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Today I harvested - 2018


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  • Another kg of chillies.


    • I just harvested the last of my tomatoes outside & most of the sweet peppers (I forgot a couple,it got dark as well so I didn�t know what I was doing) & a few courgette,there�s still two out there,they might grow a bit The second photo is my glut & the green tomatoes are from today,a lot of the red tomatoes & orange banana variety were green the other day
      Edit - I just harvested these rooster potatoes to roast with the courgettes,these are in a big tub of compost on the patio-

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      Last edited by Jungle Jane; 02-11-2018, 07:43 PM.
      Location : Essex


      • First sprouts of the season!
        First parsnips (we've had a couple of hardish frosts this week)
        Dwarf green kale
        More chard, although it's starting to look a bit battered
        Romanesco! Never successfully got one to harvest size before, no prize winners but a 'side' as the packet would say

        Gonna cook up some of the last potatoes as well


        • Corn on the cob. Ate a couple of cobs at the plot and brought the rest home for freezing.
          My Majesty made for him a garden anew in order
          to present to him vegetables and all beautiful flowers.- Offerings of Thutmose III to Amon-Ra (1500 BCE)

          Diversify & prosper


          • Another bowl of tomatoes now processed into soup. Some chard now washed and frozen for the Young Muck Lovers� smoothies.
            Two boxes of raspberries now processed into compote.
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            At this time of year the quality of tomatoes and raspberries has definitely reduced but somehow they seem really precious to me as I know the growing year is drawing to a close.


            • over the weekend Parsnips and Swiss chard.

              Took the remaining tomatoes out of the freezer[1] and the ripening tray and shoved them in the slow cooker with some bayleaves and some garlic. poured off the water after about 2 hrs then left them to it for another 4hrs(?) and then whizzed it up in a blender.

              [1] over the year we freeze the splitters, the ones that go soft before eating, and the beefsteaks and then make sauce when we get enough in one go.


              • 3 varieties of kale, leek, parsnip, swede, carrots, sprouts and chillies.
                Last edited by Small pumpkin; 06-11-2018, 03:13 PM.


                • Yesterday I harvested all my parsnip,one of the two were edible sized,that�s a one penny in the photo so it�s smallish but it�s the biggest parsnip I�ve ever grown,an achievement & I roasted it alongside what my daughter had cooking & just ate parsnip on its own like I was a rabbit grazing but I couldn�t wait to find other food to go with it,emergency eating,people do that with corn on the cob too

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                  Location : Essex


                  • Black Cherry Toms, raspberries and Nasturtium pods.
                    Location....East Midlands.


                    • 4.2kg ripe and ripening tomatoes


                      • More Black cherry toms, spicy mix lettuce and some land cress.
                        Location....East Midlands.


                        • My very last crop of tomatoes for the year. I have to say they were a sorry looking lot. But they are now processed into soup with the help of a packet of bought passata. I have loads more chopped and frozen but I had a pang of sadness that there won’t be any more of these home grown goodies fresh until next year.


                          • Last night..before the heavy frost....
                            Last 3 lettuce and all the remaining chillies( including the plants!!)
                            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

                            Location....Normandy France


                            • A head of broccoli, a couple of baby turnips and a (summer fruiting) raspberry that was obviously very confused!!


                              • Last of my tomatoes, picked some Jalapenos

                                dug last of potatoes, dug more carrots
                                I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives....

                                ...utterly nutterly


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