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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2018


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  • Originally posted by Chrissyteacup View Post
    Thanks Mitzi! Would seeds from pods ripened like this be viable?
    As long as the pod was fairly mature when you picked it. Ideally I like pods to ripen - even over-ripen - on the plant if I'm saving seed, but we don't always have that luxury. They might not keep as well as seeds from fully-ripe pods.


    • Originally posted by Philthy View Post
      Cannot get the bulk of my crop to ripen It is SO frustrating....
      Loads of mine are green, though the plants I brought indoors a few days ago seem to have changed colour overnight.


      • Originally posted by Chrissyteacup View Post
        I’m the same Philthy and the OH doesn’t like plants inside. Any tips for speeding up the ripening process?
        Far as I know just sunlight and steady warmth ie. summer like weather! Days are shortening, temperatures are dropping, most acutely overnight. I closed all vents in my GH two weeks ago to boost the temperature when the sun is on it, it’s helped a bit. I’m very late this year with my plants, it was always going to be tight but I figured there’d be enough time with an extension to the summer. I’m going to have to harvest and ripen on window ledges I think, just hope the pods turn before they start softening and going over. Plants themselves aren’t ready to come in just yet, so they’re for the most part much too big.
        Last edited by Philthy; 21-09-2018, 07:33 PM.


        • hi all ,some great photos and chilli and grape jam ! sounds interesting ,can you post the recipie pls ,my sister has some grapes growing (they are wine grapes im going to pick on sunday) ,im still drying my chillis in the oven on a low temp,ive just done my 4th tray atm and i still have chillis on plants , but im not sure if they are right or i have over done them ,SP any chance you could you take a photo of your chillis when you have taken them out of the hydrator and before you blitz them in the food blender thingy ? thx if you can ,sorry to be a pain on this ,im prob worrying about nothing ,cheers
          The Dude abides.


          • Last year Chris11 sent me a few seeds. The Joe's Long are a lovely, usable chilli. The Burkhina Yellow are a bit fiery - will need to be careful with those.

            Tonight I tried the Elysium Oxide, which didn't grow last year. Christ on a bike, what the hell am I going to use these for? First I tried one seed, which didn't seem too bad. So I tried about 1cm� of flesh, which spoilt the next 25 minutes. I'm not unfamiliar with a bit of heat - no problem with a vindaloo, and I've even eaten a couple of phalls. But that was stupidly hot. And I should have washed my hands before I nipped for a wee and accidentally touched my scrotum.
            Our England is a garden, and such gardens are not made
            By singing-'Oh how beautiful!" and sitting in the shade,
            While better men than we go out and start their working lives
            At grubbing weeds from gravel paths with broken dinner-knives. ~ Rudyard Kipling


            • ..and I've even eaten a couple of phalls. But that was stupidly hot. And I should have washed my hands before I nipped for a wee and accidentally touched my scrotum.
              Hahaha! A rookie mistake right there.

              **Ahem: Should such an emergency arise again, you can always medicate with a pot of yoghurt - emphasis on POT of yoghurt. Just be sure not to return to the fridge..


              • Originally posted by the big lebowski View Post
                hi all ,some great photos and chilli and grape jam ! sounds interesting ,can you post the recipie pls ,my sister has some grapes growing (they are wine grapes im going to pick on sunday) ,im still drying my chillis in the oven on a low temp,ive just done my 4th tray atm and i still have chillis on plants , but im not sure if they are right or i have over done them ,SP any chance you could you take a photo of your chillis when you have taken them out of the hydrator and before you blitz them in the food blender thingy ? thx if you can ,sorry to be a pain on this ,im prob worrying about nothing ,cheers
                Here you go.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image.jpeg
Views:	1
Size:	301.8 KB
ID:	2380833


                • SP, what are the green ones in that lot? Are they there on purpose / for colour variation in the finished blend / you couldn�t ripen and just chucked them in for bulk ?


                  • Originally posted by Philthy View Post
                    SP, what are the green ones in that lot? Are they there on purpose / for colour variation in the finished blend / you couldn’t ripen and just chucked them in for bulk ?
                    Yeah the green ones are just things that haven't ripened. Most of those are off snapped branches. Each batch of power has a different shade and heat no doubt. Because I just powder what ever's ready. I do try to make sure every batch gets its fair share of super hots.
                    I use all my unripened in my power. Try to get a good mix of ripe and unripened in each batch as well. My very first chilli powder was all green chillies and lemon drops. It was lime green in colour! Not a great look for a chilli powder but it still packed a considerable punch.


                    • Originally posted by the big lebowski View Post
                      hi all ,some great photos and chilli and grape jam ! sounds interesting ,can you post the recipie pls ,my sister has some grapes growing (they are wine grapes im going to pick on sunday) ,im still drying my chillis in the oven on a low temp,ive just done my 4th tray atm and i still have chillis on plants , but im not sure if they are right or i have over done them ,SP any chance you could you take a photo of your chillis when you have taken them out of the hydrator and before you blitz them in the food blender thingy ? thx if you can ,sorry to be a pain on this ,im prob worrying about nothing ,cheers
                      I loosely follow this recipe....

                      Swap the rosemary for chillies and on the final boiling some I add some chopped chillies to add texture, others I leave plain.
                      You don’t need a jelly bag - I strain it through a clean pillowcase hung up from my kitchen shelf. Don’t be tempted to squeeze it. Let it drip all night and it’s beautiful and clear.
                      I made loads last year and it’s lovely with cheese.

                      The rosemary variation is good stirred into gravy.

                      You can also swap the grapes for crab apples/apple/pear skins even....sets a dream and depending what apples you can find often goes a lovely pink colour.


                      • Am trying to decide when to bring my orange and lemon habaneros inside. They are still looking good with lots of buds and small chillis but all green. They haven�t started dying back still looking healthy. They are in the greenhouse which is still getting pretty warm during the day - into 30s sometimes but down as low as 7 at night. Not keen to bring inside until I have to because they will take up all my window space but I would really like some ripe chillis this year.


                        • Chilli fest in Langholm

                          All you chilli buffs might be interested in visiting Langholm in the Scottish Borders this weekend - they are having a chilli fest at the agricultural show on Saturday


                          Sounds like locals are getting into chillies in a BIG WAY
                          Mostly flowers, some fruit and veg, at the seaside in Edinburgh.


                          • Oh, just a bit far for me


                            • Originally posted by annie8 View Post
                              Am trying to decide when to bring my orange and lemon habaneros inside. They are still looking good with lots of buds and small chillis but all green. They haven’t started dying back still looking healthy. They are in the greenhouse which is still getting pretty warm during the day - into 30s sometimes but down as low as 7 at night. Not keen to bring inside until I have to because they will take up all my window space but I would really like some ripe chillis this year.
                              Are there too many / too big to bring them in at night and out again in the morning? Very low temps forecast for tomorrow night.


                              • I bought a chocolate habanero plant from Homebase 2 weeks ago for �1. Totally green pods, it was outside there so I kept it out until I brought it in last Tuesday. It's not cold down here but it was very windy. I was surprised yesterday to see they were not only yellow but turning red. Very happy, mind you it's only about 18 inches high so not taking up too much room. It may survive the winter but if not seeds for next year too.


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