So how's everyone's growing year going so far ?
Mines been a bit hit & miss
Turnips, bolting or splitting
Swiss chard & spinach bolted
Tomatoes about 1 fruit set per truss ( apart from sungold & one I can't pronounce ( came with the magazine)doing ok)
Cauliflower, so pointless, never again ( not even with free seeds )
All squash, courgette & pumpkins ( apart from Humphrey) just not doing. To cold and windy this year.
Onions, seem to be doing well.
Carrots, doing well ( apart from red samurai, bolted )
Cucumbers, brilliant
Melons, getting there
Aubergine, ok I think
Sweet peppers, best ever
Chillies, fantastic
Everything else, I'm still on the fence about!
Even though it's been mostly pants. I'm having lots of fun and enjoying every moment in the garden
Mines been a bit hit & miss
Turnips, bolting or splitting
Swiss chard & spinach bolted
Tomatoes about 1 fruit set per truss ( apart from sungold & one I can't pronounce ( came with the magazine)doing ok)
Cauliflower, so pointless, never again ( not even with free seeds )
All squash, courgette & pumpkins ( apart from Humphrey) just not doing. To cold and windy this year.
Onions, seem to be doing well.
Carrots, doing well ( apart from red samurai, bolted )
Cucumbers, brilliant
Melons, getting there
Aubergine, ok I think
Sweet peppers, best ever
Chillies, fantastic
Everything else, I'm still on the fence about!
Even though it's been mostly pants. I'm having lots of fun and enjoying every moment in the garden