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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Today I'm going to get drenched, muddy and quite possibly blown away!
    I'll be moving one of the Loganberries that seems to be trying to leave. So he's getting put back with the others. Then I'm going to improve their support and build a frame round there bed to define it.


    • ^^^^done.........


      • Originally posted by Snadger View Post
        This weekend I intend firing up the propgator (If it still works) and sowing Tea Tree seeds (Camelia Sinensis),Stevia (Rebaudiana),Himalayan Blue Poppy (Mecanopsis Betonidifolia),Shallot (Zebrune) and last but not least Leek (Bulgarian Long).
        Good luck with the Mecanopsis! Had more failure than success growing them in the past.

        Lovely plant.


        • Hopefully building new and improving existing raised beds.
          Bob doesn't know he's helping yet !


          • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
            Hopefully building new and improving existing raised beds.
            Bob doesn't know he's helping yet !
            Partly done. Rain stopped play but we got the new raised beds built. They still need weeding and filling.

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            This afternoon I'll be re planing the crop rotation best job ever!


            • Having a well earned "Sleep In"

              Yes! I made it to the end of the week, work finished, am now home in the warmth, a few beers and a big fat curry with all the sides, and a big fat garlic naan bread the size of an elephants ear sat in the fridge.

              Did I tell you I have all next week off!

              I may even get some chilli seed sown this afternoon!

              "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


              • Moving a water butt, evicting some more carpet and hopefully some weeding as well:-)


                • Weekend jobs

                  At my friend's
                  Check lettuces in the greenhouse and water if necessary - done
                  Check other plants, possibly harvest a parsnip - no
                  Weeding if required - no
                  Collect another couple of car loads of rotted manure - done one

                  At home
                  Sort out the pots of compost to take to the allotment to top off the filled raised beds - done some
                  Tidy garage - no
                  Check round to make sure all is still under control - done
                  Harvest salads, carrots, swede, fennel - done except swede, also harvested 3 small beetroot

                  Also spent quite a bit of time laying the paths and measuring and positioning the raised beds at the allotment, which involved some digging and removing horsetail roots. Pruned the spirea bush at home.

                  Monday jobs
                  Rain this morning and work could well intervene this afternoon, so I may do any (or none) of:
                  Chop compost at allotment
                  Sort out wood store at allotment so I know what I have got
                  Collect more rotted muck for raised beds
                  Remove dying osteospermums from pot in front garden (not hardy - I'm amazed they have lasted this long)
                  Tidy garage.
                  Harvest salads, carrots, swede, brokali.
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Today my first chilli is ready to be potted on into a 1lt pot.
                    Final attempt at getting 4 chilli varieties to germinate ( 3 from the same company, not happy). Going to so them in a small cell tray on the heat mat under the lights (I know they don't need the light to germinate but that's where the heat mat is )instead of the heated propagator ( last 2 attempts have come to nothing).
                    Also hope to start digging out the weeds and roots in my new raised beds and start filling them.


                    • Monday jobs
                      Chop compost at allotment - no
                      Sort out wood store at allotment so I know what I have got - done
                      Collect more rotted muck for raised beds - no
                      Remove dying osteospermums from pot in front garden (not hardy - I'm amazed they have lasted this long) - done
                      Tidy garage - done a bit
                      Harvest salads, carrots, swede, brokali - done

                      Had to spend most of the time at home waiting for someone, so also removed dead foliage from the crocosmia in the front garden and the pulmonaria in the back.

                      Also sowed some carrots to grow indoors and ordered a patio apricot tree.

                      Tuesday jobs (work permitting)
                      Chop compost at allotment
                      Get more rotted muck (unlikely to have time)
                      Clear jumble on left side of shed to make space for water butts
                      Harvest salads
                      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                      • Chit the seed potatoes I bought in the UK and start off the chilli seeds on the radiators....
                        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                        Location....Normandy France


                        • I’m in the middle of watering my onion seedlings (they’re on a tray of water),watered the others (peppers,tomatoes,marigolds & salad) tomatoes & marigolds need potting on into 3” pots maybe today after this coffee
                          Last edited by Jungle Jane; 30-01-2018, 11:07 AM.
                          Location : Essex


                          • Tuesday jobs
                            Chop compost at allotment - done some
                            Get more rotted muck - no
                            Clear jumble on left side of shed to make space for water butts - done
                            Harvest salads - done, also carrots

                            Also trimmed back some of the big branches of leylandii that were growing from the top of the hedge at the allotment.

                            Out all day today so no gardening
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Thursday jobs
                              1st of February today so take garden photos
                              Get paving slabs and water butt for left side of shed
                              Chop more compost
                              Get some rotted muck
                              Harvest parsnip, leeks
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Im making some reflective panels for my grow light area,I�m about to drill some holes into this styrene plastic that cracks easily I found out,but my drill battery�s flat I�m just charging it now. Hopefully I can hang these to the frame once I�ve stuck this reflective stuff on it,this is the mess I�m getting into at the moment -

                                Click image for larger version

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Size:	77.8 KB
ID:	2376377
                                Location : Essex


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