Weekend jobs
At my friend's
Check lettuces in greenhouse and water if necessary - done
Check outdoor plants and remove any weeds - done
Feed slugs to chickens - done
At home
Sow 2 Shirley tomato seeds - done
Pot up lettuce seedlings - no
Top up hotbin - done
Clear out indoor plants that have finished - no
Harvest salads, indoor tomatoes and pepper, carrots, swede - done except swede
At allotment
Assess state of cabbages and bring anything edible home for spring greens (they are in the way) - done
Continue clearing weeds - done
Take a couple of drip trays to catch extra rain (wet on Monday) - no
Remove various plastic bags etc from hedges - no
Monday jobs (very wet last night and into the morning)
Remove dead plants in house
Pot up lettuces
Walk down and check allotment, tidy up a bit if possible
Bring pot of leeks into garage (might be frosty next couple of nights)
Batten down hatches for storm on Wed night.
Harvest salads, carrots, swede
At my friend's
Check lettuces in greenhouse and water if necessary - done
Check outdoor plants and remove any weeds - done
Feed slugs to chickens - done
At home
Sow 2 Shirley tomato seeds - done
Pot up lettuce seedlings - no
Top up hotbin - done
Clear out indoor plants that have finished - no
Harvest salads, indoor tomatoes and pepper, carrots, swede - done except swede
At allotment
Assess state of cabbages and bring anything edible home for spring greens (they are in the way) - done
Continue clearing weeds - done
Take a couple of drip trays to catch extra rain (wet on Monday) - no
Remove various plastic bags etc from hedges - no
Monday jobs (very wet last night and into the morning)
Remove dead plants in house
Pot up lettuces
Walk down and check allotment, tidy up a bit if possible
Bring pot of leeks into garage (might be frosty next couple of nights)
Batten down hatches for storm on Wed night.
Harvest salads, carrots, swede