I have half a plot, and my neighbour and I differ wildly in our approaches to cultivation. I'm absolutely respectful of other viewpoints but I'm trying to keep it organic and he's more weedkiller and maxi veg. His obviously looks better than mine!
But. The thing is, his powders and pellets are.. expanding. I went up last week and there was ant powder everywhere, really everywhere, great swathes of it across our shared space, my paths, some on my beds (which I'm sure was accidental). I couldn't help but walk through it to get anywhere and I know some brands are harmful to pets so I was a bit worried coming home as it was all over my shoes. I don't really know how to broach this, does anyone have any advice? I'd love to point out that he doesn't need a two inch pile of slug pellets next to each plant, too, but I'll stick with the anti-ant-powder for now!
Thanks for any tips..
But. The thing is, his powders and pellets are.. expanding. I went up last week and there was ant powder everywhere, really everywhere, great swathes of it across our shared space, my paths, some on my beds (which I'm sure was accidental). I couldn't help but walk through it to get anywhere and I know some brands are harmful to pets so I was a bit worried coming home as it was all over my shoes. I don't really know how to broach this, does anyone have any advice? I'd love to point out that he doesn't need a two inch pile of slug pellets next to each plant, too, but I'll stick with the anti-ant-powder for now!
Thanks for any tips..