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Saving broad bean seeds for next crop


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  • Saving broad bean seeds for next crop

    Hi! Now harvesting them can I just stick some beans in a jar and sow later in the year or next year? Do they need anything?

    412% of statistics are made up.

  • #2
    No, no and yes!
    Do some homework about seedsaving at How To Save Your Own Seed at Home


    • #3
      Not done it for broadies yet but saved all the other types of bean I've grown.

      I'd leave some of the best pods on the plants to make sure they are mature and let them dry in situ a bit before brining them in and finishing the drying in a controlled environment. If you have the space you can take up the entire plant and hang it upside down in the shed. Try and get beans off as many plants as you can.

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      • #4
        Broadies and runners will be cross-pollinated by insects. If you're not bothered about keeping a certain variety true to type then that doesn't matter. As Jay says, leave the best pods to mature - they will go black with age. Make sure the plants are good 'uns and you should be sure of good stock for next year. - growing fruit and veg in suburbia


        • #5
          About 8 year ago 'Two sheds' gave me 3 types of broad beans, they're red, green and white-ish coloured I've been sowing then saving the same seeds every year since, sill no idea what the original varieties were but the beans taste good so that's fine. Like others have said just leave the beans alone until they've gone black and crispy.
          Location....East Midlands.


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