The Welsh Onions don't really form a bulb, just a slightly fatter bit at the end. They divide once or twice a year. You can pull individual leaves off plants as green onions or lift and divide clumps harvesting some complete onions and replanting enough to re-clump for next year.
They do flower and can die down in summer to then regrow in Autumn and over winter (often splitting when they regrow)
There's several different varieties including Perutil which doesn't flower. I think (but I'm not totally sure) that SOME of the Japanese bunching onions are varieties of Welsh Onions. At the moment I have Red, White, Perutil and a couple of plants of what is supposed to be Russian Giant.
They do flower and can die down in summer to then regrow in Autumn and over winter (often splitting when they regrow)
There's several different varieties including Perutil which doesn't flower. I think (but I'm not totally sure) that SOME of the Japanese bunching onions are varieties of Welsh Onions. At the moment I have Red, White, Perutil and a couple of plants of what is supposed to be Russian Giant.