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  • Plant spuds, and hopefully finish my second raised bed- if I don’t melt first!


    • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
      Today taking chillies for a walk to the tunnel and feed them.
      Start my next building project ( photos to follow if it works! )
      Finish levelling slabs.
      Chillies walked and fed
      Building project plans in the making. For once going to do it properly, not wing it.
      To wet and cold to play with slabs.


      • Friday jobs
        My push mower has arrived, so one job for tomorrow is to take it to the plot and see how well it cuts the grass - done
        Mow lawns at home - done
        Dig horsetail out of paths and raised beds - done some
        Pot up any more peas that have chitted - done
        Harvest salads, spinach, broccoli - done

        Little action at work, enabling me to spend a lot of time gardening. As well as the above I sowed some leeks and celeriac, tied in the sitting room tomatoes and removed some sideshoots, deadheaded the daffodils, weeded the drive, trimmed the fuchsias which are starting to sprout (including some of the "half hardy" ones that I dumped outside the back door and left there all winter!), replaced the edging to the grass path at the allotment, tidied the allotment shed and watered the garden, allotment and my friend's greenhouse.

        Weekend jobs

        At my friend's
        Feed slugs and snails to chickens
        Weeding if required
        Put up pea supports and plant out peas
        Watering in greenhouse and outdoors if it doesn't rain (thunderstorms forecast Sat pm)

        At home
        Sow all of the outdoor and greenhouse tomatoes, plus some lettuces
        Put more peas to chit
        Put up pea supports and plant out peas
        General weed and tidy up
        Cut lawn edges
        Harvest salads, broccoli, french beans (indoors), peppers from windowsill.

        At allotment
        Continue the war on horsetail
        Continue collecting slugs and snails
        Put white boards around raspberry bed to keep back grass
        Chop some leylandii
        Harvest salads, spinach, rhubarb
        Last edited by Penellype; 20-04-2018, 10:06 PM.
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Yesterday - still far too hot in the evening to dig in the manure for my potatoes (hoping to do on Sunday when fraction cooler). Weeded and planted onions. Did some other general weeding.

          Today - busy day at work but got two loads of washing done and dried (work from home).
          After work mowed lawn and did edges so I don�t have to do in full heat tomorrow. Watered all my pots, seedlings etc as was very hot. Nothing doing on allotment tonight.

          Weekend - hopefully plant remaining onion sets, potatoes and peas out on plot.


          • repot my cucumbers (can't put them in their final place yet as I haven't bought the toms that go in front if them), put maincrop spuds in and mow the lawns. as I'll be minding the small person for some od the day as well, I reckon that lot should keep me busy...


            • Today

              Depends on the weather. I need to finish the bean trellis. I'll wait a bit on the weather to set some slug beer traps. Desperate to complete the little greenhouse for the back garden, but that is definitely weather-dependent. - Didn't do any of this. My Very Nice Partner surprised me with a rental car. We had a day of birdwatching at the Attenborough Nature Reserve and bought a couple of plants at a garden centre, including my longed-for boysenberry.


              Haul some paving stones to the allotment to make paths.
              Plant my boysenberry.


              • Patio cleaning - done
                Raked, mowed and aerated the lawn - done

                Tomorrow - overseed and fertilise the lawn and water it.

                Went on a slug hunt and found mostly baby slugs congregating on the achilliea, agastache and salvia. No adults. Seems nematodes in Autumn did them in and I’m now left with the hatched babies. More nematodes on order, which is a job for next week. I may have to remove, or partially remove, our Strulch from the beds so they can be washed into the soil. I’ll handpick and remove any that survive.


                • Weekend jobs

                  At my friend's
                  Feed slugs and snails to chickens - done
                  Weeding if required - done some
                  Put up pea supports and plant out peas - done, also straightened bean teepee, which was leaning
                  Watering in greenhouse and outdoors if it doesn't rain (thunderstorms forecast Sat pm) - done

                  At home
                  Sow all of the outdoor and greenhouse tomatoes, plus some lettuces - done
                  Put more peas to chit - done, had to make a quick detour to the garden centre as I ran out of pea seeds!
                  Put up pea supports and plant out peas - done
                  General weed and tidy up - done a bit
                  Cut lawn edges - no, I need the spade to straighten the front one and it is currently at the alltoment!
                  Watering - done
                  Harvest salads, broccoli, french beans (indoors), peppers from windowsill - done, also some mizuna and kale, both of which are rapidly bolting.

                  Also planted out hardy annual flowers (cornflowers and godetia) that were getting a bit big for their modules and put up the carrot cage net as the carrots have germinated and I don't want them getting carrot fly.

                  At allotment
                  Continue the war on horsetail - in progress
                  Continue collecting slugs and snails - done some
                  Put white boards around raspberry bed to keep back grass - no
                  Chop some leylandii - done a little
                  Watering - done
                  Harvest salads, spinach, rhubarb - done

                  Also planted out Douce Provence peas, cut off several rhubarb flowers and tightened the bolts on the lawn mower.

                  I'm looking forward to a nice hot bath now!

                  Monday jobs (work permitting)

                  Probably need to choose between putting the boards in round the raspberry bed or digging more of the horsetail out of the tunnel. Horsetail is probably the more urgent job.
                  Lawn edges at home need cutting/straightening. Need to bring home spade.
                  Possibly take some horsetail roots to tip as I am running out of trugs to put them in.
                  Harvest salads, broccoli, spinach
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Sunday

                    Haul some paving stones to the allotment to make paths - done. With some considerable effort.
                    Plant my boysenberry - done. Maybe in the wrong spot? I'll have a think before planting anything else around there.

                    Also took some more daisies over to the plot, bamboo canes, and cardboard for mulching. Oh yeah, broke down the remains of the old shed and hauled it to the tip. Long day


                    Plant some potatoes
                    Tinker with the trellis
                    Plant the daisies


                    • Start the Hoky koky with lots of plant trays. It's hardening off time. They're going to have to toughen up fast because it's not warm!
                      Empty out a big old metal ( cross between a baby bath and a roasting tray ) thing I had watercress in last year.
                      Plant out my mixed herbs.
                      Maybe the next round of pricking out could start, maybe some house work, maybe some more chilli sauce making.


                      • ^^^^^ Hoky koky started only a couple of hours out, it really isn't very nice out there today.
                        Lot of other things moved from first tunnel into little tunnel as it's cooler in there won't be such a shock when they do go out side for the first time.
                        Nothing else got done.
                        Potted on tomatoes instead.


                        • Monday jobs

                          Probably need to choose between putting the boards in round the raspberry bed or digging more of the horsetail out of the tunnel - dug some more horsetail out
                          Lawn edges at home need cutting/straightening - done
                          Possibly take some horsetail roots to tip as I am running out of trugs to put them in - no
                          Harvest salads, broccoli, spinach - done

                          Also did some deadheading.

                          Tuesday jobs
                          Unlikely to have much time.
                          If possible sow parsnips and cucumbers
                          Collect water (currently raining) and slugs and snails at allotment
                          Harvest salads, spinach
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • Yesterday

                            Plant some potatoes - yep. Must stop planting more potatoes to leave room for other vegetables.
                            Tinker with the trellis - I found some tent pegs to be used to anchor the trellis. That will have to count. (I sowed my beans too early. They'll be taller than the trellis before it's warm enough to plant them...)
                            Plant the daisies - yep.

                            Very rainy today. Looks like a rainy day again tomorrow, plus the plot will already be soggy. I will try to work on the trellis again, if it's not too wet. Otherwise, cabbage and calabrese need potting on.


                            • Tuesday jobs
                              If possible sow parsnips and cucumbers - done parsnips
                              Collect water (currently raining) and slugs and snails at allotment - done
                              Harvest salads, spinach - done spinach

                              Wednesday jobs
                              Collect water and slugs and snails at allotment
                              Dig horsetail if possible (ground may be too wet)
                              Sow cucumbers
                              Pot up peppers and chitted peas
                              Sort out plants upstairs (some getting too tall for lights)
                              Harvest salads, spinach, broccoli
                              Last edited by Penellype; 25-04-2018, 09:03 AM.
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Buy timber and collect cardboard for raised beds.

                                Weed and earth up potatoes. Definitely charlottes, possibly blue danube and axona, too.

                                Weed and mulch fruit bushes/raspberries.


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