So heres the thing, after 14 years of growing on my allotment i have finally given it up for a number of reasons, foremost being i don't need to grow so much anymore. So i am now growing my veggies in the front garden. Every square inch is now planted with summer edibles
My problem is, i ordered barrow loads of winter veg plants i.e. Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage (around 94 plants in all) for my winter veg selection, which were supposed to be delivered mid August and they've arrived NOW
I have no clue what to do with them all! My only two options as i see it, is to squeeze them in between rows/plants (and it would be a proper squeeze) or pot them on and keep them in a cold frame for another 4 weeks or so. If i squeeze them in-between plants i wont be able to net them and if i keep them in pots it's gonna hold them back. Which is the lesser of the two evils do you people think?? or any other ideas would be much appreciated.
My problem is, i ordered barrow loads of winter veg plants i.e. Cauliflower, Kale, Cabbage (around 94 plants in all) for my winter veg selection, which were supposed to be delivered mid August and they've arrived NOW
I have no clue what to do with them all! My only two options as i see it, is to squeeze them in between rows/plants (and it would be a proper squeeze) or pot them on and keep them in a cold frame for another 4 weeks or so. If i squeeze them in-between plants i wont be able to net them and if i keep them in pots it's gonna hold them back. Which is the lesser of the two evils do you people think?? or any other ideas would be much appreciated.