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Today I harvested - 2018


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  • Couple of cabbages (small ones), some kale, runner beans, courgette, few patty pan, one gh cucumber and a handful of sprouts.


    • Originally posted by Mark_Riga View Post
      butternut and other winter squash, about 2 wheelbarrows full. 3 butternut were 5.5kg each, I just hope they are tasty.
      You�re going to have to tell me your secret! The largest butternut I grew last year was almost 2 inches long. This year�s were smaller


      • Originally posted by Mark_Riga View Post
        butternut and other winter squash, about 2 wheelbarrows full. 3 butternut were 5.5kg each, I just hope they are tasty.
        What variety of butternut squash? I've grown Hunter this year and lacks a bit in taste. Good crop from the few plants I did grow. Harvested last 12 yesterday. They are in poly tunnel just to get a little harder before storage in =the barn
        Last edited by 4Shoes; 20-10-2018, 05:32 PM.


        • I would say that the main reasons for success this year were: plenty of sunshine and adequate water and food.
          They need a long frost free growing season and were grown on in pots for a few weeks before planting out - but were never in more than a 3.5" pot.
          I planted several varieties as last year I struggled to get any to germinate. The only one I marked was Waltham as it is not an F1 variety. The one I traced back to the label weighs 3.3kg (left in the picture with one of the rugosa). I'll be having it roasted and stuffed with a modified quinoa recipe. The 3 big ones were planted out where animals have fertilized the ground for years past and recently had a good stand of nettles. They are a variety called rugosa as they look like the picture on the packet. They look more rugged than sprinter and hunter that I have grown previously. Supposed to taste good so will see.

          I found the Waltham in the middle of my asparagus bed. It had been planted in a sunny place with a couple of shovels of compost from the heap. Whenever the leaves started drooping, I watered them with a hosepipe. I had cunningly marked where the roots were this year with canes

          So some were planted in shadier places and produced small fruit and sunnier produced large fruit. Dinner tonight (and last night) was butternut squash curry, a 700g squash made enough, with onions peppers, garlic,carrot,..., for 6 servings, curry and chips tomorrow to finish. I have grown about 45kg, enough for about 400 servings of curry or 200 portions of stuffed squash, good job I like it.

          Click image for larger version

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          • Raspberries only a handful looks like I'm coming to the end of them.

            Kale, runner beans, carrots and mint.
            Location....East Midlands.


            • Kale, giant beans, Cherokee beans, calabrese


              • Carrots, last of the maincrop spuds, Swiss Chard, beetroot, last of the sweetcorn.

                Starting to feel like there's lots of "last of's...."

                Still, autumn planting onions and shallots came in the post today


                • Last noggins of the summer. It was 20C here in Suffolk this weekend and we got yet more raspberries, lettuce, Carrots, Broccoli, leeks and Toms from the greenhouse.


                  • Another hand full of raspberries. land cress, spring onions, toms and some nasturtium flowers.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • A Couple more chillies harvested.
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                      • Today was sweet potatoes, leek, parsnip, carrots, swede and sprouts.


                        • Raspberries, for breakfast.
                          Kale and carrots for soup.
                          Location....East Midlands.


                          • Harvested last of my Courgette Rugosa Friulana skins are a little tough as left them to toughen up so they’d keep longer, some blue Danube potatoes, a small pumpkin & a couple of runner beans.


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ID:	2381269V frosty here this morning. There won�t be many more fresh home grown tomatoes! So these are precious.


                              • Kale, carrots and toms.
                                Location....East Midlands.


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