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Chillies - growing and overwintering 2018


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  • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
    Haha, that's how I choose tomatoes I love the names!
    Great Minds etc....certain words inspire certain thoughts ..
    Never Let the BAD be the Enemy of the GOOD

    Conservation and Preservation for the Future Generation


    • Looking at that picture, it looks more like a Mushroom Red, what do you think?

      For the Orange Thai, I think there are two main types, Orange Thai and Orange Thai Large. Orange Thai are hotter and more wrinkled, the Orange Thai Large are milder, smoother, sweeter, and...err...larger

      Here's a pic of my Orange Thai Large from last year:
      Hey Chris, wow! that is VERY close! I don't think it's quite there to be an exact match.. but that does seem to depend on which pictures I'm using for comparison!!
      I'd say that on my pods, between the shoulder and the skirt, there looks to be more of a consistent groove i.e. tad deeper, plus the bottom half of the Mushroom examples seen thus far generally seem to taper more, whereas on mine they're a bit chunkier. Top down view though there's nothing in it. Hmm..
      One thing that is clear though is they look NOTHING like your Orange Thai! very nice example btw (think perhaps one of us got sold a fraud.. wonder who )

      Don't know anything about characteristics but the names attracted me ( Bit like choosing a race horse) lol
      geepee, a few more if you're still looking for funny names...

      Prik Kee Noo
      Big Red Mama
      Brain Strain
      Monkey Face
      and of course who can forget 'Peter' Pepper
      Last edited by Philthy; 24-01-2018, 12:01 AM.


      • Well I have almost overwintered **TOUCH WOOD** A reaper, Lemon drop and peach ghost scorpion plant, all still alive and hopefully soon be ready for potting on into fresh compost really excited to have a head start on these plants


        • Well I really thought my Trinidad scorpion had died. The stem had serious die back and lost all its leaves which is unusual for a plant in my kitchen - most of them stay green at least but I think I was a bit late in bringing him back indoors.

          Chopped him right back and crossed my toes - and suddenly we have life!
          Click image for larger version

Name:	9FE67550-6C4E-4B14-972E-6FFAEABE1DA1.jpg
Views:	1
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ID:	2376376


          • Chilli Progress

            Plenty still left in the lighted propagate but aiming to get them all out soon
            Attached Files
            I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

            ...utterly nutterly


            • Wow, that's quite a lot, Trip. Looking good!
              Last edited by Mitzi; 05-02-2018, 02:51 PM.


              • Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
                Well I really thought my Trinidad scorpion had died. The stem had serious die back and lost all its leaves which is unusual for a plant in my kitchen - most of them stay green at least but I think I was a bit late in bringing him back indoors.

                Chopped him right back and crossed my toes - and suddenly we have life!

                Didn't think you chopped them back that far

                I only reduced the plant height and width by 2/3rds.

                Sprouting new leaves, but now thinking will be a bit spindly....

                Would there be time to cut further back to get a more compact plant


                • Originally posted by 4Shoes View Post
                  Didn't think you chopped them back that far
                  I don’t normally chop them back that much! Sometimes I don’t chop them back at all.

                  The main stem had serious die back on this plant ( I left it in the GH for a bit too long) and the stem went brown so I cut it back to just below the brown bit....don’t worry mine was extreme.
                  Last edited by Scarlet; 05-02-2018, 05:36 PM.


                  • I’m growing Jalapeno this year. First time. Sowed the seed on 4th Feb. Fingers crossed.



                    • I have a heated propagator would I be okay starting chillis and tomatoes now? only problem is I do not have a GH heater


                      • Originally posted by Dynamite View Post
                        I�m growing Jalapeno this year. First time. Sowed the seed on 4th Feb. Fingers crossed.

                        Welcome to the slippery slope that is chilli growing obsession

                        Originally posted by gardengeordie View Post
                        I have a heated propagator would I be okay starting chillis and tomatoes now? only problem is I do not have a GH heater
                        Starting chillies now is a very good idea. I started in December! Don't worry your not to late I'm just mad . Once they pop their little heads up get them out of the heated propagator and on to a window ledge. You don't want them in the greenhouse till late April or even May. It'll be to cold for them.
                        I wouldn't start tomatoes till March. They grow quickly.


                        • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                          Welcome to the slippery slope that is chilli growing obsession

                          Starting chillies now is a very good idea. I started in December! Don't worry your not to late I'm just mad . Once they pop their little heads up get them out of the heated propagator and on to a window ledge. You don't want them in the greenhouse till late April or even May. It'll be to cold for them.
                          I wouldn't start tomatoes till March. They grow quickly.

                          Ah thats great thanks! ill try and get some started off at the weekend, luckily we are south facing so once the sun comes (if it comes) should help things a bit :-)


                          • Originally posted by Small pumpkin View Post
                            Welcome to the slippery slope that is chilli growing obsession

                            Starting chillies now is a very good idea. I started in December! Don't worry your not to late I'm just mad . Once they pop their little heads up get them out of the heated propagator and on to a window ledge. You don't want them in the greenhouse till late April or even May. It'll be to cold for them.
                            I wouldn't start tomatoes till March. They grow quickly.
                            Will chillis be ok in a heated greenhouse?


                            • I spotted this interesting link where it says 16C is the minimum temp at which they will grow..... have you found that is the case SP?

                              16 Tips on Growing Hot Chilli Peppers in a Cold Climate: 4 Steps (with Pictures)
                              "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                              Location....Normandy France


                              • As long as you can keep the temperature above 10 degrees at night. Even then they won't be happy, but they might stay alive. They prefer a constant temperature of about 18 degrees.
                                To be honest I don't think my chillies get that sort of heat constantly, but it's not far off.


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