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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Wednesday jobs
    Trim lawn edges - done allotment, not home
    Weeding including near front door - no
    Sow fennel, swede - no
    Pot up chitted peas - done
    Check everything is secure (gales tomorrow) - done
    Harvest cauliflower, beetroot, peas - done except beetroot, also potatoes
    Watering - done

    Also dug some horsetail out of the tunnel.

    No gardening tomorrow.
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Thursday afternoon job - pick up and/or find everything that's been blown over or away


      • Yesterday I only had time to collect the small amount of rain water at the plot, pick up the pieces after the gales and water everything.

        Friday jobs
        Dig/pull horsetail
        Take horsetail to tip
        Pot up chitted peas
        Rearrange plants under lights to accommodate germinating seedlings and remove tomatoes that are too tall.
        Plan weekend gardening
        Harvest strawberries, spinach, tomatoes, peas, beans
        Last edited by Penellype; 15-06-2018, 10:38 AM.
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • hopefully, doing a bit of harvesting - we have guests round on Sunday, so want to serve home-grown spuds, raspberries, strawberries, rhubarb and mangetout (not all at the same time, obv)

          And the never-ending tidying, weeding, watering, obv.


          • Friday jobs
            Dig/pull horsetail - done some
            Take horsetail to tip - done
            Pot up chitted peas - done
            Rearrange plants under lights to accommodate germinating seedlings and remove tomatoes that are too tall. - done
            Plan weekend gardening - done
            Harvest strawberries, spinach, tomatoes, peas, beans - done strawberries and tomatoes
            Watering - done

            Also did some deadheading at home.

            Weekend jobs

            At my friend's
            Feed slugs and snails to chickens
            Plant 2 tomato plants in greenhouse
            Harvest a bucket of Lady C potatoes and possibly a cucumber
            Top up self watering reservoirs in greenhouse

            At allotment
            Collect rain water if any
            Collect slugs and snails
            Clear spinach that was blown over by gale
            Tidy plot after gale (littered with shredded fleece and leaves)
            Dig horsetail out of bed 4
            Harvest cauliflower, strawberries, spinach, beetroot, turnips, peas

            At home
            Tidy, deadhead and weed, especially near front door
            Trim lawn edges
            Pot up tomatoes and peppers
            Sow fennel, swede, lettuce
            Tidy garage
            Harvest strawberries, peas, tomatoes, calabrese, beans, spinach, leeks, carrots
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Tomorrow is Father's day so I fully intend doing what I like, for me that includes

              Pinching out tomato side shoots
              Weeding my beds
              Thinning a row of carrots and parsnips
              Adding twiggy supports to a row of peas
              Potting on my volunteer tomatoes from last year
              Planting out two standard bay trees
              Weeding around my raised beds
              Mowing the Lawn

              Having lunch and a nap

              Planting out some sweetcorn
              Digging up some spuds
              Staking a wandering stepover apple tree
              Picking up some multipurpose compost (I've run out of my own)
              Sowing some spinach, swede and poached egg plant
              Watering the greenhouses

              Sitting back and admiring the garden in the shade with a cool refreshing drink.
              Last edited by Mikey; 16-06-2018, 01:52 PM.
              I'm only here cos I got on the wrong bus.


              • Weekend jobs

                At my friend's
                Feed slugs and snails to chickens - done
                Plant 2 tomato plants in greenhouse - done
                Weeding - done
                Harvest a bucket of Lady C potatoes and possibly a cucumber - done potatoes, cucumber not quite ready
                Top up self watering reservoirs in greenhouse - done
                watering - done

                At allotment
                Collect rain water if any - done
                Collect slugs and snails - done
                Clear spinach that was blown over by gale - done
                Tidy plot after gale (littered with shredded fleece and leaves) - done some
                Dig horsetail out of bed 4 - done
                Weeding - done a bit
                Harvest cauliflower, strawberries, spinach, beetroot, turnips, peas - done, also a couple of carrots
                Watering - done

                At home
                Tidy, deadhead and weed, especially near front door - done some, including near front door
                Trim lawn edges - no
                Pot up tomatoes and peppers - no
                Sow fennel, swede, lettuce - done fennel
                Tidy garage - no
                Harvest strawberries, peas, tomatoes, calabrese, beans, spinach, leeks, carrots - done peas, tomatoes and beans
                Watering - done

                Monday jobs
                Dig/pull horsetail
                Pot up tomatoes and peppers
                Sow swede, lettuce
                Harvest strawberries, peas, calabrese, spinach
                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                • Monday jobs
                  Dig/pull horsetail - done some
                  Pot up tomatoes and peppers - done peppers and some tomatoes
                  Sow swede, lettuce - done plus runner beans
                  Harvest strawberries, peas, calabrese, spinach - done except spinach, also harvested a bucket of Lady C potatoes.
                  Watering - done

                  Also trimmed new growth off the allotment hedge.

                  Tuesday jobs
                  Dig/pull horsetail
                  Remove bolted spinach from saladgrow and salvage anything edible
                  Pot up more tomatoes
                  Weed drive
                  Harvest peas, carrots, beetroot, strawberries
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Tuesday jobs
                    Dig/pull horsetail - done some
                    Remove bolted spinach from saladgrow and salvage anything edible - done
                    Pot up more tomatoes - done one the others can stay where they are until the cold nights have gone.
                    Weed drive - no
                    Harvest peas, carrots, beetroot, strawberries - done, also a cucumber from my friend's greenhouse and 5 absolutely gorgeous framberries.
                    Watering - done

                    Wednesday jobs
                    Dig/pull more horsetail
                    Weed drive
                    Mow lawns
                    Harvest final cauliflower, beetroot, tomatoes, peas, strawberries
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • this weekend is pointing (a wall, not blaming things/people).
                      might get to the plot tonight for a water and a tidy.
                      I'm also chopping wood up to make the edges to the next two beds (two of the narrow beds I dug out at the start of the year for potatoes. The wife and offspring are off to her parents mid-July, so that should be late enough to have lifted the remaining earlies)


                      • Wednesday jobs
                        Dig/pull more horsetail - done some
                        Weed drive - done
                        Deadheading - done some
                        Mow lawns - no, rained so they were wet
                        Harvest final cauliflower, beetroot, tomatoes, peas, strawberries - done except beetroot. No more cauliflowers now
                        Watering - done

                        Also cleared up the bits of leylandii that were all over the path after next door cut the top of the hedge.

                        Thursday jobs
                        Dig/pull yet more horsetail
                        Mow lawns and trim edges
                        Remove finished Meteor peas, replace with Terrain
                        Remove finished broad beans, calabrese
                        Harvest peas, tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, turnip, beetroot
                        Last edited by Penellype; 20-06-2018, 09:20 PM.
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • -sow replacement French beans to replace those eaten by slugs
                          -plant French bean plants that have survived slug attacks
                          -weed and dig over bed from where broadbeans were removed
                          -sow beetroot


                          • Thursday jobs
                            Dig/pull yet more horsetail - done some
                            Mow lawns and trim edges - done lawns but not edges
                            Deadheading - done some
                            Remove finished Meteor peas, replace with Terrain - not quite finished on close inspection
                            Remove finished broad beans, calabrese - done calabrese, broad beans have a couple of small pods left.
                            Harvest peas, tomatoes, strawberries, carrots, turnip, beetroot - done except carrots, also 3 small peppers
                            Watering - done

                            Friday jobs
                            I was hoping last night would be the last of the chilly nights, but now tonight is forecast to drop to 8, which is probably too cold for newly planted uncovered courgettes, runner beans and tomatoes, so those are waiting for the weekend.
                            Dig more horsetail
                            Cut grass at allotment
                            Trim lawn edges
                            Plant peas in bucket
                            Move buckets around to create space for bucket of peas
                            Harvest peas, strawberries, carrots, look at blackcurrants and harvest if ripe
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Pollinate the sunflowers, mow the lawns then water and feed everything


                              • Friday jobs
                                Dig more horsetail - done some
                                Cut grass at allotment - done
                                Trim lawn edges - done back and some of front
                                Plant peas in bucket - planted in a different container that didn't require moving
                                Move buckets around to create space for bucket of peas - no
                                Harvest peas, strawberries, carrots, look at blackcurrants and harvest if ripe - done except currants
                                Watering - done

                                Weekend jobs

                                At my friend's
                                Tie in and sideshoot tomatoes, get rampant cucumber under control (it is branching everywhere - Cucino doesn't normally do this).
                                Fill self watering trays in greenhouse

                                At home
                                Finish front lawn edges
                                Weeding and deadheading
                                Move bucket of broad beans out of way and prune white currant
                                Plant/pot up tomatoes and runner beans
                                Possibly trim rear leylandii hedge
                                Harvest strawberries, carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, peas, peppers

                                At Allotment
                                Finish cutting down geraniums, dig roots and horsetail out
                                Move blueberry out of tunnel
                                Trim off long bits of grass round plot edges
                                Top up bed 4 with compost, plant turnips, kohlrabi and cabbages and cover with net from bed 6
                                Remove horsetail from bed 6 and plant tomatoes
                                Plant courgettes in hotbed
                                Plant Romanesco in tunnel
                                Harvest strawberries, peas, beetroot, carrots, blackcurrants
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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