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An Alphabet of Oddments!


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  • #61
    P is for........................

    Passiflora Edulis /passion fruit

    Punica granatum / Pomegranate

    Papaya / Carica papaya

    Perilla /Shiso or Japanese beefsteak in James Wong language

    Polycress (Lepidum sativum)

    Papalo (Porophyllum coloratum) Annual herb to 4' - From Real Seeds

    Purslane - green and golden & Yellow Large Leaf - from Real Seeds

    Pastinaca Dugi Bijeli (Yugoslavian variety of parsnip) - Franchi

    Poppy - Sokol breadseed poppy - Real Seeds

    Tomorrow I'm going to sow the Passionfruit - bought seeds and self saved from a Colombian fruit & Passiflora Caerulea, the flower.


    • #62
      Excellent choice! I'd grow the passionfruit as well
      I've grown quite a lot of purslane as micro greens and baby leaf. I like it.
      Breadseed poppy I got seeds but couldn't sow them the same year. None germinated the following year. It may have been a different variety, got them from chiltern seeds.


      • #63
        My poppy seeds are a bit old too - that'll teach me for hoarding! At least, the Alphabet plan is making me sort through the old seeds and give them a chance of life. Just read that passion fruit seeds should be sown fresh, so not holding my breath for these (sow by End 2017).


        • #64
          Just found the Passiflora Quadrangularis(Giant Granadilla) seeds so I'll sow those tomorrow as well. Better find another propagator.


          • #65
            Try again Small Pumpkin, Poppy seeds are said to survive in the soil for about 100 years but the conditions have got to be just right for them to germinate. Fussy things!!!!
            Gardening requires a lot of water - most of it in the form of perspiration. Lou Erickson, critic and poet


            • #66
              Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
              Just found the Passiflora Quadrangularis(Giant Granadilla) seeds so I'll sow those tomorrow as well. Better find another propagator.
              It's a stunner if you manage get it to grow and flower


              • #67
                Q is for..................

                Quillquina (Porophyllum ruderale) - Real Seeds

                "An annual herb from S. America, grows to 4' with pretty blue-green leaves. Has a disinctive spicy sharp flavour, used like coriander"

                Sowed a couple of these today.

                R is for..............

                Rampion (Campanula rapunculus)/Raperonzolo
                A peasant root vegetable (17th C Heirloom) - leaves used like spinach, roots look like long radish and treated like asparagus. Beautiful purple flower.

                Seeds like dust! best sown in situ so I'll put some in an MFB and see what happens.


                • #68
                  S is for.....................






                  Lots there to play about with!

                  Skirret (missed that one!)
                  Last edited by veggiechicken; 03-03-2018, 11:19 PM.


                  • #69
                    Well I'm feeling incredibly intelligent this morning! There's only one of them I'd not heard of .
                    I really should try samphire again I failed miserably last time I tried to grow it.
                    Let me know how you get on with the stevia and sea kale. I'd like to try both of those one day.


                    • #70
                      I've bought stevia and seakale plants in the past. The seakale is still going strong but its not in this house. Its an attractive plant but I've not tried eating ?forcing it.
                      Stevia was weird - too sweet for my taste. Even a little nibble was overwhelming - but it made a good conversation piece.
                      "Hello sunshine, would you like a nibble of my stevia?"


                      • #71
                        Slightly disappointed there was no Quinoa (or is it under 'K' for "Keeeeeeen-wa"

                        We're trying Agretti this year instead of Samphire, apparently similar taste.....

                        Looking forward to X, Y and Z


                        • #72
                          My apologies, Chippy - I do have Quinoa seeds but they haven't found their way into the Oddments collection...........................yet!!
                          Don't hold your breath for X, Y and Z although I do have some Yacon tubers to plant somewhere!
                          Last night, cabin fever set in and I merged my Herb, weird fruit and Oddments collections together and I'm filing each letter into its own videocase. We chickens know how to entertain ourselves when we're snowed in.


                          • #73
                            Are you doing a weird fruit list next VC ?
                            It gives me hours of entertainment doing interweb searches for things on your list


                            • #74
                              Most of the weird fruit is already in with the Oddments, SP. I do have some strange tree seeds but I'm worried that if they grow, I'll have to plant them somewhere and I don't really want any more trees. Don't suggest Bonsai 'cos life's too short.
                              I grew some sort of eucalyptus seed once and it had to be chain.sawed out. Took over the garden - so I'm a bit wary of trees.
                              Last edited by veggiechicken; 04-03-2018, 11:54 AM.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by veggiechicken View Post
                                Most of the weird fruit is already in with the Oddments, SP. I do have some strange tree seeds but I'm worried that if they grow, I'll have to plant them somewhere and I don't really want any more trees. Don't suggest Bonsai 'cos life's too short....
                                So's Bonsai...
                                Location - Leicestershire - Chisit-land
                                Endless wonder.


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