I have pre-sprayed these outdoor toms with soluble asprin so really they should be protected but since then I have found brown marks here and there. I have cut off those leaves and binned them in the household kitchen bin. I have had these markings in previous years which didn't bring the plant or fruit down.
Does this look like blight ? I really hope it isn't as it's the most successful crop I have grown this season. I do have some plants in the greenhouse too which look fine, except 2 yellowing plants ( in small container) which were later given some nitrogen but didn't help. I have the greenhouse kept shut.

Does this look like blight ? I really hope it isn't as it's the most successful crop I have grown this season. I do have some plants in the greenhouse too which look fine, except 2 yellowing plants ( in small container) which were later given some nitrogen but didn't help. I have the greenhouse kept shut.