Tuesday jobs
Fill parsnip bed - part done
General weed and tidy - done some
Check hedges at allotment for plastic rubbish (windy today) - done
Prune white currant and blueberries - done currant, trimmed some dieback off blueberries
Harvest carrots, check broccoli - done
Also potted up some strawberry runners as the roots were coming through the holes at the bottom of the pots. More to do.
Wednesday jobs
Take growbag to allotment and finish potting up strawberries
Take compost to allotment and top up cauliflower bed
Harvest lettuce, possibly carrots and calabrese
Fill parsnip bed - part done
General weed and tidy - done some
Check hedges at allotment for plastic rubbish (windy today) - done
Prune white currant and blueberries - done currant, trimmed some dieback off blueberries
Harvest carrots, check broccoli - done
Also potted up some strawberry runners as the roots were coming through the holes at the bottom of the pots. More to do.
Wednesday jobs
Take growbag to allotment and finish potting up strawberries
Take compost to allotment and top up cauliflower bed
Harvest lettuce, possibly carrots and calabrese