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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Tomorrow, if it's not raining too hard - go to the park and collect more leaves. I'm going to need all the leaves I can get for my new plot


    • I didn't intend to, but I have washed down the inside of the greenhouse with a sterilising solution that I've used since I was a lad. Turned the soil over and sunk most of the pots in the soil to act as an insulation from the worst of the frosts.


      • Weekend jobs

        At my friend's
        Harvest tomatoes and remove any plants that have finished - done some
        Remove frosted courgettes and beans - done some
        Weeding - done some
        Water greenhouse - not required
        Harvest peppers - done

        At home
        Clear fallen leaves - done some
        Weeding and general tidying - done some
        Harvest carrots, calabrese, peppers - done

        At allotment
        Take down runner bean supports - done
        Dig horsetail - no
        Weeding - done some
        Clear leaves - done some
        Harvest lettuce, turnip - done lettuce

        Monday jobs
        Depending on when the parcel arrives ("by end of day", needs a signature - GRRR)
        Clear leaves and general tidy up at home
        Ditto at allotment if possible
        Dig horsetail if possible
        Harvest lettuce, fennel
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Monday jobs
          Clear leaves and general tidy up at home - done a bit
          Ditto at allotment if possible - no
          Dig horsetail if possible - done some
          Harvest lettuce, fennel - no

          Tuesday jobs
          Not sure I will have much time today, so anything I do is likely to fall into the weeding and general tidying category.
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Tuesday
            Managed to do a bit of clearing up at the allotment and harvested some carrots.

            Wednesday jobs (weather permitting - currently raining)
            Collect leaves
            Check for slugs
            Start transferring compost from bean bed into pea bed
            Dig horsetail
            Harvest fennel
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Having a couple days in Edinburgh wandering round whisky shops and generally lazing about a lot...���.


              • I did intend to rake leaves but its not stopped raining, hopefully I'll be able to do that tomorrow.
                Location....East Midlands.


                • Wednesday jobs
                  Collect leaves
                  Check for slugs
                  Start transferring compost from bean bed into pea bed
                  Dig horsetail
                  Harvest fennel

                  Didn't get any of this done due to a combination of appointments and badly timed rain. Busy today too.

                  Friday jobs
                  Collect leaves
                  Check for slugs
                  Start transferring compost from bean bed into pea bed
                  Dig horsetail
                  Harvest fennel
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Friday jobs
                    Collect leaves - done some
                    Check for slugs - done
                    Start transferring compost from bean bed into pea bed - done
                    Dig horsetail - done a little
                    Harvest fennel - done plus a carrot

                    Weekend jobs
                    Will depend on how wet things are after all that rain.

                    At my friend's
                    Check and harvest tomatoes in greenhouse
                    Remove dead tomato plants

                    At home
                    Clear up leaves
                    Weeding and deadheading
                    Harvest peppers, carrots, calabrese

                    At allotment
                    Clear up leaves
                    Weeding, especially in tunnel
                    Remove dead cucumber plant
                    Dig horsetail
                    Harvest beetroot, lettuce, possibly leek, turnip or parsnip
                    Last edited by Penellype; 10-11-2018, 09:26 AM.
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • Tomorrow is Monday, 12th, its Shoots and Kitchen week on the VC Calendar.

                      I'll sow spring onions and veg with strange names (Shoots)
                      Tidy Bed 12,
                      Sow a seed beginning with L

                      Its the Start of Clean the Kitchen week
                      Declutter an L

                      and Plant Week 5 seeds for my experiment.


                      • Weekend jobs

                        At my friend's
                        Check and harvest tomatoes in greenhouse - done
                        Remove dead tomato plants - done some
                        Weeding - no, too wet

                        At home
                        Clear up leaves - done some
                        Weeding and deadheading - done some
                        Harvest peppers, carrots, calabrese - done except calabrese

                        At allotment
                        Clear up leaves - no, too wet
                        Weeding, especially in tunnel - no, too wet
                        Remove dead cucumber plant no, too wet
                        Dig horsetail - no too wet
                        Harvest beetroot, lettuce, possibly leek, turnip or parsnip - done lettuce and some baby spinach

                        The weather was unkind. The ground was very wet on Saturday and apart from spraying a few whitefly at the allotment (SMC oil) and tidying and nipping a few dead heads off at home nothing got done. Sunday was much, much wetter than forecast and all I managed was to remove some of the finished tomatoes in the greenhouse and discover blight on the 3 remaining plants at home, which I also removed.

                        Monday jobs
                        Expecting the ground to still be very, very wet.
                        Clear leaves at home and allotment
                        Weed tunnel
                        Harvest lettuce, carrots, calabrese
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • Monday jobs
                          Clear leaves at home and allotment - done some
                          Weed tunnel - done some
                          Harvest lettuce, carrots, calabrese - done, but parsnip instead of carrot

                          Also dug some horsetail at allotment.

                          Tuesday jobs
                          Clear leaves
                          Dig horsetail
                          Remove dead cucumber plant
                          Harvest carrots
                          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                          • Today I�ve cleared my tomato plants out the greenhouse going to make some green tomato chutney this afternoon Click image for larger version

Name:	1D14CE1F-BD29-4610-8074-5D0A0F5F5E37.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	122.0 KB
ID:	2381507


                            • Tuesday jobs
                              Clear leaves - done some
                              Dig horsetail - done some
                              Remove dead cucumber plant - done
                              Harvest carrots - no

                              Wednesday jobs
                              Clear leaves
                              Dig horsetail
                              Harvest carrots
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Wednesday jobs
                                Clear leaves - done some
                                Weeding - done some
                                Dig horsetail - done some
                                Harvest carrots - done

                                No gardening yesterday.

                                Friday jobs
                                Clear leaves and general tidy up
                                Weeding and deadheading
                                Dig horsetail
                                Plan weekend gardening
                                Harvest lettuce, carrots, kohlrabi
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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