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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Picked up 50 leeks for 4 quid at gardening Scotland. Will be planting them tomorrow.


    • Far too much time lately has been spent away from the garden and allotment due to uni work and stuff. Tomorrow is going to be the day this weekend (today has been spent on opticians appointments and company shop for bargains, after a bit of a wooly head after a night out last night - they're really not worth it in the same way anymore!)

      So, plans for tomorrow are.....
      - sow carrots and turnips direct on the allotment as well as at home
      - do the last bit of digging around the polytunnel for trenching the plastic in
      - source wood that can be used around the frame for securing the plastic
      - digging down and hopefully concreting in the supports for the door posts (off to B&Q for postcrete first)
      - hopefully time to go get another load of horse manure
      - fetch cardboard to cover more of the second plot
      - weeding. A whole lot of weeding (not done any for two weeks)


      • Weekend jobs

        At my friend's
        Feed slugs to chickens - done
        Take courgettes, runner beans and celeriac to greenhouse - done
        Attempt to get buckets of potatoes out of greenhouse (door stuck 1/2 closed!) - no, won't fit
        Plant up remaining tomatoes, remove sideshoots and tie in - done
        Plant runner beans - done
        Make hotbed for melons if time and enough muck - no
        Weeding - done some
        Watering and fill self watering trays - done

        Also harvested a small cucumber form the greenhouse.

        At allotment
        Cut grass - no, too wet
        Pull/dig horsetail - done some
        Feed blueberries - done
        Weeding - done some
        Watering - done
        Harvest lettuce, spinach, carrots - done

        Also pruned minarette cherry

        At home
        Mow lawns - no, too wet
        Pot up begonias if I can find any suitable pots - done 16, 10 left
        Pot up geraniums for fence, kohlrabi and tomatoes - done kohlrabi
        Plant out lobelia - no
        Weeding - done a bit
        Watering - done
        Harvest spinach, salad greens, tomato, peas - done tomato and peas

        Also moved 2 buckets of cauliflower to make room for rapidly growing tomato plants.

        Monday jobs
        Mow lawns if dry enough
        Cut grass at allotment if dry enough
        Pull/dig horsetail
        Sow lettuce and PSB
        Put up plastic covers for tomatoes and plant out
        Harvest lettuce, tomato, spinach
        Last edited by Penellype; 03-06-2019, 08:56 AM.
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • If it doesn't rain tomorrow (until late on in the afternoon, which will be fine by me), I will get round to planting beans tomorrow in one of the raised beds. And if the little tomato plant has gone past the first truss-stage, I will feed it, & also plant it's remaining companion plant. So, I am praying that it doesn't rain until late on in the afternoon


          • Monday jobs
            Mow lawns if dry enough - done plus edges
            Cut grass at allotment if dry enough - done plus some of long bits
            Pull/dig horsetail - done some
            Sow lettuce and PSB - no
            Put up plastic covers for tomatoes and plant out - no
            Watering - done
            Harvest lettuce, tomato, spinach - done

            Tuesday jobs (weather permitting)
            Weed front border and deadhead
            Weed near hotbin and plant bedding plants
            Bring remaining strawberries into tunnel
            Pull/dig horsetail
            Put up tomato covers
            Sow lettuce and PSB
            Collect water
            Harvest spinach and possibly the first strawberry (was turning red yesterday)
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Tuesday jobs
              Weed front border and deadhead - no
              Weed near hotbin and plant bedding plants - done
              Bring remaining strawberries into tunnel - done
              Pull/dig horsetail - done some
              Put up tomato covers - no
              Sow lettuce and PSB - no
              Collect water - done
              Harvest spinach and possibly the first strawberry (was turning red yesterday) - done spinach plus a few peas

              Wednesday jobs (pushed for time)
              Collect water
              Weed and deadhead front border
              Sow lettuce, PSB
              Rearrange indoor plants and take courgette and melons to stables
              Pull/dig horsetail
              Harvest spinach, tomatoes, carrots
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • I intend to go up to the plots tomorrow with the four HUGE patio slabs that I got for free from FB today. I didn't realise quite how big they are! Foot and a half by a foot and a half, and nearly three inches thick, I'd say! They weight an absolute tonne. I will crawl to work with the van tomorrow, and go drop them off after work.

                I'm hoping to have time to whizz around with a hoe too, to keep weeds down. And watering, at least a little bit


                • Wednesday jobs
                  Collect water - done
                  Weed and deadhead front border - done
                  Sow lettuce, PSB - done
                  Rearrange indoor plants and take courgette and melons to stables - done
                  Pull/dig horsetail - done some
                  Harvest spinach, tomatoes, carrots - done plus some new potatoes

                  No gardening time today
                  A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                  • Friday jobs (weather permitting)
                    Finish trimming grass edges at allotment if dry
                    Pot up geraniums, begonias and tomatoes
                    Check tomatoes and see if can get away with not planting out until after storm Miguel
                    Pull/dig horsetail
                    Collect water
                    Harvest spinach, carrots, check peas and strawberries
                    Last edited by Penellype; 07-06-2019, 08:23 AM.
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • Jobs for the weekend -
                      Harvest the autumn-planted garlic.
                      Sow dill and parsley, maybe coriander, in the freed up bed as the previous batch didn't do anything.
                      Clear the old strawberry bed and prep for peppers and aubergines.
                      Find space for the remaining leek seedlings.
                      Eat many strawberries.
                      Location: London


                      • Friday jobs
                        Finish trimming grass edges at allotment if dry - no, far too wet
                        Pot up geraniums, begonias and tomatoes - done
                        Check tomatoes and see if can get away with not planting out until after storm Miguel - done
                        Pull/dig horsetail - done some
                        Collect water - done
                        Harvest spinach, carrots, check peas and strawberries - done, ate first strawberry

                        Weekend jobs (weather permitting)

                        At my friends
                        Feed slugs to chickens
                        Fill water reservoirs in greenhouse
                        Make hotbed for melons
                        Plant courgettes
                        Harvest cucumber

                        At allotment
                        Collect water
                        Pull/dig horsetail
                        Take down 2nd melon plant and plant in hotbed
                        Remove leaning spinach
                        Harvest beetroot, spinach, carrots, peas, strawberries

                        At home
                        Pot up brassica seedlings
                        Plant out Sungold tomatoes after wind dies down
                        Move Ferline tomatoes and cucumbers into growhouse
                        Harvest lettuce, salad greens, tomatoes, baby cauliflower
                        Last edited by Penellype; 08-06-2019, 09:34 AM.
                        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                        • Weather permitting it will be our first day on our plot tomorrow


                          -Strim/lop a gap at the top (2 metres x the width) and bottom (fence to greenhouse x width)

                          -Tidy shed

                          -Tidy greenhouse

                          -Measure shed/greenhouse and distances from fence/each other

                          -Empty butt

                          -Dump strimmer weeds at top

                          -Dump crap at bottom

                          -Review fence/measure height

                          -Before / after photos


                          -More strimming



                          • When I awoke at silly o'clock the sun was shining, when I finally got up around eight it was still dry, so thought I'll get ready to cut the grass as it's forecast wet all week, then the heavens opened, might be cutting Hay if this carries on lol.
                            On the plus side the garden is as green as I have ever seen it.
                            Went into the greenhouse and potted on those last "spare" tommies into long tom pots, they may well end up staying in there.
                            Last edited by burnie; 09-06-2019, 12:20 PM.


                            • Pot on my toms if it stays fine
                              Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                              • I'm on an induction course tomorrow and Tuesday, so with all that sitting around, I'll be full of energy at the end of the day. I'm bringing scruffy clothes with me that I can change into after work, so I can go get some more horse manure. If I get away early enough, I'll swing by the farm shop and pick up some more cardboard. Still need loads more.


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