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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Friday
    Continue general clean up of the tunnel and hopefully get rid of the last of the nettles that have got their way into everything over the autumn and winter.

    Clear the area that the greenhouse is being moved to and hopefully get the base in a state that it will be ready for the frame to go onto next week.


    • Clearing out behind OH shed found an old scaffold tower buried under conifer needles so have used part of it to make a timber rack for all the spare timber in the lean to at the allotment by putting them in an old pig pen. Using the needles for mulch spread around the woodland garden, still have about 5 sacks full left, might use them to mulch the paths between the raised beds. In addition there was a large compost bin which I thought was empty but was part full, must be several years old but still had whole eggshells in it, so the obviously don't compost well, also destined for the allotment. Got the walls of the shed erected and hoping to start the roof later. Plus laid some paving slabs along the front of the new greenhouse.
      Attached Files


      • Thursday jobs
        Open and close covers and check watering - done
        Mow front lawn if dry - done
        Construct a cover for potatoes - no
        Plant more potatoes - no
        Sow carrots, flowers - done
        Harvest carrots, brokali - done plus rhubarb

        Friday jobs
        Open and close covers and check watering
        Trim front lawn edges
        Continue sorting compost/buckets for potatoes and carrots
        Construct a cover for potatoes
        Plant more potatoes
        Sow peas
        Plan weekend gardening
        Harvest lettuce, carrots, leek
        A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


        • Refelt the shed
          Plant my first earlies
          Plant the rest of the onion sets!


          • Friday

            Anything leftover from yesterday - God knows where the bulb planter is, will use a trowel to plant the potatoes - Decided to get any bulb planter, due Saturday

            Start digging 7x2meter bit of the plot, will record effort, time taken, etc. - Incomplete

            Continue to tidy/organise Coal Bunker - Done / Ongoing


            Anything leftover from Yesterday - Start digging 7x2meter bit of the plot, will record effort, time taken, etc.

            Finish tidying Bunker



            • Friday jobs
              Open and close covers and check watering - done
              Trim front lawn edges - no
              Continue sorting compost/buckets for potatoes and carrots - done some
              Construct a cover for potatoes - part done
              Plant more potatoes - done 2 buckets of Charlotte (Desiree to do)
              Sow peas - done
              Plan weekend gardening - done
              Harvest lettuce, carrots, leek - done

              Also weeded allotment

              Weekend jobs

              At my friend's
              Remove last year's bean support
              Continue tidying greenhouse

              At allotment
              Open and close covers and check watering
              Plant some cauliflowers
              Harvest salad leaves, PSB. rhubarb

              At home
              Move 3 large tomato plants onto windowsill, construct support frame
              Trim front lawn edges
              Sort out mess in garage (caused by searching for plastic to cover potatoes with)
              Plant more potatoes
              Bring in pots of tomato compost for sideshoots (Saturday)
              Pot up sideshoots (Sunday)
              Sow cabbage, carrots
              Harvest lettuce, carrots, spring cabbage
              A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


              • Hoping it warms up so I can get outside .
                I'd like to:
                Move around some tubs that started as cuttings and now full grown shrubs ..hoping to get then planted up soon
                Find some pots for my lillies
                Tidy greenhouse (really needs OH to pressure wash it)
                Sow sunflower seeds
                Prick.out calendula
                Northern England.


                • Saturday

                  Anything left-over from Yesterday � Start digging 7x2metre bit of the plot, will record effort, time taken, etc � Done

                  Finish tidying Bunker � Done


                  Finish digging 7x2metre section of the plot �

                  Plant potatoes �

                  Start tidying outside loo (storage area) �



                  • Continue to tidy plot (so many broken pots, trays etc from years ago still lying around ) - will bag up what cannot be used or recycled and take home to put in bin.

                    Weed half of neighbour's plot as he has 6 broken vertebrae (will do other half on Monday or Tuesday).

                    Continue to dig front bed area and transplant perennials from other parts of plot into here.

                    Measure plot accurately so I can draw up diagram of where to put beds & crops etc.
                    If I'm not on the Grapevine I can usually be found here!....


                    • Continue to play in the garden /greenhouse (hopefully)
                      Last edited by Containergardener; 04-04-2020, 10:03 PM.
                      Northern England.


                      • Plant last of potato containers.
                        Sow chard bright lights in the flower border (experiment as have “free” seeds).
                        Sow sunflowers for the birds, french marigolds for the tomatoes and nasturtium for me.
                        Prick out lettuce Valmaine into modules. Plant more lettuce.


                        • Sunday

                          Finish digging 7x2metre section of the plot � Too knackered to even think about it

                          Plant potatoes � Done (20 each of King Edwards, Int Kidney, and Spunta)

                          Start tidying outside loo (storage area) � 50% Complete


                          Finish anything from yesterday � Finish digging 7x2metre section of the plot
                          � Finish tidying outside loo (storage area)

                          Build Strawberry Cage �
                          Last edited by broadway; 05-04-2020, 04:29 PM.



                          • Weekend jobs

                            At my friend's
                            Weeding - done some
                            Remove last year's bean support - done
                            Continue tidying greenhouse - done some

                            At allotment
                            Open and close covers and check watering - done
                            Plant some cauliflowers - no
                            Harvest salad leaves, PSB. rhubarb - done

                            At home
                            Move 3 large tomato plants onto windowsill, construct support frame - done
                            Trim front lawn edges - no
                            Weeding - done some
                            Sort out mess in garage (caused by searching for plastic to cover potatoes with) - done some
                            Plant more potatoes - no
                            Bring in pots of tomato compost for sideshoots (Saturday) - done
                            Pot up sideshoots (Sunday) - done
                            Sow cabbage, carrots - done some carrots
                            Harvest lettuce, carrots, spring cabbage - done except cabbage

                            Also trimmed back dead bits of clematis.

                            Open and shut covers, check watering
                            Cut back nettles at allotment
                            Clear rubbish out of hedge bottom at allotment
                            Plant potatoes, cauliflowers
                            Check sowings needed this week
                            Harvest lettuce, carrots, baby spinach, rhubarb
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Monday

                              Finish anything from yesterday � Finish digging 7x2metre section of the plot - 75%
                              � Finish tidying outside loo (storage area) - Done

                              Build Strawberry Cage � Bits sourced


                              Finish anything from yesterday � Finish digging 7x2metre section of the plot
                              - Construct strawberry cage



                              • Monday
                                Open and shut covers, check watering - done
                                Cut back nettles at allotment - done for now
                                Clear rubbish out of hedge bottom at allotment - no
                                Plant potatoes, cauliflowers - no
                                Check sowings needed this week - done
                                Harvest lettuce, carrots, baby spinach, rhubarb - done

                                Find a bucket to replace one at allotment that has disintegrated
                                Plant potatoes and some cauliflowers
                                Sow beetroot, cabbage
                                Clear rubbish from allotment hedge
                                Remove emerging horsetail from under hedge and check for more
                                Harvest lettuce
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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