Hmm - this is the first time that I've really noticed poor germination from old seeds - in particular I had bad results from old(ish) sweetcorn, leeks, carrot and beetroot. Probably has happened before but not on this scale,
If one is trying to grow lots of things in pots for various reasons and one hasn't got water on tap on the plot then one is very reliant on rainfall and water capture. One is then only 'one in the village' happy with torrential rain at the end of June...
Its been a bit of a weird growing year so far - as I recall it was weird last year (though different)
If one is trying to grow lots of things in pots for various reasons and one hasn't got water on tap on the plot then one is very reliant on rainfall and water capture. One is then only 'one in the village' happy with torrential rain at the end of June...

Its been a bit of a weird growing year so far - as I recall it was weird last year (though different)
