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Potato decisions


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  • Potato decisions

    I'm looking at putting a few potatoes in the plot for next year and am looking at different options for new potatoes. I grew Charlotte this year but they didn't really do much (although talking to people I'm not sure anyone round here did anything much) and did international kidney the year before which did OK. I'm wondering what people on here think about varieties suitable for us in north Lancashire on some lovely clay which I'm currently improving year on year. My current front runner I think is arran pilot but open to advice based on more than a blind guess.

  • #2
    anya is my favourite second early, Mayan gold main, I haven't quite found the perfect first early, lady crystal was quite nice
    Follow my grow and cook your own blog
    Wordpress Reader: Tabularassa99
    Instagram: Tabularasathrive


    • #3
      I grow Lady Christl for earlies followed by Charlotte then Desiree and Sarpo Mira for blight insurance.
      A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP. - Leonard Nimoy


      • #4
        Ive heard that potatoes taste different when they're grown in different areas,it might be good for you to try all of them over time & see what you like best,Lady C are my favourite early potato plus Charlotte for a better yield than other second earlies. I planted by the moon this year,it seemed to help,I had a good year for potatoes so I'll always do it now even though it might not have helped at all,I don't know I'm just judging this year to all the other years.
        Location : Essex


        • #5
          Sssshhhhh don't tell everyone about LadyC there will be none left for me.

          And don't tell them that if you leave them in the ground for 18 weeks or so they make great chippers and bakers too.
          Potty by name Potty by nature.

          By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

          We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

          Aesop 620BC-560BC



          • #6
            Thanks everyone, it might be time for a potato test over the next few years. Thinking what I'll do to try and reduce seasonal variation from crop yields is to grow two varieties a year, one I've done before for comparison and a new one each year over next few years. Might be an interesting little project.


            • #7
              I grew Maris Peer ,Charlotes,Pink fir apples,and ive got some Sharpo mira in pots in the green house that I forgot to plant at the right time,the maris peer are by far the best for me the pfa next and the charlotes ?well i dont think i'll bother with them again though they seem to go down all right with my mum inlaw !
              the MP and Ch grew well and made alot of bakers and the Pinks where good croppers and grew to a good size and the nutty taste is great which my wife also likes,so it's about getting a balance!
              atb Dal
              Last edited by Dalrimple; 12-10-2017, 09:38 PM.


              • #8
                I always grow PFA and was contemplating Sarpo Mira after my skirmish with blight for the first time this year, I've heard quite a few poor comments about the Mira and I'm now thinking of giving them a miss and trying Charlotte.


                • #9
                  I grew pink fir apples this year - although delicious they were too much of a fiddle to clean the soil from between all the knobbly bits.
                  I favour Lady Christl as first earlies whenever I can buy them, ambo as a second early/early main. Mayan gold are a brilliant maincrop, although not for boiling.

                  I've grown sarpo a few times, but wasn't that keen on the taste or texture.


                  • #10
                    I know a lady who knew the man who developed the Sarpo range. She always grows Mira but lifts them early and uses them as little spuds.
                    I've grown Mira but prefer others from the Sarpo stable.
                    Location ... Nottingham


                    • #11
                      Dunluce makes a nice first early. And will also grow big - and still taste great - if left in the ground for longer.

                      As for Charlottes, I can't imagine never growing them! We like them that much. Some years they do better than other, but I think that's more to do with the weather.

                      If you quite like white though not terribly floury potatoes, Picasso are amazingly productive. Biggest crop I've ever had was off them. Really nice taste as well.


                      • #12
                        Jimny14, we grew arran pilot this year and they did well, not that I would know what good or bad is but seemed to have loads. We are roughly on the same latitude and have clay too but added a lot of horse manure from a relation, guess the top 12" was 50% clay, 40% manure and 10% compost. Feed them with 07-07-07 at planting after chitting in conservatory in about end march from memory. They had no skin damage etc. The clay is very acid ie 4.5 so that maybe helped the skins. We roughly dug around plants taking the large spuds and letting the peas grow on but the great taste seemed to fade as time went on. Will probably grow them again this year, but depends what is availiable to buy


                        • #13
                          Thanks all, so I've decided to do a mini trial and am going to start with Charlotte and Lady c or arran pilot for this year. Gonna put a couple of rows of each in and see what happens. If nothing else should be an interesting challenge to see the differences and what suits us best.


                          • #14
                            Fliippin heck their on about Picasso now and what a great cropper they are, don't tell everyone but they do very well in large containers too.
                            Potty by name Potty by nature.

                            By appointment of VeggieChicken Member of the Nutters club.

                            We hang petty thieves and appoint great ones to public office.

                            Aesop 620BC-560BC



                            • #15
                              I grow my potatoes in recycling boxes, grown in a mix of leaf mould, soil and my own compost. I've tried Rocket, Arran pilot, Pentland javelin but my favourites are Charlotte so that's I'm sticking with.
                              Location....East Midlands.


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