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Everything want's a bit of my veg


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  • Everything want's a bit of my veg

    As I said recently pigeons shredded my sprouts and broccoli.
    Slugs also had a good go at my kale.
    So I have in place:
    1) Ground cover to keep back the marestail.
    2) Slug pellets ( a carpet ) to deter the slugs.
    3) Beer traps for the slugs
    4) Collars to deter cabbage root fly.
    5) Shed loads of lime to deter club root.
    6) Expensive netting and canes to deter pigeons.

    The plants do see to be recovering although a couple of the sprouts look like they have some other unspecified malady.

    Where will it all end ?
    Expect the worst in life and you will probably have under estimated!

  • #2
    clear areas that the slugs tend to hide in, and open up the area, feed the birds, and if possible get a couple of chickens. I did all this when I had the same problems, and the slug/ snail population was decimated, and even though I had to give up the chooks because of mobility problems the birds keep coming , we have at least 2 thrushes that pile up empty shells and jackdaws seem to be able to stomach slugs, I left 4 slugs on a plank of wood and within 20 mins they had taken the lot. I do feed the birds twelve months a year, so I watch them bring their young to feed, and they seem to pay regular visits, so they seem to keep the pest numbers down, my pet hate is gooseberry sawfly, and I deal with them by spraying some cooking oil onto cardboard, or clingfilm covered cardboard, shoved under the bush, and I use a garden fork to shake the bush, the sawfly drop down to the ground for safety , only to land on the cardboard and then they are collected and fed to the robins, wrens, and finches, and whatever other type of bird that is interested, as we do get a lot rearing second broods..


    • #3
      Unfortunately if you try to grow nice, tasty veg, especially leafy veg, all kinds of wildlife will want to eat it. Currently I am battling with aphids, blackfly, sawflies, slugs, snails, tent moth caterpillars, strawberry maggots and various other nameless caterpillars and wasps. I would also have major problems with carrot fly, cabbage white butterflies and cabbage root fly if I didn't net my carrots and brassicas.
      On the plus side, my garden is absolutely full of hoverflies, which hopefully are feasting on the aphids.

      Oops, forgot the leaf miner that are making a dreadful mess of my beetroot leaves
      Last edited by Penellype; 07-07-2017, 04:12 PM.
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


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