Lots of photos yesterday - it was such a traumatic day with workmen and stuff to arrange that when I finally got the camera to the allotment I just ran round taking pictures of everything I could think of.
The new raspberries have loads of flower buds so I am hopeful of a decent crop this year.
The hotbed cover is now off at night, but I have left it there just in case we get more frost. The net is to keep the cat and birds off.
Peas are growing well, cauliflowers, which are supposed to be ready in May, are still small.
Parsnips and beetroot in half of the near bed - I am going to try the summer leeks in the other half but I need to be sure there is no frost first.
The PSB under the near net has finished and needs removing. This bed is then waiting for courgettes (if I can get the damn things to germinate!)
Lots of photos yesterday - it was such a traumatic day with workmen and stuff to arrange that when I finally got the camera to the allotment I just ran round taking pictures of everything I could think of.
The new raspberries have loads of flower buds so I am hopeful of a decent crop this year.
The hotbed cover is now off at night, but I have left it there just in case we get more frost. The net is to keep the cat and birds off.
Peas are growing well, cauliflowers, which are supposed to be ready in May, are still small.
Parsnips and beetroot in half of the near bed - I am going to try the summer leeks in the other half but I need to be sure there is no frost first.
The PSB under the near net has finished and needs removing. This bed is then waiting for courgettes (if I can get the damn things to germinate!)