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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Tuesday jobs
    Fill parsnip bed - part done
    General weed and tidy - done some
    Check hedges at allotment for plastic rubbish (windy today) - done
    Prune white currant and blueberries - done currant, trimmed some dieback off blueberries
    Harvest carrots, check broccoli - done

    Also potted up some strawberry runners as the roots were coming through the holes at the bottom of the pots. More to do.

    Wednesday jobs
    Take growbag to allotment and finish potting up strawberries
    Take compost to allotment and top up cauliflower bed
    Harvest lettuce, possibly carrots and calabrese
    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


    • Wednesday jobs
      Take growbag to allotment and finish potting up strawberries - done
      Take compost to allotment and top up cauliflower bed - done
      Harvest lettuce, possibly carrots and calabrese - done (PSB instead of calabrese)

      No gardening today.
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Friday jobs
        Deadheading, weeding and general tidy up
        Bring in compost to warm for Balconi tomatoes
        Dig horsetail
        Plan weekend gardening
        Harvest peppers
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Friday jobs
          Deadheading, weeding and general tidy up - done some
          Bring in compost to warm for Balconi tomatoes - done
          Dig horsetail - done some
          Plan weekend gardening - done
          Harvest peppers - done

          Also sowed some lettuce seeds.

          Weekend jobs

          At my friend's
          Feed slugs and snails to chickens
          Collect fresh horse manure for hotbed

          At allotment
          Fill hotbed with horse manure
          Get compost from garden centre (or preferably get them to deliver it)
          Cover hotbed if not too windy to put cover up
          Harvest lettuce, beetroot, leek, parsnip

          At home
          Deadheading and general tidy
          Sow 2 Balconi tomato seeds
          Harvest carrots, calabrese
          A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


          • Have been busy at the lotty this week

            Emptied raised beds and refilled with compost from old heap
            Moved new compost heap to where old one was
            Took down old 8ft polytunnel
            Dug over ground under new compost heap and old polytunnel

            To do this week:

            Level ground under old polytunnel
            Install probase base for new 6x8 glass greenhouse
            Erect greenhouse onto base
            Make paths and raised beds to connect everything together
            Death to all slugs!


            • there's a shed needs kicking into shape...
              1574 gin and tonics please Monica, large ones.


              • I'm heading up to the allotment tomorrow, and I'm taking packup and plenty of hot drinks. Can't wait

                There will be more carpet to pull up... and.. some more carpet lol Running a little low on manure too now, but found that there's plenty of leaves to get hold of, along with well rotted wood chip, so might use that along with all the carboard that I've dragged up there to cover some new beds once the carpet has been banished.


                • Hoping rain will hold off long enough to get me to the allotment for some weeding, finishing off a raised bed, popping a couple of steps in between the terraced beds, and sprout harvesting.

                  If it rains, I will head to the gh and sow some salads, leeks, onions etc.

                  Edit: did some weeding and harvested the sprouts, and had a good chat to some fellow plot holders.
                  Found seeds and realised it had gone dark by the time I had found the ones I wanted to sow, so they are all now sorted by sowing month/half month
                  Last edited by Chestnut; 13-01-2019, 07:29 PM.


                  • Weekend jobs

                    At my friend's
                    Feed slugs and snails to chickens - done
                    Collect fresh horse manure for hotbed - done

                    At allotment
                    Fill hotbed with horse manure - done
                    Get compost from garden centre - done
                    Cover hotbed if not too windy to put cover up - no
                    Harvest lettuce, beetroot, leek, parsnip - no

                    At home
                    Deadheading and general tidy - done a bit
                    Sow 2 Balconi tomato seeds - done
                    Harvest carrots, calabrese - no

                    Monday jobs
                    Put cover up over hotbed
                    General tidy up
                    Dig horsetail
                    harvest carrots, leek
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • Monday jobs
                      Put cover up over hotbed - done
                      General tidy up - done some
                      Dig horsetail - done some
                      harvest carrots, leek - done

                      Tuesday jobs
                      Continue tidying up
                      Dig horsetail
                      Check pots for watering (been dry)
                      Harvest carrots, parsnip, leek
                      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                      • Tuesday jobs
                        Continue tidying up - done some
                        Dig horsetail - done some
                        Check pots for watering (been dry) - done, fence pots needed water
                        Harvest carrots, parsnip, leek - done

                        Also took the net off the carrot cage and dropped the parsnip net onto curved hoops rather than upright stakes, in preparation for snow which may or may not arrive on Friday/Saturday.

                        Wednesday (rain forecast)
                        Take tennis balls to allotment and make sure each water bin has at least one for frost protection
                        Cover parsnips with fleece to try to stop soil freezing
                        Put together new shelves (arrived yesterday) and take to allotment
                        Harvest romanesco, carrots
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • I've had this week of work and took advantage of the dry weather.

                          Today I continued to dig over the top area and outline a few beds. They'll get a proper dig over in the spring before I sow stuff or plant out into them.

                          Potted up a few perennials that had roots coming through the bottom of their pots (osteospermum, rudbeckia etc).

                          Sorted through some Winter Aconite that were in tiny pots from last spring.....basically just tipped them all into a cat litter tray to see whether there were signs of life or whether slugs etc had eaten them (still have a few with good root growth) and I'll pot them up into a bigger pot tomorrow.

                          Checked my canna corms (bulbs? roots stock?) and they're doing good in trays of dry compost.

                          Popped up to council office and paid allotment rent for the year

                          Felt good to finally start getting a few jobs done
                          If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                          • Wednesday
                            Take tennis balls to allotment and make sure each water bin has at least one for frost protection - done
                            Cover parsnips with fleece to try to stop soil freezing - done
                            Put together new shelves (arrived yesterday) and take to allotment - no, when I unpacked them some of the bits were the wrong size . Phoned and they will send the correct ones ASAP
                            Harvest romanesco, carrots - done

                            Also dug a few dandelions out of the grass paths at the allotment.

                            No gardening tomorrow.
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Friday jobs (frozen at the moment)
                              Put shelves together and take to allotment
                              Cut down finished indoor tomato plant
                              Plan weekend gardening
                              Harvest carrot
                              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                              • Last week I planted some Babington leeks in little pots in polytunnel. I want to grow perennial veg to help free up time for other seed grown veg. Anyway they were expensive as they were only tiny little bulbils no bigger than a pea. I wondered if I had been had. I put all 12 into little individual pots, uncertain which way up to plant. I have just checked and amazingly they are growing wee roots. A couple of colonies of these would give me leeks in spring and early summer. Whats not to like?

                                Otherwise I am mulching polytunnel beds with old grass clippings and partially decomposed leaves. I am limited at the moment and for the foreseeable future by shoulder problems but even small bucketfuls of mulch add up to a nice layer in polytunnel. I am trying to get some vitality into the soil in polytunnel. Ill worry about the slugs when the time comes.


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