrots, calabrese, 2 tiny cucumbers and probably the last of the french beans.

      Weekend jobs
      At my friend's:
      Remove any dead or mouldy tomato plants from the greenhouse
      Check cucumbers and sweet potatoes
      Tidy greenhouse
      Weeding if possible

      At home:
      Trim rear hedge if dry enough
      Protect begonias, geraniums, fuchsias and perpetual strawberries from frost
      Remove dead bedding plants
      Tidy garage - put away canes, posts, string and miscellaneous items from dismantling tomato and bean supports etc.
      Harvest salads, peppers, carrots, kohlrabi
      Check strawberries, brokali, courgettes
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Tomorrow I need to go and buy a few supplies so that I'm ready for anything when I plant out my remaining seedlings. I also need to buy some small pots as I have way too many seeds arriving in the mail next week.

        I need to stake the tomato plants I put in a bed today and I need to tie cucumber plants to their trellis.


        • The back garden is enclosed by 6ft grey breeze block walls - it's like gardening in a prison yard.
          I need to paint them before the main growing season next spring.

          I need to reflect some light, but don't want to just whitewash the lot - I need to think of some simple design to make it a bit more 'appealing'. Not too sure what though.
          .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

          My Youtube Channel -


          • Just re-read my post above there - how many times did I say 'I need'.

            Bladdy awful English.
            .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

            My Youtube Channel -


            • Originally posted by KevinM67 View Post
              The back garden is enclosed by 6ft grey breeze block walls - it's like gardening in a prison yard.
              I need to paint them before the main growing season next spring.

              I need to reflect some light, but don't want to just whitewash the lot - I need to think of some simple design to make it a bit more 'appealing'. Not too sure what though.
              You could paint the walls, then stick on mirror tiles inside a "window frame", with a "sill" benath, with pots of red geraniums.
              I know what I mean, you "Need" to use your imagination


              • Hmm, that seems interesting VC.

                It's great having 'old hippys' on here that can pass on their cool design ideas.
                .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                My Youtube Channel -


                • Have a google, you cheeky little whippersnapper
                  There are lots of ways to use mirrors in gardens. I like the ones that make you believe you can walk through a doorway into another garden.


                  • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                    I like the ones that make you believe you can walk through a doorway into another garden.
                    So it's true - taking LSD can have life-lasting effects.
                    .......because you're thinking of putting the kettle on and making a pot of tea perhaps, you old weirdo. (Veggie Chicken - 25/01/18)

                    My Youtube Channel -


                    • I think you mean �sd


                      • @Kevin - You might need to be a be a bit careful to choose mirrors designed fro outdoor use. Indoor ones tend to go blotchy quite quickly when left outside.

                        Whilst you’re busy with that, I will be spending the day barrowing manure from the front drive to the back garden, ready for some raised beds and raspberries ;-)


                        • After all the digging this weekend, I intend to do what by body let's me....that probably won't be much!


                          • Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                            Tomorrow is Saturday, 28th, Catch up day!! I'm not going to be able to catch up on all the missed beds this week, even if its a glorious day - but I'll try.

                            I've revamped the 30 beds, merging some and adding in new and very overgrown "beds". Unfortunately, Beds 28, 29 and 30 are some of them so the next few days are likely to end in disappointment. I can only try.
                            Its random decluttering day too - and I'm expecting a delivery of chicken feed so that will tie me to the house area. Hope it arrives early. DONE - delivery came 9.30.
                            Spent the day replacing the flower pallet on the shed with its metal successor and potting up the geraniums and begonias that were planted in it. Now in the GH for winter.
                            Today is Sunday 29th when I find the seeds ready to sow tomorrow, the start of Leaves week I'll do that later this evening.
                            I've been tidying the raspberry cage today - Bed 26 from a few days ago.

                            Tomorrow is Monday 30th in Leaves week.
                            I'll sow some seeds of leafy plants - like cauli, lettuce, kale etc.
                            Tidy bed 30 (very overgrown fruit bed - may not be able to do much there, needs a major overhaul)
                            Do some random decluttering.


                            • Weekend jobs
                              At my friend's:
                              Remove any dead or mouldy tomato plants from the greenhouse - done
                              Check cucumbers and sweet potatoes - ok at present
                              Tidy greenhouse - no
                              Weeding if possible - no

                              Realized that if I didn't do something with some of the outdoor plants they would be killed by the frost. Picked all the ripe Mountain Magic tomatoes (the plants have blight but some of the fruit looks ok) and harvested the last bucket of late planted Sarpo Mira potatoes. Also picked 6 huge courgettes and put them in the greenhouse where at least they shouldn't freeze.

                              At home:
                              Trim rear hedge if dry enough - done
                              Protect begonias, geraniums, fuchsias and perpetual strawberries from frost - done
                              Remove dead bedding plants - done some
                              Tidy garage - put away canes, posts, string and miscellaneous items from dismantling tomato and bean supports etc. - no
                              Harvest salads, peppers, carrots, kohlrabi - done some
                              Check strawberries, brokali, courgettes - done

                              Can anyone recommend a lightweight battery hedge trimmer that actually does the job? I have something similar to this and I wouldn't want anything bigger. My old one, which I had for about 15 years before it packed up, was an older Bosch model and it was brilliant. This thing jams if the hedge is at all woody, and the softer branches often just bend rather than cut. Its nearly impossible to use comfortably because of the position of the 2 switches (I ache from head to foot today), and I have to go over everything 2 or 3 times to get a half- acceptable result. No electricity near the hedge and I don't want trailing wires or a petrol model. Suggestions welcome.
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Tomorrow is going to be much cooler than the last few days, so I need to finish moving the compost and soil. I also need to mow the lawn before the hot weather returns.


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