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Allotments not worth it? !!!


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  • Allotments not worth it? !!!

    More of a rant than anything, I have just watched BBC Food and Drink,on it was a guy called Stefan Gates, he made a remark regarding allotments and food miles, a very negative comment too! He claimed, generally, they aren't worth the effort! I'm furious
    He has an allotment, so I imagine that he buys in all his needs,because, we all know it's effort and constant recycling that which makes an allotment successful .
    Girls are like flowers, a little attention every day and they`ll blossom.

  • #2
    What an odd thing to be furious about. In terms of cost, i think I've spent more on seeds, compost, fertiliser, canes, etc than I'll recoup in veg, so he's right in that respect.


    • #3
      its just the chance to potter about and grow stuff that makes them worthwhile, as I couldn't cope with the mobility problems I now have raised beds in my veg patch at home, but you do miss the natter with the other plot holders, as these kept you up to date on what is new/ happening in the gardening world, and the chance to swap your surplus for things you haven't got or forgotten..
      Last edited by BUFFS; 01-07-2017, 02:22 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Newbiegrower1970 View Post
        What an odd thing to be furious about. In terms of cost, i think I've spent more on seeds, compost, fertiliser, canes, etc than I'll recoup in veg, so he's right in that respect.
        Hi Newbie! Not wanting to be "Contrary" as to your remarks, but tell ya what, you go buy a bag of salad leaves in your local supermarket at a quid a time, and a one off purchase of half a dozen "Sprig's" of Asparagus knocking on 2 quid a pop, not to mention the numerous "Punnet's of strawberries n Raspberries which don't come cheap!

        My allotment more than reaps it's rewards, if not only in produce, but the time pottering about and add's so much to my social welfare!
        "Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad"


        • #5
          Originally posted by cheapskate chaz View Post
          I have just watched BBC Food and Drink,on it was a guy called Stefan Gates, he made a remark regarding allotments and food miles, a very negative comment too! He claimed, generally, they aren't worth the effort! I'm furious
          Without knowing what he actually said and in what context, I'm not going to comment.
          "Worth the effort" can be taken in several ways, financially, physically, mentally, quality of output etc.
          Nobody can say that allotments don't shorten food miles - so I don't understand what was said


          • #6
            Originally posted by Deano's "Diggin It" View Post
            Hi Newbie! Not wanting to be "Contrary" as to your remarks, but tell ya what, you go buy a bag of salad leaves in your local supermarket at a quid a time, and a one off purchase of half a dozen "Sprig's" of Asparagus knocking on 2 quid a pop, not to mention the numerous "Punnet's of strawberries n Raspberries which don't come cheap!

            My allotment more than reaps it's rewards, if not only in produce, but the time pottering about and add's so much to my social welfare!
            Without wishing to be pedantic, its, sprigs and punnets do not require apostrophes.

            I have spent money on fruit bushes and strawberries, 1 strawberry so far. Beans, I've planted several times, all eaten by slugs and rabbits. Asparagus, planted but no harvest for at least 2 years. All I've had are broad beans, which are quite cheap, and 3 courgettes. So I think I'm a fair way off breaking even but I enjoy it and I can grow varieties that are not readily available.


            • #7
              Go on BBC iplayer and watch from 16:11 for what he actually says and the context, obviously he has not made it part of his life style, is not growing the right things to make it economically & environmentally viable and is treating it as a fad.
              . .......Man Vs Slug
              Click Here for my Diary and Blog
              Nutters Club Member


              • #8
                Didn't see the context of the quote - for example the veg may not travel very far but are you adding in the travel YOU make to the allotment in the food miles? For some that's not much but for some who drive to the plot twice a day for half an hour a time just to water that can add up.

                My raspberries gave me enough fruit last year to make the £3 I spent on them worth it - looking to produce more this year so worth it.

                My strawberries were free, hardly looked after and are giving me fruit by the carrier bag - worth it.

                Nothing off the figs yet but there's some nice looking figs on one of them so I'm waiting in anticipation. It'll be like babys first words except without the future doom of adolescence and the security of the knowledge that if the figs become a problem I can cull them.

                Still eating last years beans so worth it. Planted more this year

                Overwintering onions - this year, not worth it. a lot of space taken and they haven't done much. Some are hardly bigger than the sets I planted.

                Experimental crops - worth it. Different ways of growing onions and leeks have varied the way they're used and they grow back so next years free

                Things I can't buy or wouldn't buy or possible never heard of I'll grow and give them a go - Oerprie, Skirret, Black Cumin/Earth Chestnut anyone seen these in Asda? - worth it

                Getting my mother to try weird or strange food or food she spent 40 years saying she didn't like - worth it (although I have no idea where that bag of strawberries has got to)

                Looking at the expression on my nieces face when she tries and sneeks a mouthful of dried tomatoes only to find out that they are round chillies - WORTH EVERY PENNY I'VE SPENT

                New all singing all dancing blog - Jasons Jungle

                �I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to NOT make a light bulb."
                ― Thomas A. Edison

                �Negative results are just what I want. They�re just as valuable to me as positive results. I can never find the thing that does the job best until I find the ones that don�t.�
                ― Thomas A. Edison

                - I must be a Nutter,VC says so -


                • #9
                  An allotment is a hobby and in just about all cases a hobby can be classed as not worth it.
                  I have just pulled up my leeks, they were sort of nothing, I make fishing flies with hair thicker then the leeks were - that is no a joke either.

                  Onions I never bothered this year. Why should I when I can buy a bag of 1Kg at 58p. I never managed 1Kg of onions from the veg bed in any year ever. And a bag of seed onions cost way over 58p.

                  Tomato's I can manage and having my own is nice. Equally no sign of a flower truss on any so far.
                  The peppers are still at 4-5 inches tall and presently I doubt they will grow big enough to crop this year.

                  Celery looks half promising, Not sure about the broccoli - still looking undersized.
                  Carrots have been in for 3 months now and the biggest carrot so far is under half an inch, so again suspect they are a wasted exercise. Even if they do grow I will have taken up a sizeable patch for about 6 months for 30 or so carrots.

                  Two butternut squash have remained sort of stunted and as small compact lumps, the other has grown happily but is unable to get pollinated. So far that is the most annoying.

                  Garlics have just come out and questionable, have a good number but the size is boarderline as to whether they are worth using.

                  Still questioning the spring onions, again still small and they have been in a good length of time - again are they worth the space and time involved.

                  So in a way they are not worth it in as far as feeding yourself and cost is concerned. As a hobby and relexation and exercise they are worth it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Newbiegrower1970 View Post
                    Without wishing to be pedantic, its, sprigs and punnets do not require apostrophes.
                    Without wishing to be pedantic, "its" doesn't need a comma after it but, hey-ho that the fun of typos. We're not here as grammar police but to chat about allotments.


                    • #11
                      Differernt people get different things from an allotment and some find that after a single season it didn't float their be it!

                      I enjoy mine for various reasons, excercise,fresh tasteful produce,sense of achievenment, comaraderie etc and I also think its good value for money.

                      Others may disagree and thats their prerogative.
                      My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
                      to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

                      Diversify & prosper


                      • #12
                        With you 100% Snadger.....

                        Whats the cost of a gym membership? pedantic easy to grow?


                        • #13
                          I took an allotment on. 2 months later and many £££ I was still nowhere near ready to plant crops. Gave it up.
                          Now at home in the garden I've grow what I thought was a lot of peas, broad beans and beetroot. The peas and broadbeans didn't last long. Beets arnt ready. Runner beans not producing yet. Greenhouse is doing well.
                          This part of the garden still keeps me occupied for long enough for little produce. I can't imagine how much more money and time I would've spent on the allotment I had to get it to a fit enough state, to then find out for all the work involved it's not a worthy food source that will last.

                          Do I find allotments worth it? Nope, not for me.

                          But I totally get why others love theirs, and fair play to them. I'm almost jelous.
                          412% of statistics are made up.


                          • #14
                            My allotment is my escape from the norm if it come to counting pennies then it wouldnt be worth having.i grow allsorts of different veg/flowers just for my personnel enjoyment and give 90 percent away .thats were i get my enjoyment seeing other people happy.same as my fishery i like seeing people take satifaction from something ive provided .
                            When you have a hammer in your hand everything around you starts looking like a nail.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Greenleaves View Post
                              With you 100% Snadger.....

                              Whats the cost of a gym membership? pedantic easy to grow?
                              Or is it ericaceous?


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