I hope I've put this in the right place so sorry if I've got it wrong.
I've recently developed a love for gardening now that I have more time to spend in it! I have a small poly tunnel a greenhouse a raise bed and a flower bed with plenty of grass for the toddler, husband and dogs to enjoy.
I can grow some basic veg and fruit such as tomatoes, runner beans etc but i never seem to get a bumper crop from them (although my beans are in the flower bed this ear and are going mad!) i really want to learn and become a bit more self sufficient and eat fruit and veg which taste as they're meant to not water.
If anyone can advise me or give me any tips i would be really grateful my aim is to have a lovely cottage garden with traditional flowers to attract bees etc to the garden with my veggies growing too.
Thanks very much.

I hope I've put this in the right place so sorry if I've got it wrong.
I've recently developed a love for gardening now that I have more time to spend in it! I have a small poly tunnel a greenhouse a raise bed and a flower bed with plenty of grass for the toddler, husband and dogs to enjoy.
I can grow some basic veg and fruit such as tomatoes, runner beans etc but i never seem to get a bumper crop from them (although my beans are in the flower bed this ear and are going mad!) i really want to learn and become a bit more self sufficient and eat fruit and veg which taste as they're meant to not water.
If anyone can advise me or give me any tips i would be really grateful my aim is to have a lovely cottage garden with traditional flowers to attract bees etc to the garden with my veggies growing too.
Thanks very much.