I'm pretty happy. The key theme this year has been no matter how far behind you get, you'll be surprised how much you can catch up... :-)
With the cold weather, many plants are way behind, but I still think we're going to get decent crops from most. And the plot is simply a lovely place to be right now.
Leeks - I've JUST got these in, but I think they'll produce fine.
Courgettes - starting to crop nicely now, and looking lovely.
Bean teepee and tunnel. Although the tunnel is hardly clothed, I think this is going to be lovely. Mangetout, french beans, tromboncino all getting their heads in the air now. I suspect the tromboncino won't crop, but I'll give it another go next year if not. Runners are flowering freely.
Sweetcorn. Shhhh. Don't say anything, but we're nearly hip high and looking strong....
Sweet peas - two years of failure and now success. Lovely.
Peas, grew well, but I need to sort out the support so I don't get a flop over that hampers harvesting, and then everything grinds to a halt... will try a sowing for autumn pickings.
Broad beans. Whoa. Slow down there boys. Ants and blackfly not withstanding, with a couple of doses of fairy liquid, we've managed to get along.
Squashes - Jack o lantern doing its stuff, and I expect a fruit to set any day now. The french varities I've tried have never got going - maybe too cold?
Potatoes - charlottes are just lovely. roosters have had a mulch and feed, because they're looking a bit yellow. Blue danube is soldiering on, will be interesting to see how they do.
Onions. A few bolted, the rest doing well, I think.
Cucs and tomatoes at home. One mini cuc about ready to harvest, nothing else yet. It's going to be borderline.
Toms on the plot. If I get one, I will be surprised and delighted!
Brussels and purple sprouting broccoli. plants are looking outstanding, but once again the PSB is sprouting more than 6 months before it's supposed to.
Rainbow beetroot. Leaf, no root. Won't sow that again.
I ate my own raspberry (yes, singular!) for the first time. next year is the year...
Surprise winners:-
Strawberries - loved the milk bottle set up, and fruited well (although some not very sweet, due to lack of sunshine!)
Carrots - never had success before, but these were lovely!
Spring onions - ditto!
Pests - sparrows drove me mad earlier in the season, but w're getting along fine now. There's at least one thrush visiting now, which is so lovely! Slugs and snails seem to be under control, but we'll see when the potatoes come up. Blackfly needed seeing to, but still not terrible. I'm getting along with the ants.
(Kirk, I SO want to know what variety your crazy squash is? I love it when they try and take over the world... )
With the cold weather, many plants are way behind, but I still think we're going to get decent crops from most. And the plot is simply a lovely place to be right now.
Leeks - I've JUST got these in, but I think they'll produce fine.
Courgettes - starting to crop nicely now, and looking lovely.
Bean teepee and tunnel. Although the tunnel is hardly clothed, I think this is going to be lovely. Mangetout, french beans, tromboncino all getting their heads in the air now. I suspect the tromboncino won't crop, but I'll give it another go next year if not. Runners are flowering freely.
Sweetcorn. Shhhh. Don't say anything, but we're nearly hip high and looking strong....
Sweet peas - two years of failure and now success. Lovely.
Peas, grew well, but I need to sort out the support so I don't get a flop over that hampers harvesting, and then everything grinds to a halt... will try a sowing for autumn pickings.
Broad beans. Whoa. Slow down there boys. Ants and blackfly not withstanding, with a couple of doses of fairy liquid, we've managed to get along.
Squashes - Jack o lantern doing its stuff, and I expect a fruit to set any day now. The french varities I've tried have never got going - maybe too cold?
Potatoes - charlottes are just lovely. roosters have had a mulch and feed, because they're looking a bit yellow. Blue danube is soldiering on, will be interesting to see how they do.
Onions. A few bolted, the rest doing well, I think.
Cucs and tomatoes at home. One mini cuc about ready to harvest, nothing else yet. It's going to be borderline.
Toms on the plot. If I get one, I will be surprised and delighted!
Brussels and purple sprouting broccoli. plants are looking outstanding, but once again the PSB is sprouting more than 6 months before it's supposed to.
Rainbow beetroot. Leaf, no root. Won't sow that again.
I ate my own raspberry (yes, singular!) for the first time. next year is the year...
Surprise winners:-
Strawberries - loved the milk bottle set up, and fruited well (although some not very sweet, due to lack of sunshine!)
Carrots - never had success before, but these were lovely!
Spring onions - ditto!
Pests - sparrows drove me mad earlier in the season, but w're getting along fine now. There's at least one thrush visiting now, which is so lovely! Slugs and snails seem to be under control, but we'll see when the potatoes come up. Blackfly needed seeing to, but still not terrible. I'm getting along with the ants.
(Kirk, I SO want to know what variety your crazy squash is? I love it when they try and take over the world... )