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What I intend to do today/tomorrow!


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  • Tuesday

    Finish anything from yesterday � Finish digging 7x2metre section of the plot - Done
    � Construct strawberry cage - 90%, need some more netting


    Finish anything from yesterday � Strawberry Cage get some netting and complete

    Rake / level 1st 7x2metre section �

    Prepare recycle boxes for carrots and parsnips �



    • Tuesday
      Find a bucket to replace one at allotment that has disintegrated - no
      Plant potatoes and some cauliflowers - done
      Sow beetroot, cabbage - done cabbage
      Clear rubbish from allotment hedge - no
      Remove emerging horsetail from under hedge and check for more - done
      Harvest lettuce - done

      Wednesday jobs
      Find a bucket to replace one at allotment that has disintegrated
      Sow beetroot, carrots
      Plant more cauliflowers
      Pot up biggest tomato seedling
      Clear rubbish from allotment hedge
      Remove unwanted raspberry suckers
      Check for horsetail
      Harvest carrots, leek
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • Wednesday

        Finish anything from yesterday � Strawberry Cage get some netting and complete - Done although a right pain in the butt!

        Rake / level 1st 7x2metre section � No time

        Prepare recycle boxes for carrots and parsnips � No time

        Additional bits - Tested shed guttering at the allotment, seems to be working ok. Replaced a couple of strawberries at the allotment.


        Finish anything from yesterday � Rake / level 1st 7x2metre section
        � Prepare recycle boxes for carrots and parsnips

        Get son to help me carry the strawberry cage to the allotment -
        Last edited by broadway; 08-04-2020, 05:42 PM.



        • Well. Didnt get much done , sowed runners cucumbers and spring onions and lazed about in the sun. Felt tired today, sometimes do .
          Northern England.


          • Wednesday jobs
            Find a bucket to replace one at allotment that has disintegrated - no
            Sow beetroot, carrots - done carrots
            Plant more cauliflowers - done some
            Pot up biggest tomato seedling - no, compost warming
            Clear rubbish from allotment hedge - no
            Remove unwanted raspberry suckers - done for now
            Check for horsetail - done for now
            Harvest carrots, leek - done plus calabrese

            Had to spend a considerable amount of time finding and putting up nets to protect various things from being dug up by blackbirds rooting in pots for nesting material.

            Thursday jobs
            Find a bucket to replace one at allotment that has disintegrated
            Sow beetroot
            Plant more cauliflowers
            Pot up biggest tomato seedling
            Clear rubbish from allotment hedge
            Check for horsetail
            Harvest carrots, lettuce, beetroot
            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


            • Thursday

              Finish anything from yesterday � Rake / level 1st 7x2metre section � Started, Stopped, Posted a thread on the vine seeking advice

              � Prepare recycle boxes for carrots and parsnips - Done

              Get son to help me carry the strawberry cage to the allotment � Done

              I also bagged all the cardboard that is at the plot shed/bins and brought back the brassica nets I�d inherited to check them for size as well as wear and tear.

              Purchased a "blow away" greenhouse from Wilco's for the back yard.


              Finish anything from yesterday � Rake / level 1st 7x2metre section, will probably start digging the area

              Check nets brought home from the allotment �



              • Thursday jobs
                Find a bucket to replace one at allotment that has disintegrated - done
                Sow beetroot - no, but did sow parsnips
                Plant more cauliflowers - done some
                Pot up biggest tomato seedling - done
                Clear rubbish from allotment hedge - done
                Check for horsetail - done for now
                Harvest carrots, lettuce, beetroot - done lettuce and carrots

                Also moved peas into growhouse to make room for the next lot under lights as they were germinating.

                Friday jobs
                Plant last 2 cauliflowers
                Sow beetroot, carrots, peas
                Check for horsetail
                Harvest lettuce, carrots, spring cabbage
                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                • Friday

                  Finish anything from yesterday � Rake / level 1st 7x2metre section, will probably start digging the area � Done, a 3rd dug and weeded.

                  Check nets brought home from the allotment � Done, some good, some have a few holes, some really manky, will throw these although will also see if they can be used to repair others.


                  Continue to dig / weed 1st plot section �

                  Take paving slabs and pots to the allotment �

                  Continue to tidy back yard in prep for blow-away greenhouse �



                  • Friday jobs
                    Plant last 2 cauliflowers - done
                    Sow beetroot, carrots, peas - done beetroot and carrots
                    Check for horsetail - done some
                    Weeding - done some
                    Harvest lettuce, carrots, spring cabbage - done

                    Weekend jobs

                    At my friend's
                    Plant lettuces in hotbed
                    Continue tidying greenhouse

                    At allotment
                    Collect any rain water
                    Cut grass if dry
                    Dig horsetail
                    Harvest lettuce, broccoli, possibly spinach

                    At home
                    Sow peas
                    Mow lawns if dry
                    Cut lawn edges
                    Trim euonymus
                    Harvest carrots
                    A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                    • Saturday

                      Continue to dig / weed 1st plot section � Done/Ongoing

                      Take paving slabs and pots to the allotment � In car, will take tomorrow

                      Continue to tidy back yard in prep for blow-away greenhouse � Done/Ongoing


                      Continue to dig / weed 1st plot section �

                      Take paving slabs and pots to the allotment �

                      Continue to tidy back yard in prep for blow-away greenhouse �

                      Fix rain diverter �



                      • More weeding
                        Take cuttings of 2 clematis
                        Pricking out /potting on
                        Northern England.


                        • Sunday

                          Continue to dig / weed 1st plot section � Back said no!

                          Take paving slabs and pots to the allotment � Done

                          Continue to tidy back yard in prep for blow-away greenhouse � Done/Ongoing

                          Fix rain diverter � Done

                          In addition sowed more seeds


                          Continue to dig / weed 1st plot section �

                          Continue to tidy back yard in prep for blow-away greenhouse �

                          Sow more seeds �

                          Fix netting �



                          • Weekend jobs

                            At my friend's
                            Plant lettuces in hotbed - done
                            Continue tidying greenhouse - done for now
                            Weeding - done some
                            Watering - done

                            At allotment
                            Collect any rain water - none
                            Cut grass if dry - done
                            Dig horsetail - done some
                            Weeding - done some
                            Watering - done
                            Harvest lettuce, broccoli, possibly spinach - done except spinach, also rhubarb and a leek

                            At home
                            Sow peas - done
                            Mow lawns if dry - done back
                            Cut lawn edges - no
                            Trim euonymus - done
                            Harvest carrots - done

                            Monday jobs
                            Pot up more tomato sideshoots
                            Bring biggest tomato plant downstairs
                            Find fleece jackets to protect strawberries and possibly cherry
                            Water everything
                            Harvest carrots, broccoli
                            A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


                            • Monday

                              Continue to dig / weed 1st plot section � Done a little/Ongoing

                              Continue to tidy back yard in prep for blow-away greenhouse � Done/Ongoing

                              Sow more seeds � Done

                              Fix netting � Outstanding

                              In addition cut small hedge hanging over from next door.
                              Potted on Chilli�s, Peppers, and Tomatoes.
                              Made two compost bin bases.


                              Continue to dig / weed 1st plot section �

                              Finish tidying back yard in prep for blow-away greenhouse �

                              Tidy membrane at the bottom of the allotment, this area may be worked later in the year �



                              • Monday jobs
                                Pot up more tomato sideshoots - done
                                Bring biggest tomato plant downstairs - no, decided it could have a couple more days under lights
                                Find fleece jackets to protect strawberries and possibly cherry - done
                                Water everything - done
                                Harvest carrots, broccoli - done broccoli

                                Tuesday jobs
                                Take fleece off fruit bushes
                                Dig horsetail
                                Trim grass edges at allotment
                                Harvest lettuce, carrots, spinach or broccoli
                                A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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